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1、高中英语完形填空练习及答案详解3 共一篇完形填空Yesterday was a very rainy day.My back garden was miserable. The sunflowers tried to keep1by covering their faces with their petals (花瓣 ). The poor fir tree was so coldthathis needles (针叶 ) were2. Our willowtree made mattersworse3cryingsohard that little“ rivers” flowed down

2、his leaves onto the other plan4ts. They were allannoyed. The willow tree said he was sorry and5that he was always unhappy when it rained.“ Thats silly,” his neighbor,the apple tree,toldhim.“6is good forwillow trees !”“ Be brave ,” said the giantcherrytree. “The rain wont 7 forever. ”Then thecherrytr

3、eeshookherbranches,sending 8flyingthroughtheairandintothefishpond.The fish swam9to the water surface. They had been studying fish dancing.“ Do you knowhowharditis to10ourlesson withthe raindroppingon ourroof ?” asked the biggest fish.“ You just made it twice as annoying and11in here. I have such a h

4、eadache !”The cherry tree12for being so thoughtless. She promised to shake her branches in a different13next time.There was so much water in the gutter (排水沟 ) that a river14. Two greenandgold ducks came and went for a15in the river. As it was only wide enough for one duck,they began16with each other

5、 about who should be the leader.After lunch a big green frog visited the garden and17two garden mice to have a jumping competition. The mice played bravely with the frog,but were secretly glad whenhe left, 18every time the frog jumped he made the water go right up their noses.Luckily today is sunny

6、and the plants and animals are much19. The garden should be back to20by to-morrow.语篇解读: 作者用拟人的手法讲述了雨天里后花园中的动物和植物们的故事。1. A.quietB dryC straightD attractive解析:选 B。在下雨天向日葵用花瓣盖住脸的目的是保持“ 干燥 ”。2. A.shakingB growingC changingD waiting解析:选 A。 这棵 fir tree感到很冷,所以他的针叶颤抖起来。3. A.withoutB atC toD by解析:选 D 。by 在此处

7、表示 “ 通过 方法 ”。这棵柳树 (willowtree) 哭了起来,由此情况变得更糟糕了。4. A.insideB aboveC nearbyD ahead解析:选 C。 柳树泪流成 “ 河 ”,“ 河水” 顺着他的叶子流到他旁边的植物上了。5. A.expectedB explainedC supposedD doubted解析: 选 B。柳树道歉的时候应该解释他哭的原因。6. A.WeatherB CryingC RainD Trouble解析:选 C。 从前面的 Thatssilly 可知苹果树认为他下雨的时候不应该哭,这是因为雨水对他是有益的。7 A.lastB harmC ret

8、urn解析:选 A。 樱桃树 (cherry tree)D arrive在鼓励他,应该说宽慰他的话 雨不会持续很久。8 A.wasteB waterC signalD information解析: 选 B。正在下雨的时候樱桃树摇动枝叶,会使树上的水飞散到空中。9. A.eventuallyB fortunatelyC surprisinglyD angrily解析:选 D。 从下面一段鱼说的话可知鱼在抱怨,他们应该感到生气。10. A.put offB talk aboutC speed upD focus on解析:选 D。前面说 They had been studying fish da

9、ncing,现在它们浮了上来,由此可知鱼儿们的课受到了打扰,无法专心。11. A.busyB crowdedC noisyD boring解析:选 C。 雨水落在池塘里的水面上应该会让鱼儿们感到吵闹。12. A.apologizedB preparedC escapedD argued解析:选 A。 从后面的 She promised to . next time可知,樱桃树感到自己是不对的, 应该是道歉了。13. A.situationB directionC conclusionD expression解析:选 B。不能让水再落到池塘里,所以需要向另外的方向抖动枝叶。14. A.moved

10、BformedC succeededD interrupted解析:选 B。 There was so much water in the gutter .的结果是形成了一条小河。15. A.mealB visitC restD swim解析:选 D。 鸭子到这条小河来是想在里面游泳。16. A.complainingB worryingC quarrelingD thinking解析:选 C。从前面的 As it was only wide enough for one duck可知,两只鸭子要争抢做领队。17. A.challengedB allowedC helpedD led解析:选

11、A 。从后面的 The mice played bravely with the frog可知,青蛙应该是向老鼠们挑战,让他们参加跳高比赛。18. A.ifB thoughC becauseD unless解析: 选 C 。青蛙每次跳起来都把水溅到老鼠们的鼻子上,这应该是老鼠们在他离开时感到高兴的原因。19. A.clevererB happierC friendlierD healthier解析:选 B。第一段就提到下雨天My back garden was miserable.花园里的动植物在此时都是不太高兴的,所以今天雨停了他们就比较高兴了。20. A.dreamB memoryC struggleD normal解析:选 D。 雨停了,过上一两天花园就会恢复原本的正常状态。


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