人教版六年级英语上册作业课件Unit 2 情景阅读

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1、Unit 2 情景阅读,(一)Many ways to get somewhere There are many ways to get somewhere. If you want to go someplace (某处) in your city, you can go on foot, by bike, by bus or by car. Its very fast to go by taxi. But its a little expensive. Going out by subway is a good idea, but you should make sure (确保) the

2、re is a subway station nearby. When you go to other cities or go abroad (去国外),you can go by plane, by train or by ship. Its very fast to go by plane, but its also expensive. If you have a lot of time, you can go by train or by ship. Its so nice to have so many ways to travel.,阅读短文, 判断正(T)误(F)。,( ) 1

3、. There are two ways to go somewhere.,F,( ) 2. Going out by taxi is a little expensive.,T,( ) 3. Going out on foot is very fast.,F,( ) 4. Its cheap to go by plane.,F,( ) 5. You can go to the USA by plane. Its fast.,T,(二)The Worlds First Underground Railway The worlds first underground railway opened

4、 in London in 1863. It is part of todays London Underground. Today, the London Underground is the major (主要的) public (公共的) transport (交通工具) of the city. About three million (百万) passengers (乘客) use the underground every day. It has 275 stations and is about 408 kilometres long. The,London Undergroun

5、d has become the most important part of public transport in London.,阅读短文, 选择正确的答案。,( ) 1. The word “underground” means “_”. A. train B. subwayC. plane,( ) 2. The worlds first underground railway opened in _ in 1863. A. London B. MunichC. Alaska,B,A,( ) 3. About _ passengers use the underground every day. A. 2, 000, 000 B. 3, 000, 000 C. 5, 000, 000,B,( ) 4. The worlds first underground railway has _ stations. A. 408 B. 1863 C. 275,C,( ) 5. Londons most important part of public transport is the _. A. bike B. underground C. car,B,


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