【高中英语必修一U1】1.2 Reading and thinking 教学设计(2)-人教版

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1、【新教材】必修第一册 Unit 1 Teenage Life 教学设计(人教版)Period 2 Reading and Thinking 本板块包括阅读部分The freshman Challenge 和在阅读基础上完成相关的词汇和问答练习。Reading部分介绍的是高中新生Adam在新的学习环境中面临的挑战和机会。 本文内容贴近学生生活, 主人公的问题和困惑也是学生们现在所面对的,通过回答和课文有关的问题和相关的拓展问题, 学生可以以积极的心态迎接自己的高中生活。 为了顺利完成Reading and Thinking 的任务,学生还要提前做好相关词汇准备。1. Let students m

2、aster useful words and phrases related to the text;2. Let students understand the challenges Adam meets in his new school and compare the similarities and differences of their school and Adams;3. Help the students finish vocabulary exercises in the text book.4. Get students to understand they should

3、 learn to face difficulties and challenges in senior high school for their own future.Importance:1. Help the students to master key words and phrases in the text. 2. Guide students to compare school life in different places.3. Guide the students to learn about Adams school life and understand that e

4、veryone should overcome difficulties in a new situation.Difficulty:Guide the students compare their school life and Adams, and discuss ways to deal with challenges.1.Ask the students to prepare new words and phrases related to the contents of the text.2.Mark the new words in the textbook, understand

5、 the meaning in context, or consult the dictionary to understand the meaning.Step 1 Preparation1. freshman _ junior high school _ Senior high school_confusing _ choose courses_ sign up_ extra-curricular activities_ hand out _ homeless people_ in the community _ get used to doing_ keep up with _2. ch

6、allenge _ topic_ fluent _ graduate _ recommend _ literature_ obviously _quit_ be responsible for _ schedule_ editor_ Step 2 Warming up Compare school life in different placesActivity 1 1. Guide the students to take part in the group work and discuss school life in and out of China. Ask Ss to work in

7、 groups and discuss the questions.1) What do you want to know about the school life in other countries?Possible answers: I want to know whether they take extra courses during summer or winter vocations.I wonder if they have enough free time to develop their own interests.I am interested in what subj

8、ects they study at school.2) What would you tell a teenager from another country about school life in China?I am happy to come to my new school and know a lot of new friends. Our teachers are patient and helpful.I feel a little worried about my study because I have more subjects to learn.Activity 2

9、2. Read the text quickly to find the main idea of each paragraph. Guide the students to read the text quickly and fill in the blanks in this part.Possible answers:Paragraph1:Senior high school is a Challenge. Paragraph2:It is important to choose courses. Paragraph3:Extra-curricular activities are al

10、so important. Paragraph4:A senior high student must work harder and be more responsible. Step3 Intensive reading Activity 3 Read the text again and answer the questions. Guide the students to read the text carefully and find the answers to the following questions. 1. What causes did Adams choose? Wh

11、ich one do you think would be his favorite? Why?2. What does “make the team” in paragraph mean?3. What is Adam worried about?4. Is Adam confident that he will get used to senior school life? How do you know?Possible answers:1. Adam chooses Math, English chemistry, world history and Chinese. I think.

12、 English advanced literature is his favorite because he likes English, and he is good at it.2. It means joining the football team.3. He is worried that he cant keep up with other students in his advanced course and get used to all the homework.4. Yes, he is. On the one hand, Adam knows that he has t

13、o study harder as a senior school student to be well prepared for his future. On the other hand, Adam knows that school advisers and teacher can give him help when he is faced with problems. Activity 4 Complete the outline. Then discuss the questions below with a partner. Get the students to work in

14、 pairs and fill in the blanks after discussing the questions carefully. Encourage the students to find clues from the text. ParagraphChallengeHow Adam feelsSolution1Becoming a freshman at senior high schoolConfused2Choosing suitable coursesHopeful The school advisor helps him choose suitable courses

15、.3Joining the school football teamUnhappy He will find a way to improve on his own.4Keeping up with the other students in his advanced coursesWorried He will study harder and be more responsible.Guide the students to discuss the following questions and encourage them to answer the questions according to Adams story and their own situation. 1.


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