2020春七彩课堂人教版初中英语八年级下册教学课件Unit 8 Section B 3a-Self Check

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《2020春七彩课堂人教版初中英语八年级下册教学课件Unit 8 Section B 3a-Self Check》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020春七彩课堂人教版初中英语八年级下册教学课件Unit 8 Section B 3a-Self Check(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? 人教版八年级级英语语下册 SectionB3a-SelfCheck UNIT 8 SECTION B Objectives u To review the present perfect tense . u To learn to write an article about a singer or writer. UNIT 8 SECTION B Fill in the blanks according to the article. usedto,hear,call,with,from,abroad,cha

2、nge, notsee,hope,success Sarah_fightoveralmosteverything_her parents.Latershe_asongwhenshestudied _.Thesong_herlifeforever.Thesongis _acountrymusicsinger_GarthBrooks,the _musicianinAmericanhistory. Sarah_thesingeryet,butshehaslistenedto manyofhissongs.She_toseehimoneday. usedto with heardabroad chan

3、gedfrom called mostsuccessful hopes hasntseen UNIT 8 SECTION B Think of a singer or writer you know well. Make a list of facts about him/her. Think of the following: 1.Whoisthesinger/writer? 2.Whendidthesinger/writerfirstbecome famous? 3.Howandwhydidhe/shefirstbecomefamous? 4.Whatfamoussongs/booksha

4、she/she recorded/ written?When? 3a UNIT 8 SECTION B 5.HowmanyCDs/bookshashe/shesold? 6.Howdidyoufindoutabouthim/her? 7.Ishe/shestillpopulartoday? 8.Haveyouintroducedthissinger/writerto others? 9.Howdoyoufeelabouthis/hermusic/books? 10.Haveyoueverplayed/sunghis/hersongs yourself? UNIT 8 SECTION B the

5、 first line in the song/book the book/song was written/recorded by enjoyed success in successful song/CD/book I listen to this song/read this book when . The song/book makes me feel . Write an article about the singer or writer. Here are some words and phrases you can use. 3b UNIT 8 SECTION B UNIT 8

6、 SECTION B Sample writing: MyfavoritesingerisJayChou(ZhouJielun).It tookhimafewyearstobecomefamous.WhileJay wrotesongsforotherpopsingers,healsolearned recordingandsoundmixing. Hisfirstalbumwasreleasedin2000,andsince then,hehasreleasedaboutonealbumperyear.His albumshaveenjoyedgreatsuccessinmanycountr

7、ies, andhissongsarepopularwithlistenersofallages. UNIT 8 SECTION B Ilikehismusicverymuch.Itispopmusic,butit hasamixofotherkindsofmusic,suchasR&B,rap, androck.Manyofhissongsareabouttheworldwe livein.OneofmyfavoritesongsisDaoXiang,which encouragespeoplenottogiveupevenwhenlifeis difficult. Ifeelhappyan

8、dfullofenergywhenIlistentohis songs.IhaveintroducedmybestfriendtoJayssongs, andheenjoysthesongs,too! UNIT 8 SECTION B 1.Whatdoyouthink_thisdress?Doyou thinkitlooksgoodonme? 2.Thelittleboywassohungrythathedidntput hisspoon_atall.Hejustkeptoneating. 1 Fill in the blanks with the correct words in the b

9、ox. of down downofaboutbackup Self Check UNIT 8 SECTION B 3.Shegrew_inasmalltown,although shelivesinabigcitynow. 4.Forhomework,ourteachertoldustowrite _oursummervacation. 5.Attheendoftheday,thebusbroughtus _toourschool. up about back UNIT 8 SECTION B 1.I_(join)thebookclublastmonth andI_(read)fiveboo

10、ks already. 2.Ionly_(start)takingFrenchclasses lastweekandI_(learn)50 Frenchwordsalready. 2 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets. joined haveread started havelearnt UNIT 8 SECTION B 3.Tony_(buy)apopmusicCD yesterdaybuthe_(listen)toit yet. 4.They_(listen)tomanysongsby Th

11、eBeatles,buttheycannot_(sing)any ofthem. 5.She_(see)thenewspaperonthetable thismorning,butshe_(have)any timetoreadityet. bought hasntlistened havelistened sing saw hasnthad UNIT 8 SECTION B 3 Make a list of the things you have done and the ones you havent done yet this week. Then ask two other stude

12、nts. You(students name) (students name) ThingsI havedone science homework, ThingsI havent done UNIT 8 SECTION B Make a conversation. A:Haveyoudoneyourhomework? B:Yes,Ihave./No,Ihavent. A:Whathaveyoudone?/Whathaventyoudone? B:Ihave/Ihavent A:Youvedonewell.Comeon./Ah,youshouldhurry up. UNIT 8 SECTION

13、B 1._you_(see)themovieyet? 2.Mybrother_(notbe)backyet. 3.Bothofthem_(come)toHongKong tendaysago. 4.Mary_(lose)herpen._you _(see)ithereandthere? .用适当的时态填空。 came haslostHave seen Haveseen ExercisesExercises hasntbeen UNIT 8 SECTION B 6._you_(find)yourwatchyet? 7.-Areyouthirsty? -NoI_just_(have)someora

14、nge. 8.We_already_(return)thebook. 9._they_(build)anewschoolinthevillage? 10.I_(notfinish)myhomework. Canyouhelpme? 11.Myfather_(read)thenoveltwice. Havefound have had have returned Have built haventfinished hasread UNIT 8 SECTION B .根据提示填空。 1.Hisnameisonthebook,soitb_tohim. 2.M_ofpeoplegoabroadever

15、yyear. 3.What_(别的)wouldyoulike? 4.HainanIslandisinthe_(south)partofChina. 5.Thereasonforhiss_isthatheworkedvery hard. elongs illions else southern uccess UNIT 8 SECTION B 1. 你曾经吃过鱼和薯条吗? 2.我刚刚丢了我的化学书。 3.他已经吃过午饭了。 .翻译下列句子。 Haveyoueverhad/eatenfishandchips? Ihavejustlostmychemistrybook. Hehasalreadyhad

16、lunch. UNIT 8 SECTION B U8S- (2019莱芜芜区) Itis4:30pm.BenandLeon_their work,sotheyareplayingchessnow. A.finishB.finished C.havefinishedD.willfinish 中考链接 UNIT 8 SECTION B 【答案】C 【解析】句意:现在是下午4点半,本和莱恩已 经完成作业,所以他们现在在下棋。根据句意 可知此处表示已经完成的事情对现在产生的影 响,要用现在完成时,故选C。 UNIT 8 SECTION B 1. Review the words and phrases 2. Write an article about your favorite singer or writer, use the useful phrases in 3b. HomeworkHomework 伴你成长


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