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1、2010 年陕西省高等学校专升本招生考试大学英语试题 大 学 英 语 试 题(09:00-11:30) 一、词汇和语法: 40 分,每题 1 分 1. When is the concert supposedto start?Itnow. A. isabout starting B.wasabout to start C.isabout to start D.wasabout starting 2.Yourhelp, I would not havesucceeded. A. But that B.But for C.But if D.Thanksto 3 It is notalking to

2、 him becausehe will never changehis mind. A. help B.use C.time D.Way 4. FujianProvince liesthe east of Chinaand TaiwanProvince isthe east of Fuji an. A. in; in B.to; in C.to;to D.in;to 5.full preparation, you wont havemuch chanceof success. A. After B.Before C.With D.Without 6. Nosooner had we reach

3、edthe top of the hillwe all sat down to rest. A. until B.when C.then D.than 7. Id rather youanything about it for the time being. A. dont do B.dont C.didnt so D.didnt 8. Lisawasbusy taking notesMark was searchingthe Internet for information. A. until B.unless C.while D.if 9. Sincehe left the Univers

4、ity, hein an accounting company. A. hasbeen working B.had worked C.hadbeen working D.wasworking 10. There isno doubtyou will passthe examthis time. Youhave worked so hard in the past months. A. whether B.that C.if D.what 11. Thehouse was sold for $60,000, which wasfar more than its real. A. money B.

5、payment C.value D.profit 12. Sorry,we cannotyou the job becauseyou dont haveany work experience. A. make B.send C.offer D.prepare 13. When I was in the waiting room at the station yesterday,I read a magazinein or der totime. A. spend B.kill C.take D.waste 14. Becauseof the mist, none of those who sa

6、wthe flying object could tell itss hape. A. steady B.precise C.likely D.rigid 15. Sofar asis known, the original manuscripts of Shakespearesplays are no longe r in. A. evidence B.emphasis C.emergency D.existence 16. The speakerdid not mention many facts, sowe askedhim to be more. A. specific B.speci

7、al C.particular D.respective 17. The satellite was launched intoaround the moon. A. cricle B.orbit C.path D.way 18. Would you mind keeping a(n) on our housewhile were way? A. hand B.look C.eye D.mind 19. It is sohot. Youshould put the food into the refrigerator now. Otherwise, it will soon. A. harm

8、B.hurt C.spoil D.damage 20. Theidea soundsvery good. But will it work in? A. practice B.place C.advance D.theory 21. However much, it will be worth it. A. doesthe watch cost B.coststhe watch C.Thewatch will cost D.thewatch costs 22. We should do asmuch aswe canour country better and more beautiful.

9、A. make B.to make C.makes D.making 23. Hewould have paidfor the houseif the salesgirlhad insisted becausehe re ally wanted it. A. twice asmuch B.much astwice C.asmuch twice D.twice much as 24. from the moon,our earth,with waterseventy percent of its surface,ap pears asa blue ball A. Seen,covering B.

10、Seen,covered C.Seeing;covering D.Seeing;covered 25. It takes couragefor onethe huge task, to saynothing of fulfilling it in sucha short time. A. to be facedup to B.facingup to C.facesup to D.to face up to 26. The youngman lost his job last month, but it wasnt longhe found a new po sition in this com

11、pany. A. after B.while C.as D.before 27. Color-blind people find it difficult tobetween red and green. A. separate B.compass C.distinguish D.Contrast 28. There are three colors in the British flag,red, white and blue. A. rarely B.namely C.really D.actually 29. Toobtain a visato that country for the

12、first time, you need to apply. A. in part B.in person C.in turn D.in time 30. Do you think he spilled the souppurpose so that he wouldnt have to eat it? A.for B.with C.by D.on 31. Thepilot tried many times to lift the plane but. A. in consequence B.in vain C.ineffect D.inorder 32. Keepyou indoors an

13、d dontyour skin to the sunin summer. A.explode B.express C.expose D.expand 33.in mind aswell asin body, the child needsmore than medical care. A. Sick B.Besick C.Becausesick D.Forsick 34.in hospital, the patient kept in touch with the outside world by watching n ews programs on TVevery day. A. Lying

14、 B.Laying C.Lain D.Beinglaid 35. Angelatold me a while agothat shecouldnt wear hersweatshirt becauseit doesnt go with anything else shehas. A. greencomfortable dark B.dark green comfortable C.comfortable dark green D.dark comfortable green 36. No one here believes the reasonhe gavefor his lateness.

15、A. that B.why C.for which D.what 37. Although hehad told them not to keep uswaiting, they made noto speed u p deliveries. A. attention B.attempt C.action D.progress 38. Hopes,goalsand fearswidely between men and women, the rich and the p oor, the young and the old. A. alter B.shift C.vary D.transfer

16、 39. The factory had toa number of employees becauseof the economic decline in the country. A. layout B.layoff C.layaside D.laydown 40. A good teacher is able toa complicated idea in very simple terms. A. Work out B.Make up C. put across D.bringabout 二、阅读理解: 50分,共 20 题,每题 2.5 分 Passage One Tousit seemssonatural to put up anumbrella to keep the water off when it rains.B ut actually the umbrella wasnot invented asprotection againstthe rain. It wasfirst u sedasa shadeagainstthe sun. Nobody knowswho



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