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1、人教新课标版高一必修1 重点提炼:Unit 4 Earthquakes词汇突破一、重难词汇突破:1.imagine vt.“想象,设想”讲We cant imagine life without any water.我们无法想象没有水的生活。注: 1) imagine一般不能用于进行时,但和always,all the time,these days等时间状语连用,用于进行时,带有某种感情色彩。2)动名词复合结构中,可用普通格代替所有格。She is always imagine dangers that dont exist.她总是想象那些根本不存在的危险。I can hardly imag

2、ine Peter sailing across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.我几乎不能想象彼得五天之内横渡大西洋。Can you imagined that he left without even a word?你能设想他甚至一句话不说就离开吗?I ca nt imagine why people speak against her.我无法想象为什么人们说她的闲话。I imagine her(to be)beautiful and soft.我把她想象得既温柔又漂亮。【明辨易混】 imagine, guess, supposeguess 表示缺乏任何依据

3、和资料而凭主观想象的武断。Now the other students open their eyes, and guess who has eraser.现在其他学生睁开眼睛,猜橡皮擦在谁手中。imagine指设想与众所周知的事实相反的东西,尤其错误的猜想,也可表示猜想的东西没有确定性,只是脑海中的一种印象。I can t imagine such a life.我不能想象这种生活。suppose 着重用在以试探的方法提出建议或意见,使之被人接受,含有虽不确切,但乍见似是正确的想法, 近似于 think但比 think缺少根据。 主要用于口语, 表示主语根据自己的知识和经验来“猜想”,也可表

4、示无把握的料想。Let s suppose he is telling a lie.让我们假定他在说谎。【学以致用】1) I imagine hima tall and handsome man.92) Imagine yourselfin my place.What will you do?3) I didnt imagine(become) a doctor in my childhood. 4)Iyou could give a talk instead.5) what I have in my hand.6) We can hardlylife without electricity.

5、 7) There is a story here in the paper about a 110-year-old man.My goodness! I cant imaginethat old.A. to beB. to have beenC. beingD. having been答案: 1) (as 2 ) to be 3) becoming 4) suppose 5) Guess 6) imagine7) 答案 C。考查 imagine的用法。 imagine( 想象 ) 后用动名词作宾语。本句意思为:我无法想象那么老。本题不强调完成。2) shake vt.&vi.(使) 震动;

6、 ( 使) 摇动; ( 使) 发抖 n. 摇动 , 颤抖 ,震动;握手1) The house shook as the train went past.火车经过时,房子摇晃起来。2) Hisvoiceshook (withemotion)as he announced the news. 他宣布这一消息时,声音( 因激动 ) 有些颤抖 .3) I feel the shakes of my hands when I am excited.当我兴奋时,我觉得出我的手在颤抖4) The sudden shake of my bed woke me up .床突然的震动弄醒了我。【拓展联想】sha

7、ke down 安下心来shake up 使震惊,使不安shake off摆脱shake it up快点,赶紧in half a shake立刻shake ones head nod ones head摇头点头shake sb by the hand shake ones hand跟某人握手shake with anger fear laughter气得怕得笑得发抖【明辨易混】 shake与 quake, tremble:这组动词都有摇动,震动或发抖,震颤之意。其区别在于:shake 既可作及物动词(意为摇动,震动),也可作不及物动词(意为抖动)。是这组词中最普通使用的词,而且是惟一能表达被某

8、人或某物摆动的词;quake 不及物动词,意为颤动,震动,发抖,指较强烈的震动,在表因恐惧,寒冷等而发抖时,可与shake换用; tremble也是不及物动词,意为战栗,震颤,发抖,指轻微的震动,尤指焦虑不安或紧张。例如:I shook her by the shoulder.我摇动她的肩膀。The ground quaked under his feet.地在他脚下震动。Her hands trembled with eagerness as she opened the letter.因为急于想看,她的手在拆信时直发抖。【学以致用】On July 28, 1976, the city of

9、 Tangshanby a terrible earthquake.A quakedB trembledC was shakenDshook答案 C。句意: 在 1976 年 7 月 28 日,唐山市受到一阵可怕的地震的震撼。选项 A、B、D 都是不及物动词,只有C 是及物动词的被动语态,与by短语搭配正合适。3. burstv.&n.爆裂 ,爆发,突然破裂1).The red balloon suddenly burst.那个红色的气球突然爆了。2). The police burst through the door.警察破门而入。3). Onhearingthe news, Leslie

10、burstintolaughterwhileTracy burstout crying.一听到这则消 息, Leslie突然大笑,而 Tracy 则突然大哭起来。4). A burst of hand-clapping followed the ending of the song.歌声结束后响起了一阵掌声。【知识拓展】burst into突然闯进。burst into song突然大声唱起来burst into tears laughter突然大哭大笑起来burst out crying laughing突然大哭大笑起来【学以致用】 中译英1). 水管在寒冷的天气里经常冻裂。_2). 太阳突

11、然从云端里露出来。答案 : 1).Water-pipes often burst in cold weather. 2). The sun burst through the clouds.4. injurevt.&vi.损害;伤害。如:She was injuredbadly in the accident.她在事故中受了重伤。Didnt you know your wordsinjuredher pride?你不知道你的话伤害了她的自尊心吗?【明辨易混】 harm/hurt/injure/wound1) harm 表示引起对身体、 物质或精神上的严重损害,常指伤害人的肉体、 损坏东西以及损

12、害健康、品质、事业等。如:Hard drinking will harm your stomach.过量饮酒会伤胃。2) hurt常指思想感情方面的伤害,含有引起极大苦恼之意, 当指肉体上的伤害时, 强调疼痛的剧烈程度, 且hurt的过去分词只能作表语,不能作定语, 而本组内的其它动词则无此限制。如:My head still hurts.我的头仍然很疼。3) injure着重指人的容貌、内部器官、生理机能的损害,常与 harm通用,但更强调伤势的严重,也可指对人精神的伤害。如:You will injure yourself by smoking too much.过度抽烟对你的身体有害。4

13、) wound 专指外力对身体造成的伤害,尤其指战争和灾害中的受伤,一般指外伤,不指内伤,它也可指感情、荣誉等方面的创伤。作为及物动词,它的宾语是整个人,而不是受伤的部位。如:What you have said has seriously wounded Maggies feelings你说的话伤透了麦琪的感情。注意: the wounded和 the injured都表示集合意义,意为“全部伤员”,作主语时,谓语要用复数形式。如:The injured/Thewounded were sentto the clinicimmediately.所有伤员都被立刻送往诊所治疗。【学以致用】 用上

14、面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1). I dont believe those fairy tales willour students.2) Itme when you talk like that你那样同我说话,我很心痛。3) Most people protect themselves fromto their self-esteem.大多数人保护自己使自尊心不受伤害。4) The bulletthe soldier in the head子弹击伤了这个战士的头部。5) Mike didnt play football yesterday because he hadhis leg.A. damagedB. hurtC. hitD. struck答案: 1) harm 2 ) hurts 3) injury 4) wounded5)B 。迈克昨天没有踢足球,因为他摔伤了腿。表示“肉体上的伤害多用hurt ”, 故选B。5. rescue n.&vt.援救,营救1). The police came to his rescue and pulled him out of the river.警察来救他,把他从河里拉了出来。2). The rescue


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