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1、欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!第1页,共2页广东财经大学硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试年度 2021 考试科目代码及名称 807-高等代数(自命题)适用专业 071400 统计学友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!一、填空题 (10 题,每题 3 分,共 30 分)1. 多项式 f(x) = x4 2x +5 除以 2x 4 所得的余式为.2. 设 A 为 3 阶方阵,|A| = 2, 把 A 按列分块为 (A1,A2,A3), 其中 Aj(j = 1,2,3) 是 A 的第 j 列,则 |A3 2A1,A1,3A2| = .3. 设 A 为非奇异矩阵

2、,A 为 A 的伴随矩阵,那么 A =.4. 设矩阵阶单位矩阵,矩阵 B 满足 BA = B +2E, 则 |B| =.5. 设 = (1,2,1,3)T, = (1,0,1,2)T, 那么齐次线性方程组 Tx = 0 的基础解系包含个线性无关的解向量.6. 已知二次型是正定的,则 a 的取值范围为.7. 设 V1,V2 是 V 的子空间,dimV1 = dimV2 = m, dim(V1 V2) = m 1, 则 dim(V1 +V2) =.8. 设 3 阶矩阵 A 的特征值为 2,3,. 若行列式,则 =.9. 设 1 = (1,2,0,0)T,2 = (0,3,1,0)T,3 = (0,

3、4,0,1)T,4 = (1,5,1,0)T, 则向量组 1,2,3,4 的秩等于., 则线性方程组二、计算题 (6 题,每题 10 分,共 60 分)1. 已知 f(x) = x4+x33x25x2, g(x) = x3+x2x1, (f(x),g(x)表示 f(x),g(x)的首项系数等于 1 的最大公因式. 计算 (f(x),g(x), 并求 u(x),v(x) 使得 (f(x),g(x) = u(x)f(x)+ v(x)g(x).1欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!第2页,共2页2. 计算行列式:3. 已知X.4. 已知.5. 设 1,2,3 是 3 维向量空间 R3 的一

4、组基,计算:从基到基 1+2,2+ 3,3 + 1 的过渡矩阵.6. , 计算 A 的特征值和特征向量. 三、应用题 (3 题,每题 15 分,共 45 分)1. 计算:x1 + x2 + x3 = 42. 已知三元线性方程组 x1 + bx2 + x3 = 3 有无穷多个解.x1 +2bx2 + x3 = 4(1) 确定 b 的值;(2) 计算方程组的通解.3. 已知二次型的秩等于 2. 试求:(1) a 的值;(2) 非退化线性替换,将二次型 f(x1,x2,x3) 化为标准形.四、证明题 (1 题,每题 15 分,共 15 分)1. 证明:(E 2A)1 = E +2A +4A2 +8A

5、3 的充要条件是 A4 = O.2广东商学院硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试年度:2013年 考试科目代码及名称:807-英美文学 试卷编号:A卷适用专业:050201-英语语言文学I. Choose five of the following seven terms to define. (25 points in all, 5 points for each) 1. Comedy2. Stream of consciousness 3. Classicism4. Foot (of poetry)5. Realism6. American Transcendentalism7. Unitarian

6、ismII. Fill in the blanks according to the related literary facts. (20 points in all, 1 point for each)1. It is likely that in Eliots abundant use of literary reference in The Waste of Land he was influenced by .2. In vivid and graceful prose, Fitzgerald had portrayed the of the American worship of

7、riches and the unending American dream of love, splendor, and fulfilled desires.3. applies the principles of scientific determinism to fiction. It views human beings as animals in the natural world responding to environmental forces and internal stresses and drives, over none of which they have cont

8、rol and none of which they fully understand.4. Henry James keen observation of human beings and deep understanding of them have made him one of the founding fathers of the fiction.5. It was his masterpiece The Great Gatsby that made _ one of the greatest American novelists.6. Realism first appeared

9、in the United States in the literature of , and an amalgam if romantic plots and realistic descriptions of things were immediately observable.7. The eighteenth-century England is also, and better, known as the _ or the Age of Reason.8. is a basic feature governing the structure of poetry, whether in

10、 the planned succession of long and short syllables, as in Greek and Latin poetry, or in the use of accent and meter, as in modern poetry.9. “If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?” the quoted line comes from Shelleys “_”.10. Philip Freneau was by training and taste yet romantic in essential spi

11、rit.11. , Byrons greatest work, was written in the prime of his creative power, in the years 1818-1823.12. In defense of his unconventional theory of poetry, Wordsworth wrote a “Preface” to the second edition of the , which appeared in 1800.13. In the autobiographical account of the childhood, growt

12、h and maturity of , Dickens is actually retracing his own life.14. _ is concerned both with how the meaning of a literary work is affected when read from a womans perspective and how female characters and women in general are treated within the work. 15. is a riddle which has meant so many things to

13、 so many people. Even today it is still hard for people to come to a universally accepted understanding of the book. It is small wonder Clement Shorter would call its author “the sphinx of our modern literature”. 16. Lawrences most controversial novel is .17. is term in poetry applied to two success

14、ive lines of verse that form a single unit because they rhyme; the term also is often used for lines that express a complete thought or form a separate stanza.18. The central theme of John Miltons “ ” is taken from the Bible and deals with the Christian story of “the fall of man”.19. The puritans be

15、lieved in in life.20. Geoffrey Chaucer, the “ ” and one of the greatest narrative poets of England, was born in London in or about the year 1340.III. Match the writers with their works. (20 points in all, 1 point for each) 1. William Thackeray ( ) A. When You Are Old2. William Shakespeare ( ) B. Idylls of the King3. Jonathan Swift ( ) C. Sister Carrie4. Thomas Hardy( ) D. The Mill on


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