人教PEP版三年级英语上册《Unit 6 Part B 第一课时》教学课件优秀公开课

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1、Unit 6 Happy birthday!,Part B Lets talk& Lets play,人 教 PEP 版 英 语 三 年 级 上 册,公安报警: 110,Warm up Can you read?,医疗救护: 120,114,查号台:,119,火警:,I do you say.,Lead in,I see ,oneplate,Look and say.,four ducks,threeeggs,twocrayons,five books,Look and say.,-How many candles?,-,six seven eight nine ten,Watch and s

2、ing.,Presentation,Today is Sams birthday. Lets say happy birthday to him.,Sam,Lets talk,How old is Sam?,He is six years old. Lets watch.,Watch again and answer. Sam is Sarahs brother. Johns brother.,John, this is my brother, Sam.,Hi, Sam. Happy birthday!,How old are you?,Thank you. Im six years old.

3、,Listen to the tape and follow.,Language points,Happy birthday! Thank you.,【详解】“Happy birthday!”是广泛使用的生日祝福语,其后可以 接“to + 某人”来具体说明祝福的对象。收到别人的祝福后,我们 一定记得表达感谢“Thank you.”。 【拓展】其他表示祝贺的常用语: Happy Childrens Day! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!,How old are you? Im six years old.,【详解】此句是询问他人年龄的常用语。how old意为

4、“几岁;多 大”,答语中的years old可以省略。 句型结构:How old + be + 主语? 主语 + be + 数字(+ year/years old)./数字. e.g.-How old are you, Chen Jie? -Im nine (years old)./Nine.,John, this is my brother, Sam.,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,Hi, Sam. _H_a_p_p_y _b_ir_t_h_d_ay_!,H_o_w o_ld ar_e_y_o_u_?,T_h_a_n_k_y_o_u. I_m s_

5、ix y_e_ar_s_o_l_d_.,Look and say.,A: How old are you? B: ,Practice,Lets make a new dialogue and act out.,e.g.,Sarah: Hello, John. Hello, Mike. This is my brother, Sam.,John & Mike: Hi, Sam. Happy birthday! Sam: Thank you. John & Mike: How old are you, Sam? Sam: Im six years old. How old are you, Joh

6、n? John: Im 8. Sam: How old are you, Mike? Mike: 9. Sarah: Lets eat the cake.,Whats your name? Im Jin Bao. How old are you?Im four years old.,Lets play,Pair work. (以小组为单位制作卡片,然后练习对话。),Whats your name? Im How old are you?Im,Hi! Nice to meet you. Thank you. Im 9.,一、选择正确的答语。 (D) How old are you? (C) Ha

7、ppy birthday! (A) Hello, Sarah. (B) This is my friend Wu Yifan.,Exercises,二、排序,组成一段对话。,(4)Thank you. (1) John, this is my brother, Sam. (5) How old are you? (2) Hi, Sam. (3) Happy birthday! (6) Im six years old.,学习了如何询问他人年龄和表达自己年龄的句型: How old are you? Im (yea七r/ye彩ars o课ld)./堂 学习了祝贺他伴人生你日快成乐和长回答的句型: Happy birthday! Thank you.,Summary,伴你成长,talk部分内容。,听录音跟读L七ets 彩课堂制作卡片和小组成员,一起做Lets play。,one,two,Homework,谢谢观看,Thank You,


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