人教PEP版三年级英语上册《Unit 3 Part B 第二课时》教学课件优秀公开课

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1、Unit 3 Look at me!,Part B Lets learn & Lets do,人 教 PEP 版 英 语 三 年 级 上 册,Riddles.,( C)1. Im yellow. I have a big mouth. ( A )2. Im black and white. I have big eyes. ( E )3. Im brown. I have small eyes and big ears. ( B )4. Im white. I have a big head.,A.,B.,C.,D.,E.,Warm up,Do as I say.,Blue team,Yell

2、ow team,Green team,Red team,What this?,This is the Its a puppet.,Lead in,Sarah and Mike are making a puppet. Lets listen.,This is the arm.,This is the leg.,Lets learn,head,bodyleg,foot,arm hand,Presentation,What do we need to make a puppet?,This is the head.,Touch your head.,What do we need to make

3、a puppet?,This is the body.,Shake your body.,What do we need to make a puppet?,This is the arm.,Wave your arms.,What do we need to make a puppet?,This is the hand.,Clap your hands.,Hand or Head?,What do we need to make a puppet?,This is the leg.,Shake your legs.,What do we need to make a puppet?,Thi

4、s is the foot.,Stamp your foot.,leg,arm,hand,body,foot,feet,This is the ,mouth,face,arm,legs,nose,ear,hand,head,body,feet,leg,Play a game “我指你说” foot,eye,Practice,Play a game “我指你说”,head,Play a game “我说你指”,Lets do,Watch the video andfollow.,Stamp your foot.,Shake your body.,Shake your legs.,Listen t

5、o the tape, read and then do the actions. Clap your hands.Touch your head. Wave your arms.,Pair work,两人一组,一名同学发出指令,另一名同学快速做出动作。,Group work,小组内一名同学发出指令,其他同学快速做出动作。做错的 同学被淘汰。坚持到最后的一名同学是获胜者。,Class work,全班进行比赛,由一名同学发出指令。全班同学快速做出动作。 出错的同学将被淘汰,坚持到最后的同学是获胜者。,Drawa puppet thenintroduce it.,This is my puppet

6、. This is the ,一、看图片,选出正确的单词。,Exercises,3.Shake you body.,1.Clap your hands.2.wave your arms. 4.Touch your head.5.Stamp your foot.,(,( 4 )(,3 ),1,)( 5)(2),二、读句子, 写序号。,1. 学习了下列单词:head, body, hand, arm, leg, foot。 2.学习了介绍身体部位的句型: This is the 3.学习了指令:Clap your hands. Touch your head. Wave your arms. Shake your legs. Stamp your foot.,Summary,七彩课堂,伴你成长,听录音跟读Lets learn,和Lets do。,one,two 做一个木偶,并介绍给 你的家人。,Homework,谢谢观看,Thank You,


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