人教PEP版六年级英语上册《Unit 2Ways to go to school》教学课件PPT优秀公开课 (6)

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人教PEP版六年级英语上册《Unit 2Ways to go to school》教学课件PPT优秀公开课 (6)_第1页
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《人教PEP版六年级英语上册《Unit 2Ways to go to school》教学课件PPT优秀公开课 (6)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教PEP版六年级英语上册《Unit 2Ways to go to school》教学课件PPT优秀公开课 (6)(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,PEP人教版六年级英语上册,What kind of transportations do you know?,on foot by car by bus by train by plane by ship by boat by taxi by subway,by motorcyclemotorbike by van by spaceship by rocket by helicopter by tricycle .,How do you come to school? I come to school on foot. I walk to school.,I come to school

2、by bike. I ride the bike to school. I come to school by car. I take the car to school.,on foot = walk to. by bike = ride the bike to.,by car = take the car to. by bus = take the bus to.,句尾,句尾,主语后,主语后,How does he get to school?,He goes to school by bike. = Herides a bike to school.,How does she go to

3、 work?,She takes the train to work.,She goes to work,.,b_y_t_r_a_in,How does he get to school?,He goes to school by bike. =He rides a bike to school.,How does she go to walk?,She goes to work by train. =She takes the trainto work.,How does he go to walk?,He goes to work by subway. =He takes the subw

4、ay to work.,How does he go to work?,He goes to workby subway.,subway,What kind of transportations do you know?,onfoot,by car by bus by train by plane by ship by boat by taxi by subway,by motorcyclemotorbike by van by spaceship 太空飞船 by rocket 火箭 by helicopter 直升飞机 by tricycle 三轮车,How do you come to s

5、chool?,I come to school on foot. I walk to school. I come to school by bike. I ride the bike to school. I come to school by car. I take the car to school.,on foot=walk to. by bike=ride the bike to.,by car=take the car to by bus=take the bus to,句尾主语后句尾主语后,Read the text and answer the question.,How do

6、es Mike come to school? How does Amy come to school? How does Mrs Smith come to school? always总是 usually通常 often经常,时常 sometimes有时 never从不,频率副词,Howdo you get to.from.? I get there by.,crossing 十字路口,interesting 有趣的,traffic 交通,restaurant 餐厅,餐馆,must must do sth 必须做某事,attention pay attention to 注意,练一练,()

7、1. We usually go to the park,.,A. on feetB. on footC.by foot ()2.How do you go toCanada? A.theB. /C.a () 3.You can go to the librarybus. A.inB.withC.by () 4.-do you go home,John ? By bus. A.WhenB.WhatC.How () 5.How do you come to school,Mrs smith?By bus?,but I usually walk., ,A.SometimesB.AlwaysC.Of

8、ten,练一练,6.I often go to school on foot. (对划线部分提问) 7.Mrs Smith comes to school by car.(对划线部分提问) 8.Amy goes to the supermarket by bus.(变为否定句) 9.She usually goes home by subway.(用sometimes代替usually) 10.Mike goes to the park ride his bike.(变为一般疑问句) -,1.背会Lets talkA Lets talkB 写读书条 2.第二单元的单词写三遍。,作业,Read

9、the text and answer the questions.,How does Mike come to school? How does Amy come to school? How does Mrs. Smith come to school? always总是 usually通常 often经常,时常 sometimes 有时 never从不,频率副词,日本, 京,乌鲁木齐,云南,上海 嘉善 杭州,合肥,How do you get tofrom? I get there by.,汉中,A:do you get to school?,_Ho_w,B: I _u_su_a_l_ly_walk but sometimes I _ta_k_e_ the bus. A:_H_o_w lo_n_gdoes it take? B: It t_a_k_e_s about 30 minutes to w_a_lk and 10 minutes _b_y_b_u_s_. (走路30分钟坐公交10分钟.),谢谢观看,Thank You,


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