人教版六年级英语上册作业课件Unit 1 写作园地

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《人教版六年级英语上册作业课件Unit 1 写作园地》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版六年级英语上册作业课件Unit 1 写作园地(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

Unit 1 写作园地,开门见山 李明的小狗生病了, 他要去宠物医院给小狗看病, 但他不知道如何去宠物医院, 请你根据下面的图片提示写一篇短文, 介绍一下路线。(不少于50个单词),信息解读,要点点拨 本文应用一般现在时为李明指路。 参考词汇: (1)图片上的地点单词。,(2)指路的短语有go straight、turn left、turn right等。 参考句型: (1) is ill. (2)He wants to (3)But he doesnt know (4)He can (5)Its next to ,Li Mings puppy is ill._ Its next to the bank.,He wants to go to the pet hospital. But he doesnt know the way. I can help him. He is between the school and the bookstore now. He can go straight and turn right at the zoo. Then go straight down the street. The pet hospital is on the left.,实战整篇,


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