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1、全国 2006年 10 月高等教育自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码: 00838 Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement (20%) 1Venus is the Roman god of ( ) Abeauty and love Ba

2、griculture Cthe departed spirits Dthe sea 2The expression “ to kick the bucket ” means ( ) Ato be angry Bto go away Cto die Dto get out 3Oscar is a ( ) Areligious name Bflower name Cname of authority Dweapon name 4In English culture “ green” connotes ( ) Alongevity Bprosperity Cimmaturity Dsincerity

3、 5The phrasal verb “ look towards” corresponds in meaning to the single word: ( ) Ainspect Bexamine Cseek Danticipate 6 The English-speaking people use the word “ chicken” metaphorically to refer to ( ) Aa small creature Ba coward Ca fool Da hero 7Camellia is a ( ) Areligious name Bflower name Cweap

4、on name Dname of authority 8A game played on horseback by two teams of players on a ground is called ( ) Ahockey Bpolo Crugby Dgolf 9 A sweet dish typically composed of fruit baked with pastry is called ( ) A hamburger B sandwich C hot dog D pudding 10 The nonverbal messages that are consistent with

5、 accompanying verbal messages, but add to or strengthen or clarify the verbal message serve the function of ( ) Aregulating Brepeating Ccomplementing Daccenting 11 The word coined in 1971 to refer to either a male or a female who presides over a meeting or an organization is “” ( ) Achair-sitter Bch

6、airperson Cpresident Dpressman 12 The racist word for persons of Italian of Spanish birth or descent is “ _” ( ) ADagos BKikes CJaps DPolacks 13Textual connectives are used to link _ ()Awords and phrases in a sentence Bclauses in a sentence Csentences and paragraphs Ddifferent texts 14贵府is equivalen

7、t to in English ()Ayour honorable home Byour home Cyour valuable house Dyour house 15 Language, culture, and thought , each influencing and shaping the other two ()Aalternate Bchange Cinteract Dsubstitute 16 “Chewing one s finger nails” signifies ()Acontempt Bguilty Chappiness Dworry 17The relations

8、hip between language and culture is that ()Alanguage and culture interact Bculture determines language Clanguage determines culture Dlanguage and culture are parallel 18The distance zone ranging from 18 inches to about four feet is referred to as the _zone()Aintimate Bpublic Ccasual-personal Dsocio-

9、consultative 19Which of the following sentences demonstrates hypotactic relation?()ABread and butter is my favourite breakfastBI think he is right CI told him exactly when I would leave for Paris DHe bought tea, coffee, eggs, milk, etc20 The difference found in answers to negative questions between

10、English and Chinese demonstrates that _ ()AEnglish speakers are direct and Chinese speakers are indirect BEnglish speakers are individualistic and Chinese speakers are polite CEnglish is a hypotactic language and Chinese is a paratactic language DChinese speakers are strongly influenced by the envir

11、onment, the way in which the question is formed, while English speakers are not Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives can complete the statement There might be mor

12、e than one correct answer (10%) 21“ To be all thumbs” is synonymous to “ _” ()Ato be proud Bto be clumsy Cto be good at doing something Dto be bad at doing something 22“ 黑面包 ” can be translated into “ _” ()Ablack bread Bblue bread Cbrown bread Dred bread 23“ _” is an euphemism for “ lavatory” ()ABat

13、hroom BComfort room CConvenient room DPowder room 24When people are introduced, _ ()Athey always shake hands Bthey normally shake hands in formal or business situations Cthey do not always shake hands Dmen shake hands more often than women 25In English speaking countries, _ are frequently advertised

14、 ()Asexual service Bdomestic service Cmedicines Dcigarette 26Body language includes such meaning representing devices as ()Afacial expressions Bgestures Cdress Dartifacts 27Which one is right in the following statements? ()AHypotactic language is unambiguous and paratactic language is ambiguous BHyp

15、otactic language like English relies on conjunctions for sentence constructionC Paratactic language like Chinese never relies on conjunctions for sentence constructionDHypotactic and paratactic relations can be found in both English and Chinese28Conceptual meaning refers to _ content ()Acognitive Bs

16、tylistic Cassociative Dlogical 29 In a flowery Chinese descriptive text one can find quite a number of _ ()Aadjectives and adverbs Bhyperboles Cfour-character expressions Dsimiles and metaphors 30Culture in its technical sense is _ ()Ahuman specific Ba social phenomenon Ca national phenomenon Da historical phenomenon Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression (12%) 31The word in American English for “ 电梯” is _32In informal situations English speakers tend to address others by using t



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