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1、国际经济合同句子构造 国际经济合同文件及其法律文件中的英文句子具有构造严谨、句式较长的特点。 为了做到精确、紧密、清晰、易解,这类英文句子的构造有其本人的一定规那么,较典型的确实是状语的位置。 主句中状语的位置 一般应放在shall,may等情态助动词之后,行为动词之前。 A listed company shall, pursuant to laws and administrative regulations, make public periodically its financial and operational conditions. The listed company shal

2、l, in each fiscal year, publish its financial statements once every six months. 上市公司必须按照法律、行政法规的规定,定期公开财务情况和运营情况,在每会计年度内半年公布一次财务会计报告。 A foreign company may, pursuant to this law, establish branches within the Territory of China, and may engage in production and operational activities. 外国公司按照本法规定能够在中

3、国境内设立分支机构,从事消费运营活动。 从句中状语的位置 假如法律文件中的句子为复合句,那么从句中状语的位置通常应放在连词if 或when等的后面,从句句子的前面。 If,during the effective term of a takeover offer, the purchaser needs to alter any items in the takeover offer, the purchaser shall submit a report to the securities regulatory authorities under the State Council and

4、the stock exchange in advance. The purchaser shall, after approval of the report, make the fact in question know to the public. 在收买要约的有效期限内,收买人需要变更收买要约中事项的,必须事先向国务院证券监视治理机构及证券买卖所提出报告,经获准后予以公布。 从句简单方式在句中的位置 假如主从句中的从句是简单方式,那么从句应插入主句之中,并应该放在shall之后行为动词之前。 The Contractor shall, if called upon so to do,

5、enter into and execute the Contract Agreement to be prepared and completed at the cost of the Employer in the form annexed to these conditions with such modifications as may be necessary. 在被邀请签约时,承包人应同意签订并履行合同协议书,该协议书由业主按照本合同条件所附格式拟定,如有必要,可对其进展修正。该协议书的拟定和签订费用由业主承担。 关于such as的用法 由于法律文件的语言要求紧密、精确,以防止似

6、是而非,造成误解,通常用such ?as作关系代词来引到从句,把所修饰的词或词组放在such和as之间,如此使意思明确,从而防止了日后因理解不一致引起纠纷。假设所修饰的词组较多较长,有时可用such ?such ?as的构造。 假设用根底英语中常用的which,that来作关系代词引到定语从句,容易引起争议。 (发出)施工、完成工程及修补工程中缺陷所必须的补充图纸和指示 such Supplementary Drawings and instructions as shall be necessary for the execution and the remedying of any def

7、ects therein. Supplementary Drawings and instructions that shall be necessary for the execution and the remedying of any defects therein. 合同一方可能会理解为that后的从句只修饰instructions而不修饰Drawings. Where increasing quantities of imported products cause or threaten to cause serious injury to domestic products of like or such producers as directly compete with their foreign counterparts for the products, the state may take necessary safeguard measures to remove or ease such injury or threat of injury. 因进口产品数量增加,使国内一样或者与其直截了当竞争的产品的消费者遭到严峻损害或者严峻损害的威胁时,国家能够采取必要的保障措施,消除或者减轻这种损害或者损害威胁。



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