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1、 2020年学科教学渗透法制教育教学设计 标题仁爱版九年级上册 课题:Topic 3 What can we do at home to protect the environment?(Section A).Background 背景新目标初中英语教材采用任务型语言教学(TASK-BASED LANGUAGE TEACHING)模式融汇话题、交际功能和语言结构,话题教学能形成的生活化的学习过程,具有很多优点,但由于学生认知水平的发展具有规律性和局限性,所以在教学过程中结合实教学实际合理设计教学程序,充分发挥学生的主体作用,这样才能使教学效果达到最优。. Material analysis 教

2、材分析本课选自仁爱版九年级上册第二单元第三话题的第一课时。主活动是1a和2。1a 通过记者采访Jane,询问有关Jane 在环保组织的活动,引出话题内容:如何做一个环保人士。通过介绍在生活中如何践行环保行为,自然地用到本话题的功能意念:提出建议。在提出建议的同时,又引出本话题的语法:并列句,通过学习本课,可以增强学生的环保意识。培养学生在写作时运用连接词写出比较连贯的句子的能力。. Teaching aims 教学目标1.Knowledge aims:知识目标Let students learn and master the key words and phrases, and learn c

3、ompound sentences and how to make proper suggestions.2.Skill aims: 技能目标1). Make some proper suggestions for others.2). Can use coordinating conjunction to write correct sentences.3). Can summarize the listening materials before filling the blanks.3. Emotional aims: (optional) 情感态度目标Encourage student

4、s to protect our environment in our daily lives.4. The rule of law goals法制渗透目标1). 教师讲解几条有关环境保护的知识:第四十四条 违反本法规定,造成土地、森林、草原、水、矿产、渔业、野生动植物等资源的破坏的,依照有关法律的规定承担法律责任。2). 中学生如何保护好身边的环境: 多跟身边的人宣传环境保护的知识 不随地吐痰 不随便丢垃圾 垃圾分类 不浪费纸张 捡起纸屑、果皮、废弃物等并放进垃圾箱 用完水及时关闭水笼头 多种花、草和树木. The key points and difficult points 重难点1.

5、Key points: 重点Words and phrases: nod, agreement, disagreement, protection, organization, recycle, can, give up, so that, encourage sb to do sth.be harmful to sb./sth.Sentences: We should reduce the waste we produce.We should use both sides of paper and reuse plastic bags.Its a pleasure.Recycling can

6、 protect the environment, and it can save money, too.So we encourage students to collect waste paper and soft drink cans.Grammar: compound sentence2. Difficult points难点1.Students can choose the correct coordinating conjunction to complete the sentences.2. Students can understand the attributive clau

7、ces and the passive voice. Learning strategies 学习策略1.在1b任务中,要先听懂对话内容,再归纳填空。2.在2中,要明白不同的连接词的不同用法。先弄清上下句的关系,再确定选用连接词。3.在3a中,要充分利用自己的生活经验和已有的知识。4.识记一些英语谚语,有助于写作。VI. Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Revision1. Greeting.2. Review the words and phrases about pollution and the causes of it.教师呈现图片,学生迅速说出以下词汇:

8、sandstorm, desert, rubbish, hole, ozone layer, the green effect. 激活已有的知识背景。3. Make sentences with these words.Blackboard designWhat can we do at home to protect the environment?Section AWords and phrases:protect+tion=protectionorganize+tion=organizationre+cycle=recycleplasticbatterycanagree+ment=agr

9、eementdis+agree+ment=disagreementnodgive upencourage sb. to do sth.Grammargive suggestions :should / shouldntcompound sentences: 并列句conjunctions: 连接词and, but, while , or, for , as ,Sentences:We should reduce the waste we produce.We should use both sides of paper and reuse plastic bags.Recycling can

10、protect the environment, and it can save money, too.So we encourage students to collect waste paper and soft drink cans.Work hard, or you will fail the exam.教学反思:这堂课我主要以“任务型”教学模式为主,在每个步骤都设计相应的教学任务,这样让学生在完成任务的过程中学习并掌握英语知识,让学生及时运用所学知识进行造句、复述短话、描述图片等来掌握当堂课的知识。运用多媒体辅助进行教学,形象、生动,跟贴近生活,进而使课堂气氛生动活泼。以个人展示、小组讨论及合作的方式,学生主动实践与练习,积极运用所学知识进行表达和交流,教师及时检查和反馈,这样养成良好的学习习惯。本课较贴近日常生活,学生较感兴趣,反映积极,教学效果较好。-全文完-



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