2020春七彩课堂人教版初中英语八年级下册教学课件Unit 4 Section B 3a-Self Check

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《2020春七彩课堂人教版初中英语八年级下册教学课件Unit 4 Section B 3a-Self Check》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020春七彩课堂人教版初中英语八年级下册教学课件Unit 4 Section B 3a-Self Check(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents? 人教版八年级级英语语下册 SectionB3a-SelfCheck UNIT 4 SECTION B Freetalk Doyouhavesomeafter- schoolclassestotake? Whatkindofclassesdo youhave? UNIT 4 SECTION B dancingclassguitarclass UNIT 4 SECTION B Englishtraining class Olympian mathclass UNIT 4 SECTION B paintingclas

2、s singingclass UNIT 4 SECTION B Discussion Do you love those after-school classes? Do you get a lot of pressure from them? UNIT 4 SECTION B A magazine interviewed some parents about after-school classes for children. Read the opinions below and make notes on your own opinions. Inmyopinion,Iagree 3a

3、UNIT 4 SECTION B Why should children take after-school classes? Your opinions 1.“after-schoolclassescanhelp kidsgetintoagood university.” 2.“Iwantmychildtobea successfulperson.” 3.“Itsgoodforchildrentostart learningfromayoungage.” Agree: Disagree: UNIT 4 SECTION B Write a letter to the magazine to e

4、xpress your opinions on after-school classes for children. Use the following expressions to help you. Trytowriteparagraphs First,sayifyouagreeordisagree. Dear , I dont really agree with . because . Although some parents are right about . I think children should . 3b UNIT 4 SECTION B Trytowriteparagr

5、aphs Then,explainwhy. In my opinion, it is important for children/ parents to . I believe it is better if children/parents . so that. Perhaps children/parents should/could If children, they will. UNIT 4 SECTION B When you give advice, you can use the following expressions to be polite. Why dont you

6、do? Why not do ? What about/How about + sth. ? What about/How about + doing ? Could you please do ? You should/could do Would you mind doing? Youd better do UNIT 4 SECTION B 1.Youshouldeatmorenow_you wontbehungrylater. 2._youmaynotliketodochores,you shouldhelpyourparentsaroundthehouse. 3.Youcouldsav

7、emoremoney_you so that Although so that 1.Fill in the blanks using until, so that or although. Self Check UNIT 4 SECTION B canbuyagiftforyourfriendsbirthday. 4.Kidsshouldntplaycomputergames_ lateatnight.Theyshouldrestearly. 5._manypeopleliketoeatjunkfood, theyshouldreallyeatmorefruitand vegetables_t

8、heycanbehealthy. until Although so that UNIT 4 SECTION B MybestfriendandIhadafight,andnowshe wontspeaktome. A.Youshouldkeeptryingtotalktoheruntilshe talkstoyou. B.Whydontyouwaitafewmoredaysbefore talkingtoher? Myadvice:_ _ IagreewithB,inmyview,Id liketotalkwithherwhenbothofusarecalm. 2 For each prob

9、lem, choose the advice you agree with more. Then write your own advice. UNIT 4 SECTION B Myfriendwantsmetogotoapartyontheweekend, butIwanttostudyformyexamsnextweek. A:Whydontyoujustgototheparty?Itllhelpyou torelax. B:Youshouldstudyfortheexamsbecausetheyre moreimportantthanaparty. Myadvice:_ _ Iagree

10、withA,becauseafterrelaxing youllbemucheasiertoobtaintheknowledge. UNIT 4 SECTION B MybrotherwatchestelevisionwhileImtryingto study. A:Whydontyoutellhimtodosomethingquiet whenyourestudying? B:YoucouldtellhimtoturndowntheTV. Myadvice:_ _ IagreewithA,becauseIthinkits wiseforhimtoacceptthisadvice. UNIT

11、4 SECTION B 1.Whereareyougoing? Imgoingshopping. _?Certainly. A.Willyougivemepen B.Couldyougetapenforme C.CanIhelpyou D.Whatareyougoingtobuy I. 单项选择。 B ExercisesExercises UNIT 4 SECTION B 2.JohnismuchbetterthanI_. A.toplayingchess B.forplayingchess C.atplayingchess D.inplayingchess C UNIT 4 SECTION

12、B 3.Doingmorningexercises_your health. A.isgoodforB.isgoodto C.aregoodforD.aregoodat 4.MyspokenEnglishispoor,whatshall Ido? JoinanEnglishlanguageclubtopractice, youll_it? A.begoodatB.dropinC.dealwith A A UNIT 4 SECTION B 5._spendingourvacationinahotel, whynottryhikinginthecountry? A.InsteadofB.Becauseof C.ThankstoD.Asfor 6.Wearefreethisafternoon.Letsgoto playcomputergames? Well,IthinkIdbetterwatchanEnglish program_. A.tooB.eitherC.thenD.instead A D UNIT 4 SECTION B Homework Homework What do you think of the after- school classes? Write an article about it. 伴你成长



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