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1、Unit 6 Outdoor fun 课时 5 Integrated skills & Study skills 译林版初中英语七年级下册 课堂导入01 课文呈现02 知识讲解03 课堂练习04 课堂导入 Chinese kites 课文呈现 A1)The students are going to fly kites this weekend. Mr Wu is asking about their kites. Listen to their conversation. Write the students names under their kites. _ _ _ _ Integrat

2、ed skills Chinese kites abcd MillieSimonAmyDaniel A2)Mr Wu is telling the students about the history of kites. Listen to his talk. Match each person with the correct event. Write the letters in the boxes. 1 2 3 4dcba A3)Listen to Mr Wus talk again. Help Millie write down what he said. You can use th

3、e information in Part A2. Kites have a long history in China. The Chinese began to make kites over (1) _ years ago. In the Warring States period, a famous man, (2)_, made a bird out of (3)_. That was the first kite in history. His student (4)_used bamboo to make kites. In the Eastern Han 2, 000 Mozi

4、 wood Lu Ban dynasty, (5) _ found a new way to make paper, and then people began to use paper to make kites. In the (6) _ century, an Italian man called (7)_visited China. He told people in the (8) _all about kites. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, kite flying became a very popular (9) _ activity. We

5、ifang, a city in Shandong Province, has become famous for making (10)_ from then on. Cai Lun 13th Marco Polo West outdoor kites B)Speak up: Were having a picnic. Amy and her cousin Shirley are going for a picnic. Work in pairs and talk about a day out. Use the conversation below as a model. Shirley:

6、Were having a picnic today. Im so excited. Amy: Me too. Itll be a great day. Shirley: What can we do there, Amy? Amy: We can fly kites. Shirley: Good. Can we go swimming too? Amy: No, Im afraid not. Its dangerous to swim in the lake. Shirley: I see. Remember to take your mobile phone,Amy. Amy: OK. N

7、ow everything is ready. Shall we go? A)Put the following words in alphabetical order. Write the numbers 18 in the blanks. amobile _ bbicycle _ csunny _ dpicnic _ eremember _ fsurprised _ g forget _ hnotice _ Study skills 31 75 68 24 B)On the left below are some page numbers and guide words from a di

8、ctionary. Write down the page numbers for the words on the right. PagesGuide words 3435 doctor drink 4647 each eight 8485 neck nice 8889 note now 9697 present price WordsWords Pages 1 pretty 9697 2 nothing 3 dream 4 neighbour 5 earth 8889 3435 8485 4647 知识讲解 wood /wd/ n. 木头,木材 知识识点1 考向 eg:All the fu

9、rniture here was made of wood. 这里所有的家具都是用木料制作的。 wood作“木头,木材”讲时,为不可数名词,作“ 小树林”讲时为可数名词。其形容词为:wooden 木制的。 eg:There are a group of monkeys in the woods. 树林里有一群猴子。 Those large wooden tables are Mr Whites. 那些大的木桌是怀特先生的。 excited /ksatd/ adj. 激动的 知识识点2 考向 eg:He was too excited to say a word. 他激动得一句话也说不出来。 辨

10、析excited与exciting excited 兴奋的;激动的。 指人对感到兴 奋,主语通常是人 。 Are you excited about going to Australia? 去澳大利亚你兴奋 吗? exciting 令人兴奋的;使人激 动的。指事物本身令 人兴奋、激动。常用 于修饰物。 The teacher told us an exciting story. 老师给我们讲了一个令 人兴奋的故事。 课堂练习 一、根据汉语提示完成句子 1. We can use_(木材) to make paper. 2. He will go on a trip for a_(一段时间).

11、3. Jack felt very_(激动的) when he opened his Christmas present. 4. The Great Wall has a history of over twenty _(世纪). 5. My brother gave me a_(手机) as a birthday present. wood period excited centuries mobile phone 二、根据汉语完成句子 6. 去年,人们发现了一种新的造纸方法。 Last year, people found a new way _ _ _. 7. 潍坊因制作风筝而出名。 W

12、eifang is _ _ making kites. to make paper 【点拨】be famous for意为“因而出名”。 famous for 8. 你想去野餐吗? Would you like to _ _ _? 9. 从那时起,海伦就对拉小提琴感兴趣了。 _ _ _, Helen was interested in _ the violin. 10. 他听说这件事时,变得很生气。 He _ very angry when he _about it. have a picnic From then on playing became heard 本节课主要学习了以下知识点,请同学们及时巩固练 习: wood excited 课堂小结 感谢您的聆听 课时 5 Integrated skills & Study skills 译林版初中英语七年级下册


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