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1、外研版小学儿童英语教案总汇英语教案让学生在TRIP活动中了解不同城市不同季节的天气情况及人们所从事的不同活动.下面是小编为大家啊收集了四年级有关的英语教案,希望你们能喜欢, 外研版小学四年级英语教案汇总一 一.教学目标 1.能听.说.认读单词warm/cool/hot/cold/weather report 2.能听.说.认读句子:Good morning. This is the weather report.Its in. 3.能够简单介绍天气情况,做小小气象员. 二.教学重点: 理解和掌握单词warm/cool/hot/cold/weather 三.教学难点: 我国各地的天气状况;单词w

2、eather report的发音 how is the weather today句型的掌握. 四.教学准备: 课件,教师卡片,一根做天气预报的指挥棒 五.教学过程: 1.导入新课:同学们能谈论下今天的天气吗用英文,今天我们就来学习英文中怎么谈论天气. 2.板书: How is the weather today? 3.教师可以出示关于天气状况的日历表,给学生讲解weather的意思. 4.把How is the weather today?和It is .谈论天气的句型给学生进行讲解. 5.教会学生本课重点单词:cloud .wind .sonw. rain. sun.warm.hot.co

3、ld.cool单词. 6.进行一段小对话 Guessing game : Warm or cold? A:Its cold or warm in our classroom. B:Its warm.Now Lets play a game. A:Its warm or cold in Beijing ? B:Warm. A:Its _ in Hainan . Is it warm/cold in Hainan ? B:No. A:Its hot in Hainan.教读单词hot. B:ts hot. Id like some watermelon. What would you like?

4、A:I d like some. 7.为巩固所学单词,老师可以让学生读下列儿歌: Lets chant Weather, weather, weather report. This is the weather report. This is the weather report. Cold, cold, its cold in Harbin . Warm, warm, its warm in Beijing . Hot, hot, its hot in Hong Kong . Cool, cool, its cool in Lhasa . 六.教学结束: 布置学生背诵本课单词,掌握如何谈论天

5、气句型. 外研版小学四年级精选英语教案汇总二 教学目标 1.认读B部分Lets learn.Lets talk中的单词和句子. 2.理解Lets do.Lets chant等部分的内容. 3.句型:Can I have some , please? Sure. Here you are. 教学重难点 1.句型:Can I have some , please? Sure. Here you are. 2.单词:Knife, plate, fork, spoon, chopsticks. 教学过程 一.导入新课 复习本单元学过的食品单词 教师出示单词,学生抢答. Guess:Whats this

6、?(教师将手中的卡片背对学生,学生猜) Pair work: What would you like for? 学生结对进行问答练习并上台表演. 听一听,做一做 老师说:Pass/Give me ., 学生听口令完成动作. Lets do: Show me the hambuger. Pass me the French fries. Cut the bread. Eat the hot dog. Smell the chicken. Make the cake. 老师说:Pass/Give me ., 学生听口令完成动作. 二.学习新课 1.教师将几种食物(soup.beef.noodles

7、)的卡片贴在黑板上,把几样餐具贴在一侧,对学生说: What time is it now ? Its _:00 Its time to lunch, I want to eat some beef, how can I eat it ?Can you help me?学生提示教师使用刀叉,引出单词knife, fork, (教师将knife fork的单词卡贴beef下)教师带读几遍单词.边做边说:Use fork. I can use fork. Cut with the knife, I can cut with the knife. 鼓励学生一起做一做,说一说. 2.教师说:Here

8、is some noodles, how can I eat it ?引出单词chopsticks. 然后教师把读音分解教学.边做边说:Use chopsticks. I can use chopsticks. 鼓励学生一起做.说. 3.教师说:The soup is delicious. How can I drink it? 引出单词spoon. 教师带读几遍单词边做边说:Pass me a spoon. Use spoon. I can use spoon. 鼓励学生一起做,说. 4.教师指着图中的盘子,说:This is a plate带读,学生重复词.Can you wash the

9、 plate? Do with me. 学生边说边做. 5.开火车的读词练习. 教师发出口令:Point to the ., 孩子快速指出单词. 6.出示Lets learn部分图片,问学生:Where is it? What can you see? Who can you see?鼓励大部分孩子参与回答.听录音,理解故事.听录音跟读句子.学生分角色,小组表演故事. Lets play Whats missing? 7.教师播放Lets do部分的录音,学生模仿练习. 听一听,做一做,比比哪个小组的同学反应最快. 三.趣味训练 游戏1 猜一猜 Lets draw 教师在黑板上画一个圆,孩子猜

10、单词,教师继续完成图画,答案是:plate. 教师在黑板上画一更小的圆,学生猜词,教师继续完成图画,答案是:spoon. 教师画一个长方形的小棍,学生猜词,教师继续完成图画,答案是:fork. 教师请学生画图,其余学生猜一猜最后的图案单词. 游戏2 卡片搭配游戏 教师出示食物卡片和餐具卡片,根据食用食物应该用到的餐具常识,学生把它们搭配起来. Lets find out 学生以小组为单位做游戏. HOMEWORK: Listen to the tape and follow it after class. Good to know. 附:板书设计: Unit 5 B Lets learn Le

11、ts do C Good to know Mum, can I help? Pass me a plate/give me a fork/use the chopsticks/ Knife, plate, fork, spoon, chopsticks 外研版小学四年级精选英语教案汇总三 教学目标 1. 能听.说.认读单词favourite和food. 2. 继续谈论最喜欢的食物并给出原因. 3. 能完成Lets try部分的听力任务. 教学重难点 1. 能听.说.认读单词favourite和food. 2. 继续谈论最喜欢的食物并给出原因. 教学过程 (一).课前热身 1.猜一猜 教师请两三

12、位学生上讲台,写出自己最喜欢的食物,其他学生猜一猜,如: T: Guess! Whats her / his favourite food? Ss: Ice cream? T: No, guess again. Ss: Salad? T: Yes, youre right. _iong Da, Whats your favourite food? Lan Yangyang, Whats your favourite food? Grace, Whats your favourite food? Kimi,Whats your favourite drink? 2. 教师随机出示上节课学习的五个

13、单词的词卡,全班学生表演相应的动作. (二).新课呈现 1. B. Lets talk (1) 教师在黑板上画出自己喜欢吃的几种食物,说:Look! There is ice cream, hamburgers, bread and noodles on the blackboard. They are food. They are my favourite food.,教师边说边在黑板上画几个笑脸,帮助学生理解favourtite food的意思. (2) 介绍对话情景. T: Sarah and Zhang Peng are talking about todays menu. Lets go and see what they would like to eat today. (3) 教师出示本部分的教学挂图,问:What food and drink are in todays menu?,学生根据情景图回答:There are noodles, beef, fish, sandwich, tomato soup and milk in todays me


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