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1、资料来源:来自本人网络整理!祝您工作顺利!简单英语2人对话练习 进展英语对话,不但能进步英语口语程度,还能提升听力力量。下面是我给大家整理的简洁英语2人对话练习,供大家参阅! 简洁英语2人对话练习:advertising A: how could we advertise our celebrations to mark the centenary of the founding of the university? B; Im sure we could get one or two tv companies to come in. perhaps the president could i

2、nvite them and do an interview. A: thats a good idea. We could put up some posters in and around the campus with a list of events. It would be quite cheap to do on the campus. B: it will be expensive to do outside the campus. Perhaps we could arrange for some sponsorship. A: we could contact alumni

3、who work for large, well-know companies. They might be able to arrange cheap advertising in exchange for some free tickets. B; good thinking! We should also print some leaflets for students to distribute. A: we should put some information about it on the home page of our university website. When peo

4、ple visit the website, theyll see the information. B: we could take out some advertisements to local newspapers. I checked the prices and they are reasonable. A; ok. Lets get to work on our advertising campaign. Intermediate A: there are advertisements everywhere here in hong kong. The city is so br

5、ight at night, with all the neon signs. B: I like it. It makes the city feel alive. I like all the different colors and I like the billboards with eye-catching pictures and slogans. A; I think that there are too many of them. I think that companies spend far too much money on advertising. They shoul

6、d have lower prices instead. Then they would see more. B; I see your point, but if companies didnt spend money on advertising, no one would hear about their products. I agree that some form of advertising can be annoying. I dont like it when people try to give you leaflets with information about pro

7、ducts you have no intention of buying. A; I really hate receiving spam. I also dislike having to listen to advertisements and jingles when they are broadcast in stores or on the subway. B; yes, that annoys me too. With billboards, you can look away, but with broadcasts, you cant avoid them. I like t

8、he way that advertising agencies use comedy in their campaign. A; I like that too. I dont like the way that advertising campaign often tell you if you dont buy a certain product, youre not cool or modern or efficient or something. B: that kind of advertising seems to be very common with brand name p

9、roducts. They are always trying to maintain brand loyalty. 简洁英语2人对话练习:newspaper A: do you buy that newspaper every day? B: yes, I do. I find it very informative. It always has plenty of articles from correspondents all over the world and the business section is very useful too. A: is there a Sunday

10、edition of that newspaper? B; yes. There is. it has several sections, so its quite a read! It usually takes me a few hours to read it on Sunday morning. A: what section does it have? B: let me see. Theres the news section, the entertainment section, sports, business, and world affairs. A; whats in t

11、hat section? B: world affairs? They look at the most important stories in more detail. I find it fascinating. Do you buy a daily paper? A; I buy a national newspaper sometimes, buy I nearly always buy a local evening newspaper. I find the local news more interesting than national or international ne

12、ws. Intermediate A; are there any interesting articles in todays newspapers? B; the headlines are all about the presidential election in the united states. Few other stories made the front pages. A; is there anything of interest to us in the business sections? B; theres an interesting feature articl

13、e in the chronicle about doing business in china and the daily news has printed a report about the special economic zone near pairs. We have a subsidiary company located there. A; are the reports favorable? B; generally, the reporters take positive lines. They do point out a few problems that we nee

14、d to be aware of, but theres nothing worrying in the reports. In the classifieds, one of our competitors is advertising for people who speak Japanese. A: thats interesting. They must be thinking of moving into that market. Are there any interesting editorials? B; not really. They all seem to focus o

15、n the election. There have been several letters printed in the chronicle regarding that controversial article on drugs that they printed last week. A; Im not surprised. That article certainly added fuel to the debate. Ok. Thanks. Can you leave two articles and the advertisements with me? Id like to read them. B; sure. There you are. 简洁英语2人对话练习:Magazine A; do you often buy magazines? B: I buy a computer magazine every month. It keeps me up-to date with all the latest developments.


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