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1、Unit 3,1. means 工具,方法,手段(单复同形) 背:There is/are no means of getting there. 没有办法到那。 Every means has been tried. All means are unpleasant. by means of 用,依靠 by all means 务必,当然,尽一切办法,当然可以 by any means 无论如何 by no means 决不 背:-Can I use your bicycle? -_. Thoughts can be expressed _music. I am _ satisfied wit

2、h my present income. You should learn English well _.,by all means,by means of,by no means,by any means/ by all means,背:a way to do sth 做的办法 a way of doing sth 做的办法 a mothod of doing sth 做的办法 in this way 用这种方法 with the mothod 用这种方法 by this /these means 用这种、这些方法 背: 注意means单复数是一样的 There is /are no mea

3、ns of getting there . The method of teaching are in need of improving . 背: be in need of doing sth 需要做某事,2.consider 背:consider doing sth 考虑做某事 背:be considered as 被认为是 be considered to be 被认为是 be considered to do sth 被认为做了某事 be considered to have done sth 被认为做完了某事,3)考虑到,顾及到,就而论 considering 背: 放在句首,必须

4、加ing 考虑到他只学了半年英语,这也就说得不错了。 Considering he has only been learning English for half a year, he speaks it quite well. 背:全面考虑,通盘考虑 必须加ed all things considered,第15页 复习: broad :宽的 背: 肩膀,河流,林荫道,大笑 a broad street . broad shoulders , a river twenty metres broad , broad support , a broad smile 背:boarding scho

5、ol 寄宿学校 boarding calls 登机广播 背:board 的多种词义 1 木板,棋盘,董事会,伙食费, 2 go on board 在船上,在飞机上 3 boardroom 会议室 boardwalk 人行道,背:broad 宽的 前加a ,变为abroad : adv. 在国外,到国外,出国。 go abroad ,出国 be abroad ,在国外 travel abroad,旅居国外 背:board 木板 前加a ,变为aborad : adv, 在船上, 飞机上,火车上,或公共汽车上 go aborad 上船,车,飞机,17页 . experience n. 背: 经验,

6、体验 不可数名词,不加s, She has much experience of teaching . 她教学经验丰富 背:经历,可数名词,复数加s She has an unpleasent experience. 她有一次不愉快的经历。 背:experience life 体验生活 及物动词 experience hardship 经历苦难 背:experienced 有经验的,熟练的,有见识的,17页 get away (from) 逃离 run away ;escape ; be away 冬天一些人到南方去躲避寒冷。 In winter some people go to the s

7、outh to get away from cold weather. 你不可能否认事实。 You cant get away from the fact. 背:protect from 保护防止受侵害 Protect yourself from the sun . 背:instead of doing sth 与做某事相反, 经常放在句首,必须加ing,第17页. close to 离的近 be/stand/live/get close to 我们的学校离公园近。 Our school is close to the park. 我们住得靠近车站。 We live close to the

8、station. 学校附近的房子着火了。 The houses close to the school are on fire.,17页. be easy to do 主语+be +adj.+to do English is not easy to learn 这个人很难相处. The person is not easy to get along with. 这个房间够住吗? Is the room big enough to live in ? 这篇文章太难理解了. This article is too difficult to understand. This is a wonderf

9、ul land that is good for grapes_. A.to plant B.to plant in C.to grow D.to grow in Old habits are hard to _. A.break away from B.be given up C.give it up D.be breaking away,背: 在 easy, hard, difficult, comfortable, heavy, light, expensive, nice, fit, safe, pleasant + to do , 不定式用主动形式表示被动意义, 不定式 中的动词必须

10、是及物动词或动词短语. 如果我们继续污染地球,它就不适合我们居住了。 If we go on polluting the earth, it wont be fit for us to live in. 他很容易相处。 2. He is very easy to get along with. 这个房间不好打扫。 3. The room is difficult to clean.#,normal adj.正常的,常态的,正规的 背:the normal temperature of the human body 人体的正常温度 Normal School 师范学校 n.通常情况,常态,标准

11、above normal 高于常态 背: regular adj. 有规律的,定期的,整齐的,习惯性的 常指作息时间,整齐的牙齿,规则的几何图形,固定的工作,第18页. as with ( as is the same with) 就像,正如 背:后面动词必须加ing 正如画画一样,你应该仔细做这项工作。 As with drawing a picture, you should be careful in doing this job. = Just like drawing a . *as for 至于 (有时表示不大高兴) 至于你,我不想在这再见到你。 eg. As for you, I

12、 never want to see you here again.#,19页 in a few days time = a few days away=in a few days. in 和after 后接时间段,“在之后”, in 词组常与一般将来时连用;after词组常与一般过去时连用。after后接时间点,则常与一般过去时连用。 2. see sb off 为某人送行 eg. Who will go to the airport to see you off, Steve?,3. say “Hi”/ sorry/goodbye to sb. for sb. 代某人向某人问好/道歉/告别

13、 Eg. I cant come. Do say “sorry” to your teacher for me.,20页combine vt./vi. 使合并 eg. The two small shops combine to make a large one. combine.with. 与.结合 eg. Combine theory with practice.使理论与实践相结合。 2. on the other (hand )另一方面 on ( the) one hand 一方面 eg. On one hand, rafting is fun, but on the other (ha

14、nd), its dangerous.,separate adj 分开的,单独的,各自的 这个词有三个各自不同的含义。 This word has three separate meanings. 把它切成 三份。 Cut it into three separate parts. v.分开,分离 separatefrom;分开 英国和法国被英吉利海峡隔开。 England is separated from France by the Channel. 直到10点钟我们才分手。 We didnt separate until 10 oClock. separate /divide (由整体变

15、部分) _ your things from me. This house is _into parts. Bob will_the bad apples from the good ones. The teacher_the class into six groups. Six _ by two is three.#,Separate,divided,separate,divided,divided,Particular: adj.特定的、特殊的、讲究的 !)特定的、特指的(名词前) for no reason 并非因为任何特殊的理由 a period 特定阶段 2)特有的(与众不同) Th

16、e cocoanut is to the tropics. 3)挑剔的 be about 他对食物很挑剔。 He is very about food. * Im not what/how/where 我不在乎 4) in 尤其、特别 ly 修饰adj./adv./分词,短语,Means of transportation 交通方式 Experience sth 经历某事 Get away from 逃离 An unusual experience 一次不同寻常的经历 Poisonous plants 有毒的植物 Protect sb from sth 保护某人不受某物的伤害 A normal trip 一次正规的旅行 As with 就像 See sb off 为 某人送行 Combine sth with sth 把.与.,.结合在一起 On the other hand 另一方面 As well as 也,还,而且,



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