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1、QT论文:基于QT的电力调系统通信前置机软件的开发研究 作者: 日期:8 个人收集整理 勿做商业用途QT论文:基于QT的电力调度系统通信前置机软件的开发研究【中文摘要】通信前置机作为SCADA系统的实时数据输入、输出的主要门户,承担了调度控制中心与所属厂站之间、与各上下级调度控制中心以及调度中心内的后台系统之间的实时数据通信处理的任务,主要负责规约的解释和转换。目前通信前置机多数基于WINDOWS开发平台,也有基于UNIX, LINUX等,还有为提高通信前置机实时性基于RTOS操作系统如QNX系统平台下开发的.随着计算机技术的日新月异,势必出现多种新平台新技术,而兼容多平台的实时性强的、具有良



4、,采用QWidget类开发出前置机系统的人机界面。本文还双机采用平衡式传输系统从而保证基于QT的通信前置机系统通信实时性。【英文摘要】Front Equipment Porcessor(FEP) is the channel for the input and output of real-time data in SCAD A system, it is responsible for the communication of real-time data between the dispatching center and its RTUs, Superior dispatching ce

5、nter and Junior dispatching center, and within the backend system computers。 Its tasks is explaining and transforming the protocols。 Most of the FEPs are based on Windows,of course,there are other platforms,such as Unix,Linux,etc。 more and more new platforms and technology appear with the developing

6、 of computer,so the FEPs which are more compatible and better in development will be widly used. This thesis design the compatible front end computer software。First the thesis sumarizes development of the FEP, analyzes the existing problem in the FEP,expound the thesiss significance。And then the the

7、sis analyzes the function of the FEP,put forward the existing problems in the FEPs which are based on Windows、Linux、Unix。 Vxwroks etc. the thesis introduces and analyzes the IEC60870-5101 protocol and IEC60870-5-104 protocol,change the 104 procotol to the protocol which is used in dispatching system

8、, then thesis designs the core modules of the FEP, including the protocol transforming module, network communication module and interface moduleThen, the thesis analyzes the characteristics of the QT platform, witch are used for the design of the FEP, especially the communication mechanism, signal a

9、nd slot, D-Bus for the communication within the processes. At the end of this part thesis introduce the setup of the processpriority in QT platform.In the end it is the design of the FEP system software, through adopting OOP the thesis pachages the functions of the FEP which are telecontrol communic

10、ation, network communication and protocol transformation so that the software will be modifyed or extended easily. Setting the processes and threads of the FEP system based on QT。 It is multiprocess in the FEP system and its IPC is based on Dbus, the signal and slot will be used for the communicatio

11、n within the threads. Though the transformation between the 101 procotol and the dispaching systems procotol the thesis introduce the procotol transformation funtion。 The FEP system will realize the network communication with QudpSocket class and QtcpSocket class,and design the interface of the syst

12、em with Qwidget class. Both of the computers are balanced in communication so that it is the pledge for the FEPs realtime communication.本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途个人收集整理,勿做商业用途【关键词】QT SCADA 通信前置机 多进程 多线程 跨平台【英文关键词】QT SCADA Front equipment processor Multiprocessing Multithread Cross-platform【目录】基于QT的电力调度系统通信前置

13、机软件的开发研究摘要67Abstract78第1章 绪论11171.1 SCADA系统的发展历史概述11121。2 电力调度系统通信前置机的发展概述12-151。2。1 电力调度系统通信前置机的发展12151.2。2 通信前置机现阶段存在的主要问题151。3 本文研究的意义15161。4 本文所做主要工作以及章节安排1617第2章 电力调度系统通信前置机系统需求及功能计17202。1 电力调度系统通信前置机软件的需求分析17182.2 通信前置机的要求以及实现途径1820第3章 QT主要技术在本设计中的运用20313.1 QT的主要特点203。2 QT的通信机制20-263。2。1 QT内部对

14、象间通信21233.2。2 QT与外部设备间的通信23-263.2。3 QT其他的一些通信机制263。3 QT中的多线程26283.3。1 QT中的线程类26-273。3。2 线程的互斥和同步273.3。3 线程的优先级问题27-283。4 QT的QWidget类28293.5 QT核心技术在本系统中的运用29-31第4章 通信规约的分析31-404。1 IEC608705-101远动通信规约的概述31354。1。1 通讯方式314。1。2 选用模型31-324。1.3 101规约传输方式324。1。4 三种帧结构格式分析32-354。2 IEC60870-5104远动通信规约概述35-384.2.1 104规约的一般体系结构354。2.2 104规约结构35-364。2.3 应用规约数据单元(APDU)的定义36384。3 调度内网通信规约38-40第5章 通信前置机系统的软件设计40685。1 通信前置机系统方案的设计40-415.2 通信前置机系统软件部分的详细设计41-665.2。1 系统进程设计41-485.2。2 网络通信进程的设计48585。2。3 规


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