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1、|精.|品.|可.|编.|辑.|学.|习.|资.|料.自我测试 81. Bill is a good student, A his best subject.比尔为一个好同学,数学为最好的学科A. mathematics being数学2. WeatherC ,the picnic will be held as scheduled.假如天气 答应野餐将如期举办C permitting答应3. Terry did not have time to go to the cinema yesterday because she was busyD for the term exam.特里没有时间去

2、看电影,由于她忙于预备期末考试D) preparing预备4. For miles and miles ,I could see nothingC a great fire and lots of smoke .绵延数英里,我们能看到的只为大火和浓烟之外C except除外5. In another case or so ,youD all about it.在另一种情形下,你会忘掉它D will have forgotten会遗忘6. The recent issue of this periodical is worth B最近出版的刊物很值得一读B reading读7. Tom deci

3、ded toC painting.汤姆打算做画C work on打算做8.I fall in love with himA first sight .我爱上他一见钟情A at9. The shop assistant didn t give me the rightA那个售货员没有给我正确的转变A change转变10. “ WhereA the camera I can t see it anywhere.你把相机放在那了我都看不见“ Iit right here .But now it s gone. ” 我放在这里;但为现在不见了A) did you put你把; put放11. It

4、is possible for beautiful lady to make a very .goodDfrom modeling.能为由于美丽的女士作了一个很好的生活从建模D living生活12. More than one person Athat kind of experience.一个以上的人都有过这种体会A has had都有13. FiftyC people were present at the meeting.五万人出席了会议C thousand数千14. The assignment for Monday is to writeA about your hometown.

5、星期一的作业为写一五hundred-word组成关于你的家乡A) a five hundred-word composition一五 hundred-word组成15. He is theAof the two boys in their family.他为两者中较高那个男孩们家庭A taller高16. The Yangtze River at Nanjing is even wider and deeper thanB长江的南京更广泛和更深的比在武汉B that at Wuhan在武汉17. Asia isD among the seven continents在七大洲亚洲为最大的D th

6、e largest最大的18. The girl with long hair Cme of someone I know.长头发的女孩让我想起我熟悉的一个人C reminds使想起最新范本 ,供参考!|精.|品.|可.|编.|辑.|学.|习.|资.|料.19.I was angry that I feltA something at him.我很愤怒,我想朝他扔东西A like throwing扔20. The harder you work, C progress you will make.你越努力工作,进步就越大C the greater越大21. ThereC good news t

7、onight.今晚有一个好消息C is22. D is very important in our daily life.在我们的日常生活诚恳为特别重要的D Honesty诚恳23.I met George on campusA.前几天我在校内遇到乔治;A the other day前几天24. An increase in a nation s money supply, without an accompanying increase in economic activity, Aresult in higher prices.一个国家的货币供应量增长,没有相应的增加,在经济活动中,往往会

8、导致更高的价格A) tends导致25. Physics ,as well as mathematics, A important to us.物理以及数学对我们很重要A is26. The childrenB play in the garden.孩子们将不去花园里玩B aren t going to不去27. None of themAwrong.没有人为错的A is为28.A person who is constantly worried about the loss ofAjob is not likelyto do very good work.一个人谁为不断担忧失去他的工作为不行

9、能做的很不错的工作A his他29.A circle is a differentAfrom a square.一个环为一个不同的外形从广场A shape 外形30. ” Does your telephone work now .” 你的电话目前的工作? “ No. ItBneeds to be fixed.” 不,仍旧需要加以固定B) still仍二(31-35)31. Hamburgers and French fries can be got atBthe fast food restaurants.汉堡和薯条可以到大多数的快餐店得到B most of大多数的32. What do p

10、eople do when they come to a fast food restaurant. D当他们来到一个快餐店人们做什么吗?D They do one of the three above-mentioned things.他们做上述三个东西33. Why do Americans like to go to fast food restaurants. A美国人为什么喜爱去快餐店吃饭?A It is because fast food restaurant are fast ,informal , and inexpensive. A 为由于快餐店为快速的,不拘礼节的,廉价的3

11、4. Isthe food infastfood restaurantsalwaysreadybeforethe customersorderit.为食品在快餐店总为预备好之前,客户订单吗?D No. Not always ,but usual.不总为,但平常35. Seafood and ice-cream are served at all fast food restaurants ,aren t they.海鲜和冰淇淋为在全部的快餐店,不为吗?|精.|品.|可.|编.|辑.|学.|习.|资.|料.C No, I m afraid not.不,我不行怕;(36-40)36. Accord

12、ing to the passage ,how often does REM sleep occur in one night. C依据这篇文章,如何往往睡眠发生在一个晚上?C Four or five times四或五次37. The word “ deeper ” in paragraph1 isclosestAinmeaning to which ofthe following.深化” 1 款最重意义以下哪些?A) heavier最重38. Which of the following shows that a person is NOT dreaming in his sleep. C

13、下面哪一个人不在他的睡眠?C His heart rate increase.他的心率增加39. The subject of this passage isD本文的主题为通过物理变化在人体D physical changes in the human body物理变化在人体40. Which of the following is the best title of the article. A以下哪个为最好的文章的标题?A REM Sleep.睡眠(41-45)41. College education isAin America.高校训练在美国相当普遍A quite common普遍42

14、. Which of the following is NOT required for entering most private schools. B以下哪项为不需要进入大多数私立学校?B Taking part in many activities.参与很多活动43. How can poor students attend private schools. D穷人怎样才能参与私立学校的同学?D All of above.上面全部的44. The American college students like toAmost of all.美国高校生喜爱争论哲学问题最重要A discuss problems on philosophy争论哲学问题45. The best title for this passage isB.这篇文章的正确标题为B American College美国高校(46-55)Inve



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