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1、2021-2021 学年四年级下学期英语期末试卷100 分,考试时间 90 分钟)学号(本卷满分姓名学校分数二、 听音,判定与图片内容相符的划 “ ”,不相符画听力部分( 30 分)“ ”(10 分);一、听录音,标序号1. ()2. ()3. ()4. ()5. ()三、 . 听录音 , 挑选正确的答语 ( 10 分)()1. A. Its on the first floor.B. It s so big.()2. A. Forty-fiveB. I can see twenty-five.()3. A. Its five clockB. It s cloudy.()4. A. Yes,

2、you can.B. No, he cant.() 5.A. It s big.B. It s cold.笔试部分( 70 分)一、 .读一读,选出每组中不同类的单词(10 分)()1. A firstBsecondCforty()2. A classBlunchCdinner()3. A coldBwarmCart()4. A musicBP.E.Clibrary()5. A breakfastBplaygroundC art room()()()()()二、按要求把右栏前的序号填在左栏前的括号内( 8 分)1.() long (反义词 )a. it2.()my(对应词 )b. potato

3、es3 .() sheep(复数形式 )c. that4. () hot (反义词 )d. sheep5.() is(复数形式 )e. your6.() this(对应词 )f. are()()()()()7. () potato(复数形式 )g. short18. () they(单数形式 )h. cold三、单项题,在括号内填序号; (10 分)()1.Look at those boots.How much they .A. isB. are()2.This is my father. He looks very A. longB. strong()3.Can I wear my shi

4、rt.Yes, you .A. canB. can t()4.It s snowy in Harbin. It is very , too.A.coldB.hot()5.Whats the weather like Beijing.A. onB. in()6. shoes are they. They are my brothers.A. WhoseB.Where()7.How many are there in your family.A.studentsB.Pen()8.It is five o clock. It s time go home.A. forB.to()9.They re

5、my uncles. They re .A. pearsB. doctors第 1 页,共 4 页第 2 页,共 4 页2()10.What are . They are cucumbers.六、 .把以下句子排成一段完整的对话(10 分)( 6)26degrees.Thats cold.A. thisB. these( 1)Hi,Chenjie.This is Mark.四、B 栏里找出 A 栏的正确答句;( 10分)()It s 26 degrees.)Whats the weather like in USA.A(() 1. Are they your ducks.()It s rain

6、y.How about Beijing.)Hi,mark.() 2. What is the weather like today ?()No, it isn t, itwarms.() 3. What time is it now.(() 4.How many horses are there.七判定正误,正确的写T,错误的写 F;(10 分)() 5. Where is the teachers office.() 6. What are these .My name is John. I m 12. I like sports very much. I getup at 7:00 tod

7、ay. Oh, it s time for breakfast. I wear aByellowT-shirt with the blue shorts.At7:50, I go toA.It s on the first floor.B.No , they arent .school with Mike. We are classmates. Our classroom isC. It s cloudy and coolD.They are hens .on the firstfloor.It s big and nice. There are twoE.It s three oclock.

8、F.There are four.blackboards, four fans, six lights and many desks andchairs in it.We love our school very much.五、连词成句 ( 12 分 )() 1.John likes math very much.1、clour , it , is, What() 2.John gets up at 7:50. ?_() 3.John wears a yellow T-shirt with the blue shorts.2、today , warm , is , It() 4.The art

9、 room is on the first floor. .() 5.There are six lights in Johns classroom.3、for , It , time , math , is , class .4、this, Is , T-shirt , your, .5、it , much , is, How .6 How , horsesare , there, many .参考答案:一、 听录音,标序号;1.Its time for English. 2.Its cloudy .3.Whats the weather like .It s windy. 4.Its ho

10、t today.5.Its time for P.E. Class.Lets play football. 6.Its 7:00pm.Its time for dinner.7.Is it sunny.No,its rainy. This is the二、听音,判定与图片内容相符的划“1.Go to the library read some books. 2.Time for breakfast,drink some milk. 3.Its 9:00p.m.Its time to go to bed. 4.Is it cloudy.No it isnt.Its sunny.5.Go to t

11、he playground play football. 8.Its time for music.9. Its cold outside.三、听录音 , 挑选正确的答语1. Where is the art room.”,不相符画“ ”2. How many students are there in your class.3. What time is it.4. Can I have some soup. 5.Whats the weather like today.笔试部分一、CACCA 二、gedhfcba 三、1-5BBAAB 6-10AABBB四、BCEFAD五、1.What clour is it. 2.It is warm today.3.It istime for math class. 4.This is your T-shirt.5. How much is it.6.How many horses are there.六、6153827 七、FFTFT


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