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1、英国文学选读几篇背诵文章英汉对照Son 18 - William ShakespeareShall I pare thee to a summer&#;s day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate:Rough ds do shake the darling buds of May,And summer&#;s lease hath all too short a date:Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,And often is his gold ple_ion dimmed,And every

2、fair from fair sometime declines,By chance, or nature&#;s changing course untrimmed:But thy eternal summer shall not fade,Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow&#;st,Nor shall death brag thou wand&#;rest in his shade,When in eternal lines to time thou grow&#;st,So long as men can breathe or eyes c

3、an see,So long lives this, and this gives life to the梁实秋译文:我可能把你和夏天相比拟?你比夏天更可爱更温和:狂风会把五月的花苞吹落地夏天也嫌太短促,匆匆而过。有时太阳照得太热,常常又遮暗他的金色的脸;美的事物总不免要凋落,偶然的,或是随自然变化而流转。但是你的永恒之夏不会褪色,你不会失去你的俊美的仪容;死神不能夸说你在它的阴影里面走着,如果你在这不朽的诗句里获得了永生;只要人们能呼吸,眼睛能看东西, 此诗就会不朽,使你永久生存下去。沼泽地 - 给TP佛拉南根?我们没有大草原可以在晚上一片一片地切除大太阳 -这里的任何地方眼睛都要向侵蚀到眼

4、前的地平线让步,?被引进独眼巨人眼睛似的山中小湖。我们无遮拦的国土是一片沼泽,在太阳落下和升起之间不断结着硬壳。?他们把大爱尔兰麋鹿的骨架运出沼泽,装置成标本,一个惊人的大板条箱充满了空气。?黄油沉埋在地下一百多年被重新找到咸而白的一块。这沼泽地本身就是一种黑色的奶油?在脚下溶化,裂开,百万年来它从未定形。他们永远也不会在这里挖出煤块,?只挖得出大火烧过浸透水的树干,软如纸浆。我们的垦荒者们不断在这里开掘向内向下。?他们开掘的每一层似乎都曾有人住过。沼泽地的凹处可能是大西洋水渗出的地方。潮湿的中心深沉无敌。A Red, Red RoseRobert Burns红红的玫瑰罗伯特彭斯O, my L

5、uve&#;s like a red, red rose,That&#;s newly sprung in June.O, my Luve&#;s like a melodieThat&#;s sweetly play&#;d in tune.哦,爱人像红红的玫瑰,六月初绽芬芳;哦,爱人像美妙的乐曲,旋律轻轻流淌。As fair as thou, my bonnie lass,So deep in luve am I;And I will love thee still, my dear,Till a&#; the seas gang dry.好姑娘,散发美丽光芒,爱你情深意切;亲爱的,我要永

6、远爱你,直到四海枯竭。Till a&#; the seas gang dry, my dear,And the rocks melt wi&#; the sun:I will love thess till, my dear,While the sands o&#; life shall run:亲爱的,直到四海枯竭,太阳烧裂岩石;亲爱的,我要永远爱你,只要尚存一息。And fare thee well, my only luve!And fare thee weel, a while!And I will e again, my luve,Tho&#; it ware ten thousan

7、d mile.再见吧,我唯一的爱人!不过别离片刻!亲爱的,我会与你重逢,纵使万里相隔。A Red, Red Roseby Robert BurnsMy love is like a red, red rose ? ?Thats newly sprung in June : My love is like the melody ? ?Thats sweetly played in tune.As fair art thou, my bonnie lass, ? ?So deep in love am I : And I will love thee still, my dear, ? ?Till

8、 a the seas gang dry.Till a the seas gang dry, my dear, ? ?And the rocks melt wi the sun : And I will love thee still, my dear, ? ?While the sands o life shall run.And fare thee weel, my only love, ? ?And fare thee weel a while ! And I will e again, my love, ? ?Thou it were ten thousand mile.一朵红红的玫瑰

9、? ?王佐良译? ? 啊,我爱人象一朵红红的玫瑰,? ? 它在六月里初开;? ? 啊,我爱人象一支乐曲,它美妙地演奏起来。? ? 你是那么漂亮,美丽的姑娘,? ? 我爱你是那么深切;? ? 我会一直爱你,亲爱的,? ? 一直到四海枯竭。? ? 一直到四海枯竭,亲爱的,? ? 到太阳把岩石烧化;? ? 我会一直爱你,亲爱的,? ? 只要生命之流不绝。再见吧,我唯一的爱人,? ? 让我和你小别片刻;? ? 我会回来的,亲爱的,? ? 即使我们万里相隔。红玫瑰-郭沫若吾爱吾爱玫瑰红,六月初开韵晓风;吾爱吾爱如管弦,其声悠扬而玲珑。吾爱吾爱美而殊,我心爱你永不渝,我心爱你永不渝,直到四海海水枯;直到四


11、(主格,“你”,相当于中文古字“君”或“卿”),thee=you(宾格,“你”,亦相当于中文古字“君”或“卿”),fare thee well=farewell to you=say good-bye to you(“再见”)亦用方言,较显亲切。如:luve=love(“爱人”,“爱”), melodie=melody(“乐曲”), gane=gone(“逝去”), ware=were(are过去式,“是”)Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be for

12、got And days of auld lang syne? For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne, We&#;ll take a cup o&#; kindness yet For auld lang syne.Boney M.We twa hae run aboot the braes And pou&#;d the gowans fine; We&#;ve wander&#;d mony a weary foot Sin&#; auld lang syne.We two hae paidled i&#; the burn, Fr

13、ae mornin&#; sun till dine; But seas between us braid hae roar&#;d Sin&#; auld lang syne.And here&#;s a hand, my trusty friend, And gie&#;s a hand o&#; thine; We&#;ll take a cup o&#; kindness yet Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot And da

14、ys of auld lang syne? For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne, We&#;ll take a cup o&#; kindness yet For auld lang syne.For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne, We&#;ll take a cup o&#; kindness yet For auld lang syne.中文翻译怎能忘记旧日朋友 心中能不怀想 旧日朋友岂能相忘 友谊地久天长 我们曾经终日游荡 在故乡的青山上 我们也曾历尽苦辛 到处奔波流浪

15、 我们也曾终日消遥 荡桨在碧波上 但如今却劳燕分飞 远隔大海重洋 我们往日情意相投 让我们紧握手 我们来举杯畅饮 友谊地久天长 友谊万岁 友谊万岁 举杯痛饮 同声歌颂友谊地久天长 Auld lang syne Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to min? Should auld acquaintance be forgot , And auld lang syne? For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne, We&#;ll take a cup o&#; kindness yet , For auld lang syne.We twa hae run about the braes .And pu&#;d the gowans fine; But we&#;ve wander&#;d mony a weary f


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