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1、Module 3 专题9单元目标导航1take over夺气,接管2be known as以而著称3prevent sb./sth. from doing sth.阻止某人/某物做某事4carry out执行,实施,进行5on board在船上飞机上或甲板上6point out指出7be related to与有联系8focus on致力于,集中(注意力)9last long持续很久10in use在使用中11患(病)come down with12涉及,专心(involve)be involved in13情况良好(condition)in good condition14作为回报in re

2、turn15起航前往某地set sail for16发生take place17纪念,追念(memory)in memory of18不再no more (no longer)19起义,反抗rise up against20阻碍(某人)stand in ones path1. take短语1take over接管,接任;夺取,控制2take sb.in欺骗某人3take in理解,收留4take on呈现;开始雇佣;承担,从事5take off起飞;脱下;成功,成名6take up占据;着手处理;拿起;开始从事7take charge of看管,负责8take away拿走9take back

3、收回;使回忆起10take out拿出11take place发生12take down记下,写下13take for把误认为14take for granted把认为是理所当然的2. erupt短语1erupt into laughter/shouting突然大笑/喊叫2break out突然发生,爆发3burst into(sth.)突然开始(尤其是唱歌,哭,笑等)4burst out(doing)突然大声喊叫3. bury短语1bury sb. alive把某人活埋2bury sb./sth. at(in,under,beneath)把某人/物埋在3bury ones face/head

4、 in把脸/头伸到里4bury oneself in ones work/study埋头工作/学习5be buried in埋头于,专心于6be lost in全神贯注于7be absorbed in专心致志于8be concentrated on专心于9be devoted to致力于10be addicted to沉迷于11be attached to附属于4. remaining短语1remain +adj./n./adv./doing/done保持,仍然是2remain at/in/with留在,停留3remain to be done待做4It remains to be seen尚

5、不确定,说不准5It only remains for sb. to say某人要说的只是6The fact remains that不能忽略的是5. drive短语1drive sb. mad/crazy将某人逼疯2drive sb. back开车送某人回去3drive sb. to sth.使某人感到4drive sb. to do sth.迫使某人做某事5drive sb. away赶跑某人6drive off驱车离开,赶走7drive out逐出,乘车出去,赶出去8drive sb./sth. out驱散,消除9drive sth. up快速上升,急剧上涨10go for a driv

6、e/ride去兜风11an hours drive开车一个小时的路程12economy drive节约运动13drive home把敲入;把讲透彻6. condition短语1in good condition状态良好,身体健康,情况良好2out of condition身体不适,不能使用3in no condition to do sth.不适宜做某事4on one condition有一个条件5on condition that条件是,只要6on no condition决不7housing/living conditions住房/生活条件8under existing condition

7、s在现有的条件下9under the conditions of在的条款下7. carry out短语1carry out a plan实施计划2carry out a promise履行诺言3carry out a threat实行威胁4carry out an order执行命令5carry out an experiment(on)对做实验6carry off(成功地)完成,获得7carry on with sth.(doing sth.)继续(做)某事8carry sb. through sth.帮助某人渡过难关8. declare短语1declare sth. to be sth.宣

8、布为2declare sth. open/a success宣布开幕/成功3declare sb.(to be)the winner/the champion宣布某人为获胜者/冠军4declare for声明支持5declare against声明反对6declare war on/against向宣战9. in memory of短语1in memory of=to the memory of为了纪念(已经过世的某人)2in honour of纪念,为了向表示敬意3in praise of赞扬4in the hope of抱着希望5in favor of赞成,支持6in search of寻

9、找7in case of假设,万一8in need of需要9in spite of虽然,尽管10. influence短语1influence sb./sth.影响某人/事,起作用2influence sb. to do影响某人做3have an influence on对有影响4under the influence of受的影响,由于的作用5be a/an influence on对有的影响6a man of influence有权势的人Module 4 专题10单元目标导航1get/be used to doing sth.习惯做某事2deal with对付,处理3get across

10、传达,被理解4be aware of知道,明白,意识到5be available to可利用的,可得到的6be bored with对感到厌烦7put sth.together汇集8fall for上的当,受的骗,对信以为真9since then自从那以后10be supposed to应当,应该11以为基础be based on12捉弄,欺骗play tricks on13对感到满意be satisfied with14鼓励某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth.15劝(服)某人做某事persuade sb. to do(into doing) sth.16上市,打折on

11、sale17与某人分享(合用)share with sb.18(数量、程度等)达到up to19吸引,引起兴趣,呼吁appeal to20对关心(关注或感兴趣)be concerned with/about1. share短语1share sth. with sb.与某人分享某物,共用某物2share sth. between/among sb.分配某物3share the joy and hardships同甘共苦4share in分享,分担;参与5share an interest兴趣相同6do ones share 做分担的工作,履行义务等7go shares分享利润,分摊费用2. se

12、rvice短语1community/social service社区/社会服务2customer service顾客服务台3public service公益服务4domestic service家政服务;国内航线5service station加油站6service industry服务行业7at ones service随时可供使用,(或可以帮助)8be of service to sb.对某人有用处,为某人效劳9in service在服役,被雇佣10do sb. a service帮某人的忙3. promote短语1promote a new product促销新产品2promote wo

13、rld peace促进世界和平3promote equal opportunities提倡平等的机会4be promoted to manager被提升为经理4. aware短语1be(well)aware cf(很)清楚,意识到2make sb. aware of使某人知道3be/become aware that意识到4as far as sb. is aware据某人所知5. trick短语1play tricks on欺骗,捉弄2have a trick of doing sth.有使用口头禅、某种表情或动作的习惯3trick sb. into doing sth.引诱某人做某事4trick sb. out of sth.骗走某人的某物;诈骗5. make fun of嘲弄,取笑6. laugh at嘲笑,蔑视6. lie短语1lie: lied-lied-lying说谎2lie: lay-lain-lying躺,位于3lay: laid-laid-laying放置,放到;下蛋4lie to sb.(=tell sb. a lie)对



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