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2、级英语手抄报-快乐学英语学好语文,要注重培养学习兴趣,养成好的学习习惯,积累学习方法,增强学习能力等。我希望当你读完这篇文章后,能为你的语文之路,垫石铺地,为你的语文大厦添砖加瓦,为你的学习铺上一条通天大道。小朋友们,现在我们就从语文手抄报开始吧。五年级英语手抄报-快乐学英语学习英语的快乐在哪里?不在于你今天背了多少单词,不在于你记住了几个句型,而在于你今天用英语说了几句话。小朋友们理解了吗?小学五年级英语二:五年级英语作文:My self-introduction投稿五年级英语作文:My self-introduction发件人:?正在加载中. 五年级作文:My self-introduct

3、ionHello, I am Cao Wanqian. I am a smart am 12 years old.I have short and black hair and small eyes.Purple is my favourite colour. Kangaroo is my favourite animal.I have a good friend. Its names Zhao Xhuanru, Its funny. I like she.作者:曹菀签上戍中心小学五年级20xx年8月1日星期五支付宝账号:小学五年级英语三:五年级英语作文:My family五年级作文:My f

4、amilyHi! I am Cao Wanqian. Im a smart girl.I am 13 years old. I have long hair and small eyes. Summer is my favourite colour.My father is 41 years old. He is very fat. He likes going to cinema.My mother is 39 years. She is tall and thin. She likes going to cinema, too.My baby sister is 2 years old.

5、She is very lovey. She likes jumping.This is my family.作者:曹菀签上戍中心小学五年级20xx年8月1日星期五支付宝账号:小学五年级英语四:小学英语作文:Me小学英语作文:MeHello , everybody! Do you know me ? My name is Liang Qikun. My English name is Jenny. I am from China . I am ten years old . I am a clever girl . I have short black hair , big black eye

6、s , big ears , a small nose and a small mouth . I am not very tall and not very thin . My hobby is reading books . My favourite sport is adventuring. I can play the piano very well . This is me.小学五年级英语五:五年级英语What time is it?教学案例及反思1教学内容 :PEP小学英语教材五年级下册Unit2第四课时。句型:What time is it?Its Its time to 教学目

7、标 1. 知识目标 掌握并能运用单词 “oclock”及句型 “ What time is it? ”、 “ Its ”、 “ Its time to ”。 认读并理解单词“want”。 2. 能力目标 能运用所学的语言知识在创设的情境中进行熟练的交际,并在此基础上能将其应用于日常生活之中。 3. 情感目标 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生树立学好英语的信心,增强学生的参与意识,引导学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,并在成功中体会英语学习中的乐趣。 4德育目标 通过本课的学习,培养学生珍惜时间、热爱生活的良好品德。 重点难点 1.重点: 三个句型 2.难点: 熟练地运用三个句型参与交际 课

8、前准备 1.CAI课件; 2. “oclock 、want”单词卡片及“What time is it?”、“Its”、“ Its time to”等句型卡片; 3.挂钟一个; 4.模拟钟一个(可任意调整时间); 5.30只小型模拟钟(可任意调整时间)。 板书设计 clockWhat time is it? WantIts ITS time to 教学步骤 Step 1 Free talk T:Boys and girls , nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you, too. 分别与单个学生对话:Hello! How do you do? How are

9、 you? Whats your name? How old are you? /Is this your book ? Whats this? (学生的笔、橡皮、铅笔盒 ) T:Whats this?(黑板上方悬挂的时钟) 引出clock。 Step 2 Warming up 带领学生用一只手模仿时针转圈,同时count from 1 to 12。 Step 3 Presentation (1) 1. Learn the new word: oclock 继而count from 1 oclock to 12 oclock。 利用“教具钟”认读钟点。 2. Learn the sentenc

10、e pattern: What time is it? NextPageT:I have many many clocks. Do you want to see them?OK, lets go! (显示若干漂亮的钟面) T:Wow, so many beautiful clocks! Do you want to know what time every clock tells us? (课件闪现“特大问号”) OK. If we want to know , we can ask ,“What time is it? ” (卡片认读,并贴于黑板:跟读几遍、模仿火车轮转动的方式操练、个别学

11、生抽读) 3. Learn the sentence pattern: Its 最后一位学生说“What time is it?” T: By which clock do you want to know what time it is? 老师点击课件并说出时间:Its,并教学此句型。 Step 4 Drill 1. CAI依次显示钟面(10:00、 8:20 、9:35),同时操练: A:Excuse me. What time is it? B:Its 2. 用滚动的“时刻”设置游戏(抢答竞赛): What time is it? Its 3.转变为一个显示7:00的“大钟面”。小学五年

12、级英语六:My family_小学英语作文Hello,my name is Lily and i am a 12 years old girl。Do you know how many people are there in my family?Let me tell you,there are 5 people in my family,My father、my mother、my parents and i。My father is a doctor,he likes play basketball 。My mother is nurse ,and she likes read books。My grandfather is 66 years old,but he always do morning exercises。My grandmother is a math teacher and she likes sing and dance。I am a student,i like play football with my friends。My family is very wonderful。All in all,i love my family。99作文网小学五年级英语试卷第 7 页


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