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1、中考英语考纲词汇用法详解DdaddAd n. (口语)爸爸,爹爹:Dad and I had a good laugh over it. 我和爸爸为此大笑了一场。/ Where shall we go, dad? 爸,咱们到哪儿去? dancedB:ns v. 跳舞:That music always makes me want to dance. 听到这支乐曲我就想跳舞。/ She dances well. 她舞跳得好。danger5deindVE n. 危险:I warned him of the danger. 我警告过他说有危险。/ They saved him from danger

2、. 他们使他脱险了。dangerous5deindVErEs adj. 危险的:The more dangerous it is, the more I like it. 越是危险我越喜欢。/ I dont regard you as being dangerous. 我觉得你这个人并不危险。darkdB:k adj. 深(浓)色的;黑暗的:The cave was quite dark inside. 洞里相当黑。/ It began to get dark. 天黑下来了。/ I like that suit of dark color. 我喜欢那套深颜色的衣服。datedeit n. 日期

3、:What is the date today? 今天是几号?/ The date on this letter is 7 July 1975. 信上写的日期是1975年7月7日。daughter5dC:tE n. 女儿:They have two sons and one daughter. 他们有两个儿子和一个女儿。daydei n. 日;一天:Every day they went to the park nearby. 他们每天到附近的公园去。/ Can I have the day off tomorrow? 明天我可以请假吗?【短语】in the day 在白天:He is alw

4、ays working at night and sleeping in the day. 他总是晚上工作白天睡觉。daytime5deitaim n. 白天:You cant see them in the daytime. 在白天,你看不见他们。deadded adj. 死的:Theres a dead cat in the house. 房里有只死猫。deafdef adj. 聋的:She is deaf in (of) one ear. 她一只耳朵是聋的dealdI:l n. (口语)协议;交易:We have made a deal with an Italian company.

5、我们已经与一家意大利公司达成协议。/ We need a square deal. 我们需要公平的待遇。deathdeW n. 死,死亡:The death of a friend is always sad. 一个朋友的去世总是令人悲伤的。/ Most people are afraid of death. 多数人都害怕死亡。Decemberdi5sembE n. 十二月:December is the last month of the year. 十二月是一年的最后一个月。/ The weather in December is cold. 十二月的天气很冷。decidedi5said

6、v. 决定;决心:Youll have to decide what to do. 你得决定做什么。/ The date hasnt been decided yet. 日期还没有定好。decisiondi5siVn n .决定;决心:The man lacks decision. 这个人缺乏判断力。/ They have made the final decision. 他们作出了最后的决定。decorate5dekEreit v. 装饰,修饰:The family decorate the Christmas tree with glass balls and lights. 全家人用玻璃

7、球和小灯泡装饰圣诞树。/ The street is decorated with red flags. 街上悬挂着红旗。deepdi:p adj. 深的:The river is not deep and big ships can not use it. 这条河不深,大船不能航行。/ The lake is three meters deep. 湖水深3米。deerdiE n. 鹿:We saw a herd of deer of twenty. 我们看见一群20只的鹿。【说明】deer的单数和复数形式同形。deliciousdi5liFEs adj. 美味的,可口的:They taste

8、d delicious. 太好吃了。/ What delicious food youve cooked! 你做了多么好吃的食物啊!describedi5skraib v. 描写,叙述:She described the man she had seen. 她描述她看见过的那个人的模样。/ He described his journey at full length. 他详细地介绍了他的旅程。descriptiondi5skripFn n. 描写,叙述:The scenery of the West Lake is beautiful beyond description. 西湖风景美得难以

9、形容。/ She gave us a description of him. 她向我们描述了他的模样。desert5dezEt n. 沙漠:The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world. 撒哈拉是世界上最大的沙漠。/ Once an Arab was traveling in the desert on his camel. 从前有一位阿拉伯人骑着骆驼在沙漠中旅行。deservedi5zE:v v. 应得;值得:The question deserves your attention. 这个问题值得你注意。/ Jill deserves a hol

10、iday after so much work. 吉尔干这么多工作,应享受一次假期。deskdesk n.书桌:He is working at his desk. 他正伏案工作。detectivedi5tektiv n. 侦探:A railway detective arrested him. 一个铁路侦探逮捕了他。/ They are detective stories. 那些是侦探故事。developdi5velEp v. 发展;研制,开发:Our knowledge grows and the universe develops. 我们的知识在增长而宇宙在发展。/ He develop

11、ed the little shop into a big store. 他把小铺子发展成一个大商店。diagram5daiEgrAm n. 图表:Look at the diagram and choose the right words. 看图表选择正确的词。 diary5daiEri n. 日记;日记本:I used to keep a diary. 我从前记日记。/ He begins to write in his diary. 他开始在他的日记本上写东西。dictionary5dikFEnri n. 字典,词典:Are these your dictionaries? 这些词典是你

12、的吗?/ If you dont know the word, look it up in a dictionary. 你如果不认识单词,可以查词典。 diedai v. 死:Plants and people will die without water. 没有水,植物就要枯死,人就要渴死。/ He died for the country. 他为国捐躯了。different5difrEnt adj. 不同的:It was quite different from what I expected. 它和我原来想的很不一样。/ He is different from me. 他与我不同。di

13、fficult5difikElt adj. 困难的,难的:Theres nothing difficult about it. 这没有什么困难。/ It is difficult for me to pass the driving test. 对我来说要通过驾驶考试是很困难的。digdig (dug, dug) v. 挖,掘:They are digging sweet potatoes. 他们在挖白薯。/ We dug a deep well. 我们挖了一口深井。digital5didVitl adj. 数字式的:He bought a digital watch. 他买了一块数字式手表。

14、/ Digital display has been common. 数字显示已经很普通了。dimdim adj. 微暗的;昏暗的:He cant see in the dim light. 光线暗淡,他看不见东西。/ We cant read because the light is too dim. 灯光太暗了,我们无法看书。dinner5dinE n. 正餐,晚餐:Time for dinner. 吃饭的时间到了。 / What time is dinner served? 什么时候开饭?directlydi5rektli adv. 直接地:The train goes directly

15、 to London. 这列火车直达伦敦。/ He answered my question very directly. 他很直率地回答了我的问题。dirty5dE:ti adj. 脏的:The boys were very dirty after playing football. 这些男孩子踢完足球一身弄得很脏。/ He is washing his dirty clothes.他正在洗他的脏衣服。disappear7disE5piE v. 消失:He walked away and disappeared into a crowd of people. 他走开了,消失在人群中。disa

16、ppearance7disE5piErEns n. 消失;失踪:Nobody knows the reason for his disappearance. 谁也不知道他为什么不见了。discoverdis5kQvE v. 发现,发觉:Columbia discovered America in 1492. 哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲。/ We have discovered that he is quite careful in his work. 我们发现了他工作很仔细。discussdi5skQs v. 讨论,议论:We discussed our plans for the new term. 我



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