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1、英语翻译资格考试初级口译模拟试题及答案整合:日语翻译资格考试测试题可以检验这一段时间备考的结果,今天WTT给大家带来了英语翻译资格考试初级口译模拟试题及答案,希望能够帮助到大家,下面WTT就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。英语翻译资格考试初级口译模拟试题及答案Part A: Translate the following passages from English into Chinese(twopassages, each 25 points)Passage 1 :Can man be credited with choosing the right path when he knows only

2、 one?Canhe be congratulated for his wise decision when only one judgment is possible? Ifhe knows nothing of vice, is he to be praised for adhering to virtue?Wisdom consists of the deliberate e_ercise of judgment; knowledge es inthe discrimination between those known alternatives.Weighing these alter

3、nativesis the way of maturity.Only then does man have the strength to follow hischoice without wavering, since that choice is based firmly on knowledge ratherthan on an uncertain, dangerously shallow foundation of ignorance.Passage 2 :For many years the United States and other nations used gold and

4、silvermoney.Paper money was used to stand for the holding of both silver and gold.The value of silver was limited to that of gold.Fifteen ounces of silver hadthe same value of one ounce of gold.These values didnt change until after 1860when mines in the west of the United States began to produce lar

5、ge amounts ofsilver.This e_tra amount of silver caused its price to fall.No longer wouldfifteen ounces of silver buy one ounce of gold.In 1871, Germany declared thatit would no longer support its paper money with silver.Instead, it would useonly gold.Other countries of Europe quickly did the same.Pa

6、rt B: Translate the following passages from Chinese into English ( twopassages, each 25 points )Passage 1 :西湖位于福州市区西北的卧龙山下,最初开挖于晋代。原用于排涝灌溉。五代时,闽王在湖滨建造御花园,号称“水晶宫”。19_年开始辟为公园,园区也随之扩大,面积比原来增加五倍以上。如今的西湖公园,以湖心开化屿为中心,有飞虹桥、步云桥、玉带桥等,与几个湖屿相连接,构成整体。Passage 2 : 中华考试网知识创新知识的生命力在于创新,只有不断地创造出新的知识和技术,才能推动经济社会的快速发展

7、。在新的世纪里,人才、文化、教育、经济和社会管理等因素在经济和社会发展中的作用日趋重要。只有在理论、科技方面不断进行改革创新,不断有新的创造和突破,才能为经济和社会发展注入新的生机和活力。英语翻译资格考试初级口译模拟试题及答案The Asian economic crisis has put many panies on the edge.Many havebeen forced to change the way they do business.The old attitude that employeesfollow instructions and are unable to make

8、 decisions or act on their owninitiative leads to underused people.The key to increasing employee productivity is through effectivemanagement.Managers must recognize that getting employees involved in thesolution boost morale。 The decision making process should be pushed down theladder.The focus of

9、future organizations will shift to employee involvement,rather than power and control.难点提示:主动地未充分利用的士气参考译文:亚洲金融危机使很多公司面临崩溃的边缘。很多公司被迫改变经营的方式。老一套的态度,即员工听从指挥,而不能自做主张或独断独行,常常使得员工不能人尽其才。提高员工生产力的关键是通过有效的管理。管理者们必须认识到,让员工参与解决问题可以鼓舞士气。决策程序应该下放。未来组织机构的重心将转向员工参与,而不是权力和控制。英语翻译资格考试初级口译模拟试题及答案The “standard of liv

10、ing” of a country means the average person s share ofthe goods and services which the country produces.A country s standard ofliving, therefore, depends first and foremost on its capacity to produce wealth.“Wealth” in this sense is not money, for we do not live on money but on thingsthat money can b

11、uy: “goods” such as food and clothing, and “services” such astransport and entertainment.A countrys capacity to produce wealth depends upon many factors, most ofwhich have an effect on one another.Wealth depends to a great e_tent upon acountrys natural resources, such as coal, gold, and other minera

12、ls, watersupply and so on.Some regions of the world are well supplied with coal andminerals, and have a fertile soil and a favorable climate; other regions possessnone of them.难点提示:一般人,老百姓靠为生参考译文:任何一个国家的生活水平,指的是那个国家生产的产品和提供的服务为普通老百姓分享的情况。因此,一个国家的生活水平,首先取决于它创造财富的能力。在这个意义上,财富并不是指金钱,因为我们生存靠的不是钱,而是靠钱能买到

13、的东西:比如食物和衣服这些“产品”,交通和娱乐这些“服务”。一个国家创造财富的能力取决于很多因素,其中大部分因素相互作用。财富在很大程度上依赖于一个国家的自然资,比如煤矿、金矿和其他矿物质、水等等。世界上有些地区煤矿和矿物质的储量丰富,土壤肥沃,气候适宜,其他地区却一样都不具备。英语翻译资格考试初级口译模拟试题及答案The “standard of living” of a country means the average person s share ofthe goods and services which the country produces.A country s standa

14、rd ofliving, therefore, depends first and foremost on its capacity to produce wealth.“Wealth” in this sense is not money, for we do not live on money but on thingsthat money can buy: “goods” such as food and clothing, and “services” such astransport and entertainment.A countrys capacity to produce w

15、ealth depends upon many factors, most ofwhich have an effect on one another.Wealth depends to a great e_tent upon acountrys natural resources, such as coal, gold, and other minerals, watersupply and so on.Some regions of the world are well supplied with coal andminerals, and have a fertile soil and

16、a favorable climate; other regions possessnone of them.难点提示:一般人,老百姓靠为生参考译文:任何一个国家的生活水平,指的是那个国家生产的产品和提供的服务为普通老百姓分享的情况。因此,一个国家的生活水平,首先取决于它创造财富的能力。在这个意义上,财富并不是指金钱,因为我们生存靠的不是钱,而是靠钱能买到的东西:比如食物和衣服这些“产品”,交通和娱乐这些“服务”。一个国家创造财富的能力取决于很多因素,其中大部分因素相互作用。财富在很大程度上依赖于一个国家的自然资,比如煤矿、金矿和其他矿物质、水等等。世界上有些地区煤矿和矿物质的储量丰富,土壤肥沃,气候适宜,其他地区却一样都不具备。英语翻译资格考试初级口译模拟试题及答案迄今为止,财富五百强中有二百多家企业在中国投资。到1998年底,中国实际使



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