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1、broke the darkness in a second,With the sun rising,the whole world seemed to be totally,blank,It wasnt too long before the sun sank in the west,在认识的单词前打“” kingdom nprovince n. credit n. currency n. institution n. educational adj. historical adj. nationwide adj.,architecture n. port n. opportunity n.

2、 fax n thrill; clarify; accomplish; describe; with; consist Step 3:核对答案并背诵短文,clarify,accomplish,enjoyable,.话题书面表达 假设你是李华,你校的外教Lucy打算下周末去北京进行一次短途旅行,希望你推荐一个最值得去的景点。请你用英文回信,向她推荐颐和园,内容包括: 简要介绍颐和园(中国现存的最完整的皇家花园,著名景点包括昆明湖、万寿山、十七孔桥等);如有需要,愿意陪同前往。,take the place of the Summer Palace,a famous,tourist attract

3、ion,should have built such splendid buildings,If you dont have enough time available but dont want to,leave out any attractions,I suggest that you _ (列出你想看的地方的清单)While you are visiting the palace,_ (留心看以使你的旅行愉快) If it is necessary,Id like to be your guide and give you a detailed description during y

4、our trip. Yours, Li Hua,(should) make a list of what you want to see,keep your eyes open to make your trip enjoyable,(二)按要求升级词汇和句式 1用本单元所学词汇升级加波浪线词汇 (1)glad_ (2)is made up of_,delighted,consists of,2利用状语从句的省略形式升级句和 (1)_ (2)_,Id like to be your guide and give you a detailed description during your tr

5、ip.,While visiting the palace,keep your eyes open to make your trip enjoyable.,If necessary,光辉文化 the Yellow River黄河 the Great Wall长城 the Palace Museum故宫 the West Lake西湖 classical Chinese garden 中国园林 Huangshan黄山 city sightseeing城市观光,off season淡季 high season旺季 bring history alive再现历史 be distinguished as作为闻名 ancient Chinese architecture中国古代建筑 with/have a history of有的历史 pack a suitcase收拾行李 places of interest名胜古迹,


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