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1、Unit 4 Green WorldI 单元教学目标(略)II 目标语言(略)III 教材分析与教材重组1. 教材分析 本单元以Green World 为话题,旨在通过单元教学让学生初步了解一些植物学方面的基础知识,如植物的分类、栽培以及植物学的发展历程等;并能够运用所学语言知识对相关话题进行表述。1.1 WARMING UP 部分呈现了四种常见花卉的图片。旨在通过对这些图片的感知,唤醒学生对相关知识的记忆。1.2 LISTENING 是关于绿色植物果实的分类及其食用(药用)价值的一段录音。 通过对这一段录音的学习,学生可以形成对植物果实分类知识的初步了解。 1.3 SPEAKING 部分提供

2、了三个讨论话题。第1个话题要求学生按照图片提示描述豆类植物的种植、培育过程。第2个话题是第1个话题的延伸和拓展,学生通过讨论,可以了解到更多的植物种植、培育过程,从而形成对部分植物特性的了解。第3个话题以生活中“送花”为例,进一步训练学生对花卉养护知识的描述能力。1.4 PRE-READING 以图片形式呈现了四种植物果实形态。目的在于通过对这些植物果实的感知,让学生进一步了解植物学相关知识(如植物产地、使用价值等)。并由此引导出READIGN 部分的中心人物。1.5 READING介绍了植物学(正式成为一门科学)的历史形成过程。重点介绍了两个为植物学发展做出过卓越贡献的重要人物林厄尼斯与班克

3、斯。1.6 POST-READING 部分针对READING部分的相关内容设计了5个小练习。第1个练习以选择填空的形式考查学生对课文细节内容的了解。第2-5小题以问句形式进一步考查学生对课文重点内容的了解。1.7 LANGUAGE STUDY 该部分包括Word Study和Grammar 两个部分,各设置了2-3个小题。Word Study 分别以同义替换(词汇释义)和短文填空的形式对本单元部分重点词汇进行训练;Grammar部分主要就前面所学“宾语”这一句子成分进行巩固性练习。该部分设置了三个小题:第1小题要求学生对所给句子中的“宾语”进行辨析,以进一步加深其对该概念的理解;第2小题着重对

4、have something done这一句型结构进行训练;第3小题以改写句子的形式进一步训练“宾语”这一语法内容,特别是直、间接宾语的用法。1.8 INTEGRATING SKILLS分READIGN和WRITING 两个部分。READING部分介绍了查尔斯达尔文、格雷门门德尔、约特杜尔松三个在植物学发展史上作出过重大贡献的人物。WRITING 部分以dandelion为例,要求学生通过对图片的描述了解“物种变异”方面的知识。另外,课本还提供了可供写作时参考的段落提纲。1.9TIPS部分是有关“科学观察”这一科学家所必备素质的论断或名言。1.10 CHECKPOINT 共两部分。第1部分重点

5、对“宾语”这一语法内容进行回顾总结;第2部分利用问句形式提出要求,让学生归纳可用于描述农业和植物学研究过程中的“步骤”的词汇及表达。2教材重组2.1将WARMING UP部分与SPEAKING部分以及WORKBOOK中TALKING部分整合在一起上一节“口语课”。2.2 将课本PRE-READING部分、READING 部分和POST-READING部分以及WORKBOOK中GRAMMAR部分第1题整合在一起上一节“精读课”。2.3 将课本LANGUAGE STUDY部分与WORKBOOK中PRACTICIGN部分整合在一起上一节“语言知识”课。2.3将课本LISTENING部分和WORKBO

6、OK中LISTENING部分整合在一起上一节“听力课”。2.4将INTEGRATING SKILL中READING部分与WORKBOOK中READING部分整合在一起上一节“泛读课”。2.5将INTEGRATING SKILL之WRITING 部分与WORKBOOK中WRITING部分整合在一起上一节“写作课”。3. 课型设计与课时分配 1st Period Speaking 2nd Period Reading 3rd Period Language Study4th Period Listening 5th Period Extensive reading 6th Period Writi

7、ngIV. 分课时教案The First Period SpeakingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语tulip, rose, peony, strawberry, bunch, b. 重点句子Can you tell something about each flower?Where does it come from?What is it used for?Which flower is your favorite? Explain how to grow and take care of the soybean pl

8、ant.Describe what to do and how to take care of the flowers you have been given.2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable students to talk about “botany” (including the names, the properties, the usage of certain plants, how to grow and take care of them, etc) and to say something about it. 3. Learning ability g

9、oals学能目标 Learn how to describe plants (properties; places of birth; what they are used for; how to grow and take care of them, etc). Teaching important points 教学重点Help students learn to describe plants and how to grow and take care of them.Teaching difficult points 教学难点How to help students learn mor

10、e about “botany”, and then give descriptions.Teaching methods 教学方法DiscussionPairwork/ Groupwork Teaching aids 教具准备Pictures, slides, a PC and a projector.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step I RevisionT: In the last unit, weve learned a lot about Australia. Now whod like to make a general speech on

11、 the country?S: Let me try. Australia is the only country in the world which covers an entire continent. It is a wealthy country, which produces metals, precious stones, coal, grain, meat and wines, and has the biggest iron mines in the world. Australia has about one-sixth of the worlds sheep and pr

12、oduces almost one-third of its wool. The climate in Australia varies from north to south. T: Anything else?S: Modern Australia is made up of six states and two territories. The first Australians were the aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders. The two world wars had a strong influence on Australia.

13、The official language is English, which are quite different from British and American English. Step II Warming UpT: Good. You really did a great job. Do you know what is the national flower of Australia?S: Golden Wattle (Acacia pycnantha)(金合欢,又称相思树).Show the picture to students.T: Very good. As show

14、n in the picture, the species is certainly attractive with its showy, large, bright golden flower heads. Now look at the pictures on Page 28 in our textbooks. These are four flowers commonly seen in our daily life. First, match each flower with its correct name, please. T: There seems no difficulty

15、for you to do this, right? OK, the answer isS: -rose; -tulip; -peony; -sunflowerT: Well done. Susan, what is your favorite? Why?S: I love sunflower best of all. There are, I think, three reasons,: first, I love eating the seeds of sunflowers, they are delicious; second, their stems can be used to bu

16、ild fences by farmers; third, sunflower oil is very popular in daily life. T: Great. Lily, can you tell us something about the other three flowers?S: OK. Tulips are native to Central and Western Asia, and parts of the Middle East, roughly in the region near Afghanistan. Tulips are mainly used for decoration. Tree peo



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