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1、青,取之于蓝而青于蓝;冰,水为之而寒于水2016高二英语必修四知识点总结 高二英语必修四知识点总结(一) 1. amuse课文原句Parks provide people with a place to amuse themselves and to escape their busy lives for a while. (P33)点拨amuse vt. 意为“使高兴;使开心”,和please(取悦于;让高兴)是近义词。amuse oneself意为“自娱自乐;消遣”。amuse的名词形式是amusement.如:I think it amuses him to see people mak

2、e fools of themselves. I bought a magazine to amuse myself while I was on the train. They are more than amusement parks with rides, such as a Ferris wheel, merry-go-round or a roller coaster. (P33)Carl came last in the race, much to my amusement.知识拓展amused adj. 意为“逗乐的;觉得好笑的”,常用be amused (at / by sth

3、),指“觉得有趣;好笑;以为乐”。如:She was very amused by / at your comments. Amused by the flying kites, the child stopped crying.2. various课文原句Though parks share this basic purpose, they find various ways to meet this need. (P33)点拨various adj. 意为“不同的;各种各样的”,相当于different kinds of,后接复数名词。如:At the meeting, the peopl

4、e present expressed their various opinions. The students were late for various reasons.知识拓展various是由动词vary(变化)派生而来的形容词,它的副词形式是variously.variety是名词,意为“有变化”,用a variety of表示“各种各样的;多种多样的”,后接复数名词,可与various互用。如:These new parks have a variety of things to see and do. (P33)3. charge课文原句They all charge money

5、 for admission, and for the rides and shows in the park. (P33)点拨charge通常作及物动词,意为“收(费);索(价)”,此时charge后接宾语(被收费的对象)和钱数;如果接购买的商品或其它原因,用for连接。如:Ill charge you five dollars. How much do you charge for a haircut?charge还可以表示“把归咎于(to, on, upon);告发;在控告(with)”。如:Bob was charged with the murder, but he refused

6、to admit it.知识拓展charge作名词时,构成许多固定搭配:in charge(主管);in charge of(负责某事);in the charge of(由管);take charge of(负责管理)。如:The doctor in charge told us to be calm. Who is in charge of the school instead of Mr Black?The factory has been in the charge of the new boss for five months. Can you take charge of this

7、 class please, Miss Li?4. profit课文原句The big companies that own them parks except to make a profit not just by the charges for admission (P33)点拨profit n.意为“利润;经济上的好处”,既可数也不可数,用作复数的场合较多;也可译为“好处;益处(不可数)”。make a profit指“获得利润”。如:Tom said he would give up his profits if there were no explanations to give

8、him. She makes a big profit from selling waste material to textile companies.知识拓展profit也可作及物或不及物动词,profit by意为“从中得到好处”。如:You must make it clear what it will profit me. You may profit by the experience of others.5. advance课文原句 and there are future parks, where people can go on imaginary trips to spac

9、e and use advanced computer techniques to experience life in the future. (P34)点拨advanced adj. 意为“高级的;先进的”,其动词形式是advance,可作及物动词或不及物动词,意为“推进;促进;提前”。如:The Party Committee is going to advance our career to a new stage. (及物动词)The date of the meeting has been advanced from Friday to Monday. (及物动词)After ha

10、ving studied abroad for three years, they didnt advance in knowledge at all. (不及物动词)高二英语必修四知识点总结(二)动词的时态(一) 动词的时态时态动词是谓语动所表示的动作或情况发生时间的各种形式。英语动词有 16 种 时态,但是常用的只有 9 种:一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在进行时、过去进行时、现在完成时、过去完成时、过去将来时、现在完成进行时。下面分别介绍。1、 一般现在时的用法 (do/does)1) 表示经常性、习惯性的动作; 表示现在的状态、 特征和真理。 句中常用 often, usual

11、ly, every day, sometimes, every week/year, twice aweek 等时间状语。例如: a. He goes to school every day. b. He is very happy. c.The earth moves around the sun.2) 在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来。例如: 在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来。例如: a. If you come this afternoon, well have a meeting. b. When I graduate, Ill go to co

12、untryside.3) 有时这个时态表示按计划、规定 按时间表要发生的动作(句中都带有时间,有时这个时态表示按计划、规定, 按时间表要发生的动作,但限于少数动词 状语),但限于少数动词,如:begin, come,leave, go ,arrive, start , stop, return,open, close 等。例如: a. the meeting begins at seven.b. the rain starts at nine in the morning.4) 表示状态和感觉的动词(be, like, hate, think, remember, find, sound 等)

13、常用一般现在进行时。a. i like english very much.b. the story sound very interesting.5) 书报的标题、小说等情节介绍常用一般现在时。2.一般过去时的用法:(did) 一般过去时的用法1) 表示过去某时间发生的事、存在的状态或过反复发生的动作。常与 yesterday,the other day, .ago, in the past, in +过去时间(1998)。a. he saw mr. wang yesterday.b. he worked in a factory in 1986.2) 表示过去经常发生的动作,也可用 “us

14、ed to “ 和“would + 动词原形”。例如: I used to smoke. During the vacation i would swim in the sea.注: ”used to “ 表示过去常发生而现在不再发生的动作或存在的状态。 “would + 动词原形”没有 “现在不再”含义。3.一般将来时的用法(shall/will do)一般将来时表示将来的动作或状态。1)其表达形式除了 “ will 或 shall + 动词原 表示即将发生的或最近打算进行的事。例如:It is going to rain. We are going to have a meeting to

15、day.2)“be to + 动词原形” 表示按计划进行或征求对方意见。例如:The boy is to go to school tomorrow. Are we to go on with this work?3) “be about to + 动词原形 表示即将发生的动作,意为 be ready to do sth. 后面一般不跟时间状语。例如:we are about to leave.4) go , come , start, move, sail, leave, arrive ,stay 等可用进行时态表示按计划即将发生的动作。例如:im leaving for beijing. 将发生的动作5) 某些动词 如 come, go ,leave, arrive, start, get , stay 等的一般现在时也可表示将来。例如:The meeting starts at five oclock. He gets off at the next stop.高二英语必修四知识点总结(三)不定代词的用法不是指明代替任何特定名词的代词叫不定代词。常见的不定代词有 all



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