2012高考英语二轮复习限时训练 专题18 记叙文型完形填空(2)

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1、专题限时训练(十八)记叙文型完形填空(二) (限时:30分钟)(一)My first job was in what they call the city center. The _1_ was large,dark and old _2_ the physics lecture room was on the second floor. _3_ ,it wasnt a lecture room at all,it was an ordinary room,but it had “LECTURE ROOM” on the _4_ .The students were sixteen or se

2、venteen years old,_5_ several years younger than me. _6_,some of them looked and acted _7_ older than me sometimes. The room was directly _8_ the street,and had the window looking out over the street and many houses. One day,I was _9_ some words on the blackboard when I heard a sudden change in the

3、noise behind me. There was a man standing in the room with _10_ an apple in his hand. he looked _11_ . “I _15_ the fellow who threw this.” said the man. “I _16_ wait outside for you.” And then he left,slamming the door. There was _17_ and I continued with the lesson. At the end of every lesson,a bel

4、l rang,usually the class were all _18_ before it finished ringing,leaving me saying “Thats all for today” to an empty _19_ . This time,when the bell went for the end of the lesson,no one _20_ .“Thats all for today,” I said. “You go first,sir.” said one of the boys. It made a nice change,being first

5、out.()1. Aroom Bbuilding Cfloor Dcity()2. Aand Bas Cso Dbut()3. Ahappily BLuckily CProperly DActually()4. Afloor Bground Cdoor Dwindow()5. Aover Bonly Cup Dalmost()6. AIn fact BIn the end CAfter all DAs a result()7. Amore Bless Cvery Deven()8. Aon Babove Cbelow Din()9. Agetting Bmaking Ctaking Dputt

6、ing()10. Ahardly Balmost Chalf Dsuch()11. Aangry Bkind Csorry Dhappy()12. AAnyone BOne CWho DSomeone()13. Ahit Bfell Clanded Darrived()14. Aasked Bsaid Ctalked Dtold()15. Ahate Bfind Cget Dwant()16. Awill Bmust Cshould Dcan()17. Abell Bsilence Cpause Dlight()18. Awalked Bleft Cgone Dended()19. Aless

7、on Bclass Croom Dlecture()20. Aheard Bfinished Cspoke Dmoved (二)Alone in the light at the dining room table,I sat in tears. Finally,Id succeeded in getting both kids to bed. I got them both washed,_1_ by cries of delight,crazy running around,laughing and throwing things. _2_ calmed down,they lay in

8、their beds as I gave each five minutes back rubs as usual. Then I began the night time routine of a song both kids _3_ . I sang it over and over until they seemed fully engaged in _4_ . A recently _5_ man with full custody (监护权)of his children,I was determined to give them as _6_ and stable a home l

9、ife as possible. I _7_ a happy face for them. Everything was just as it had always been with the exception _8_ their mother was now missing. There,another night successfully _9_ . I rose slowly,tiptoed out of their room and went downstairs. Sitting at the _10_ room table,I realized that this was the

10、 first time since I came home from work that Id been able to _11_ sit down. I was _15_ to be seen crying by my son. “ Im sorry,Ethan,I didnt know you were still awake. Im sorry. Im just a little _16_ tonight.” “Its okay,daddy. Its okay to cry,youre just a _17_.” I cant express how happy h e made me,

11、who gave me _18_ to cry. he seemed to be saying that I didnt have to always be _19_,that it was occasionally possible to allow myself to feel weak and _20_ my feeling. Somehow,it was possible for me to get to sleep that night. Thank you,my son.()1. A.excited Baccompanied Cencouraged Daffected()2.A.S

12、ooner or later BOr rather COn time DMore or less()3.A.favor Bfavorite Centertainment Dhobby()4.A.sleep Bbed Cjoy Dimagination()5.A.disabled Bmarried Cdivorced Ddiscovered()6.A.ordinary Bcommon Cregular Dnormal()7.A.put on Blooked on Cgot on Dhad on()8.A.which Bthat Cif Dwhether()9.A.arrived Bcelebrated Cdismissed Dconcluded()10.A.dining BsittingCbed Dstudy()11.A.almost BjustCever Dhardly()12.A.pleasure BlackCabsence Dweight()13.A.satisfaction BfunCloneliness Dworry()14.A.puzzled BsuspectedCsurprising Dsympathetic()15.A.emba


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