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1、|精.|品.|可.|编.|辑.|学.|习.|资.|料.自我测试 31. If youBto see that person, what would you say to him.假如你见到那人,你会对他说些什么?B. were为 are 的过去式2. James has just arrived, but I didn t know heDuntil yesterday.杰姆斯刚刚到达,但我不知道他来直到昨天D. was coming 来了3. Although he was in a hurry, he stoppedBthe old man to carry the heavy box.虽

2、然他很忙,他停下来帮忙老人提着繁重的箱子B. to help 帮忙4. He realized little that he had missed his chance,B. 他意识到,他已经错过了机会B. did he他5. By the time youDmy letter, I will have left for Boston.等到你收到我的信,我将离开波士顿D. receive 收到6. The new equipment is consideredAgreat use for engineering construction.新设备被使用的宏大工程建设A. of 关于;属于 的;由

3、 制成7. What we are doingCgood to the people. 我们所做的为很好的人;C. is 为8. It s about time that this problemB. 它的时候,这个问题应当得到解决B. should be settled要解决9. Can you imagineCwithout electricity.你能想象没有电的生活吗?C. living生活方式10. Do you rememberAto Mr. Mansfield during your last visit.你仍记得被介绍给曼斯菲尔德先生在您上次拜访?A. being introd

4、uced 介绍11. enough time, I would have gone into that subject more deeply.假如我有足够的时间,我会进入这个主题更深刻A) Had I had假如我有12. You cant helpcommercials. Every few minutes, the program is interrupted you one advertising something or other.你不能听到的广告;每隔几分钟,这个方案被中断,给你一个广告或其他东西;D) hearing , to give听,给13.A suitcase with

5、 shirts, trousers and shoesDfrom the car.一个手提箱衬衫,裤子和鞋子被偷的汽车D. was stolen 被偷了14. do you prefer, this one or that one.你更喜爱哪个,这个仍为那个?B)Which 哪一个15. Look at these clouds.B. B. It s going to rain 要下雨了吗看那些云;要下雨了吗16. Their efforts andCto “getahead”have produced some excellent results.他们的努力和野心“超前” ,产生了一些优秀的

6、成果;C. ambition 追求;有野心最新范本 ,供参考!|精.|品.|可.|编.|辑.|学.|习.|资.|料.17. There arent many pandasAin the world today.世界上没有多少熊猫今日活着A. alive 活着的18. The prices of fridges have beenCrecently. 最近 , 冰箱的价格已经被切断C. cut off切断19. ItCto me that he was jealous. 我想到他为嫉妒C. occurred 发生20. No one knew the doctor s addressAhis d

7、aughter.没有人知道医生的地址除了他的女儿;A. except除外21. He spoke so quickly that I did notAwhat he said. 他讲得太快,我不清晰他说的什么;A. catch赶上;接住22.I like that new watch very much, but I cantBit. 我喜爱新的看得很,但我买不起;B. afford 买得起23. The refugees need many things, butB, they need food and medicine.难民们需要的东西很多,但最重要的为,他们需要食物和药物;B. abo

8、ve all最重要的为24. When his book was published, it didAthe interest of many readers.当他的书出版了,这引起了很多读者的爱好A. arouse 引起25. The letters PTOAparent-teacher organization. 字母山口站老师组织A. stand for 代表26. The research laboratory is going toCthe new type of computer to use.讨论试验室将新型运算机使用C. put 放27. He is working very

9、hard toBthe lost time in the past 10 years.他特别努力的工作以补偿失去的时间,在过去的10 年里;B. make up for补偿28. Cof natural resources, it is one of the poorest countries in the world.在资源条件,它为一个在世界上最贫困的国家C. In condition可使用状况29. It s a goodBto eat with the mouth closed.这为一个好习惯吃闭着嘴;B. habit 习惯30. Our friendship isAand we wi

10、ll never again be separated. 复原了友情, 我们再也不分开;A. restored使复原二(31-35)31. Trees cannot be usedA. 树木不能用作食物A. as food 作为食物32. If there are no trees,D. 假如没有树木,上述全部D. all of the above 上述全部33. In the tropics it is very warmC. 在热带地区,这为特别四季温和C. all the year round 一年四季34. According to the author,B. 依据作者,沙漠地区曾经为

11、肥沃的地区B. the desert areas used to be fertile areas沙漠地区曾经为肥沃的地区35. The best title for the passage isB. 这篇文章的正确标题为树木的重要性|精.|品.|可.|编.|辑.|学.|习.|资.|料.B. The Importance of Trees树的重要性(36-40)36. How much energy given off by the sun reaches the earth. B 多少能量从太阳到达地球?B. only a very tiny amount只有一个特别小的数量37. The

12、reason why all the solar energy falling on the earth can t be utilized is thatD.为什么全部的太阳能倒在地上不能利用的为D. our scientific knowledge is not sufficient我们的科学学问为不够的38. Which of the following statements is NOT true. C以下哪个陈述为不正确的?C. Some day man will be able to utilize 100%ofthe solar energy that gets to the e

13、arth.C. 总有一天,人类将能利用100% 的太阳能到达地球;39. In order to support this argument, the write gives the example thatA.为了支持这一论点,写为例,利用太阳能有效地已经被开发A. a machine using solar energy efficiently has already been developedA.使用太阳能,有效地已经被开发40. This passage centers mainly onD. 本文主要集中太阳辐射量,可以利用;D. the amount of solar energ

14、y that can be utilized太阳能量,可以利用(41-45)41. If a person finds getting up early a problem, most probablyD.假如一个人发觉早起的一个问题,他很可能为在他的高峰在下午或晚上D. he is at his peak in the afternoon or evening他在他的高峰在下午或晚上42. Which of the following may lead to family quarrels according to the passage. A以下哪项可能导致家庭争执依据通过?A. Unawareness of energy cycles.意识到能量周期;43. If one wants to work more efficiently at his low point in the morning, he shouldC.假如要更有效地工作在低一点的早晨,他应当克服懒散C. ove



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