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1、英语课前即兴演讲中文演讲已经游刃有余,就怕接下来的英语课了,那你是不是也应该做好英语演讲的准备了呢?你知道英语课前即兴演讲怎么写吗?这里给大家分享一些关于英语课前即兴演讲,希望对大家能有所帮助。英语课前即兴演讲1ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,i am chinese.i am proud of being a chinese with five thousand years ofcivilization behind.ive learned about the four great inventions made by ourforefathers.

2、ive learned about the great wall and the yangtze river.ivelearned about zhang heng_张衡_and ive learned about zheng he_郑和_.who saysthe yellow river civilization has vanished_消失_?i know that my ancestors havemade miracles_奇迹_on this fertile land and were still ma-ki-ng miracles.whocan ignore the fact t

3、hat we have established ourselves as a great state in theworld, that we have devised our own nuclear weapons, that we have successfullysent our satellites into space, and that our gnp ranks no.7 in the world? wehave e_perienced the plunders _掠夺_by other nations, and we have e_periencedthe war.yet, b

4、ased on such ruins, there still stands our nation-china,unyielding and unconquerable!i once came acroan american tourist.she said, “china has a history of fivethousand years, but the us only has a history of 20_years.five thousand yearsago, china took the lead in the world, and now it is the us that

5、 is leading.”myheart was deeply touched by these words.it is true that were still adeveloping nation, but it doesnt mean that we can despise _鄙视_ourselves.we have such a long-standing history, we have such abundant resources, we havesuch intelligent and diligent people, and we have enough to be prou

6、d of.we havereasons to say proudly: we are sure to take the lead in the world in the futureagain, for our problems are big, but our ambition _雄心_is even bigger, ourchallenges _挑战_are great, but our will is evengreater.i am chinese.i have inherited _继承_black hair and blackeyes.i haveinherited the vir

7、tues of my ancestors.i have also taken over responsibility.iam sure, that wherever i go, whatever i do, i shall never forget that i amchinese!thank you.英语课前即兴演讲2as we all know, we will celebrate our 60th year of independence._yearsis a short history for any country, however, many peoples dreams have

8、 etrue.as a middle school student , im very glad that i have the chance tocelebrate the 60 anniversariesin the past _years , our standards of living really has changeddramatically.in the past, parents often worried about their children lackingeating and wearing.in that time, we did not see a number

9、of overseas brands inchina , and the pursuit of fashion bee the subject of life.in the past,people often municated by writing letters or taking telegram.today nearlyevery people use mobile phones to municate with everyone at anywhere.asuccession of changes has affected us , which leads us to live a

10、more happierlife.in the past 60 years, china has scored impressive achievements in itsdevelopment.chinas economy , especially in the latest 30 years, runs at anaverage of 9.4 percent,with its gdp jumping from 147.3 billion us dollars toover 1.4 trillion us dollars.as the same time, the technology of

11、 chain hasimproved rapidly.the “gold seven lunch is the best evidence.the most pride ofchina is the success of “ beijing olympic games”, which e_hibits a harmoniouschina to foreigners.in the end , let us bless our dear county to have a bright futuretogether.英语课前即兴演讲3the footsteps of the _world e_po is getting closer and closer to us,civilized and harmonious call is still ringing in my ears.shanghai,


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