2020-2021学年人教新目标七年级下册英语 Unit 7 教材听力原文及译文

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1、UNIT 7听录音,在上面方框中写出这些城市的名字。对话1汤姆:嘿,彼得。彼得:嗨,汤姆。汤姆:上海那儿的天气怎么样?彼得:多云。莫斯科的天气怎么样?汤姆:现在正在下雪。对话2彼得:嗨,萨莉婶婶。萨莉婶婶:你好,彼得。彼得:波士顿的天气怎么样?萨莉婶婶:哦,有风。对话3彼得:那么,北京的天气怎么样?朱莉:阳光明媚。对话4彼得:嗨,比尔叔叔。比尔叔叔:你好,彼得。彼得:多伦多的天气怎么样?比尔叔叔:像往常一样,正在下雨!听录音,并给图片编号1-4。吉姆:你好,琳达。我是吉姆。琳达:你好,吉姆!吉姆:乔叔叔在吗?琳达:不,他不在。他出去了。吉姆:出去了?外面很冷不是吗?琳达:不,外面阳光明媚,而且

2、很暖和。吉姆:乔叔叔在做什么?琳达:他正在打篮球。吉姆:萨莉婶婶在吗?琳达:是的,她在,但她现在很忙。吉姆:她在做什么?琳达:她正在做饭。吉姆:玛丽呢?她在做什么?琳达:没什么。她只是看电视。你想跟她通话,对吗?吉姆:是的,谢谢。并且我还能和Section A1b Listen and write these city names in the boxes above.Conversation 1Tom: Hey,Peter. Peter: Hi, Tom. Tom: Hows the weather down there in Shanghai?Peter. Its cloudy. Hows

3、 the weather in Moscow?Tom: Its snowing right now.Conversation 2Peter: Hi,Aunt Sally. Aunt Sally: Hello, Peter. Peter: Hows the weather in Boston?Aunt Sally: Oh, its windy.Conversation 3Peter: So, hows the weather in Beijing? Julie: Its sunny. Conversation 4Peter: Hi, Uncle Bill. Uncle Bill: Hello,

4、Peter. Peter: Hows the weather in Toronto?Uncle Bill: Its raining, as usual!2a Listen and number the pictures1-4.Jim: Hello, Linda. This is Jim. Linda: Hello, Jim! Jim: Is Uncle Joe there?Linda: No, he isnt. Hes outside.Jim: Outside? Its cold, isnt it?Linda: No, its sunny and really warm.Jim: Whats

5、Uncle Joe doing?Linda: Hes playing basketball.Jim: Is Aunt Sally there?Linda: Yes, she is, but shes busy right now.Jim: Whats she doing?Linda: Shes cooking.Jim: How about Mary? Whats she doing?Linda: Not much. Shes only watching TV. You want to talk to her, dont you?Jim: Yes, thanks. And can I say “

6、hi” to Jeff , too?杰夫打个招呼吗?琳达:当然。他正在玩电子游戏。再听一遍录音,将名字与活动配对。吉姆:你好,琳达。我是吉姆。琳达:你好,吉姆!吉姆:乔叔叔在吗?琳达:不,他不在。他出去了。吉姆:出去了?外面很冷不是吗?琳达:不,外面阳光明媚,而且很暖和。吉姆:乔叔叔在做什么?琳达:他正在打篮球。吉姆:萨莉婶婶在吗?琳达:是的,她在,但她现在很忙。吉姆:她在做什么?琳达:她正在做饭。吉姆:玛丽呢?她在做什么?琳达:没什么。她只是看电视。你想跟她通话,对吗?吉姆:是的,谢谢。并且我还能和杰夫打个招呼吗?琳达:当然。他正在玩电子游戏。Linda: Sure. Hes just pl

7、aying computer games.2b Listen again. Match the names with the activities.Jim: Hello, Linda. This is Jim. Linda: Hello, Jim! Jim: Is Uncle Joe there?Linda: No, he isnt. Hes outside.Jim: Outside? Its cold, isnt it?Linda: No, its sunny and really warm.Jim: Whats Uncle Joe doing?Linda: Hes playing bask

8、etball.Jim: Is Aunt Sally there?Linda: Yes, she is, but shes busy right now.Jim: Whats she doing?Linda: Shes cooking.Jim: How about Mary? Whats she doing?Linda: Not much. Shes only watching TV. You want to talk to her, dont you?Jim: Yes, thanks. And can I say “hi” to Jeff , too?Linda: Sure. Hes just

9、 playing computer games.听录音,写下玛丽和埃里克对“近况如何”的回答。玛丽:你好,埃里克?埃里克:玛丽?你好!你在哪儿?玛丽:我在墨西哥!我打电话想跟你说:“生日快乐!”埃里克:哦,谢谢!玛丽:那么,在那儿近况如何?埃里克:很好!你最近怎么样?玛丽:不错。你在做什么?埃里克:我正在举办一个聚会。我家人都在这儿。玛丽:哦,那听起来很有趣。天气 怎么样?埃里克:很糟糕。天气很冷,并且下雨。墨西哥的天气怎么样?玛丽:很热。炎热而且干燥。并且是阳光明媚。Section B1c Listen and write what Mary and Eric answer to Hows

10、it going.Mary: Hello, Eric? Eric: Mary? Hi! Where are you? Mary: Im in Mexico! Im calling to say, “Happy birthday!”Eric: Oh, thanks!Mary: So, hows it going there?Eric: Great! Hows it going with you?Mary: Not bad. What are you doing?Eric: Im having a party. My family is here.Mary: Oh, that sounds lik

11、e fun. Hows the weather?Eric: Terrible. Its cold and its raining. Hows the weather in Mexico?Mary: Hot. Hot and dry. And sunny.埃里克:听起来很好玛丽:嗯。埃里克:那么你在那儿做什么?玛丽:我正在看望我的外祖母再听一遍录音。写下对“你在做什么”和“天气怎么样”的回答。玛丽:你好,埃里克?埃里克:玛丽?你好!你在哪儿?玛丽:我在墨西哥!我打电话想跟你说:“生日快乐!”埃里克:哦,谢谢!玛丽:那么,在那儿近况如何?埃里克:很好!你最近怎么样?玛丽:不错。你在做什么?埃里克:

12、我正在举办一个聚会。我家人都在这儿。玛丽:哦,那听起来很有趣。天气 怎么样?埃里克:很糟糕。天气很冷,并且下雨。墨西哥的天气怎么样?玛丽:很热。炎热而且干燥。并且是阳光明媚。埃里克:听起来很好玛丽:嗯。埃里克:那么你在那儿做什么?玛丽:我正在看望我的外祖母Eric: Sounds goodMary: Uh-huh.Eric: So, what are you doing there?Mary: Im visiting my grandmother.1d Listen again. Write the answers to What areyou doing and Hows the weath

13、er.Mary: Hello, Eric? Eric: Mary? Hi! Where are you? Mary: Im in Mexico! Im calling to say, “Happy birthday!”Eric: Oh, thanks!Mary: So, hows it going there?Eric: Great! Hows it going with you?Mary: Not bad. What are you doing?Eric: Im having a party. My family is here.Mary: Oh, that sounds like fun. Hows the weather?Eric: Terrible. Its cold and its raining. Hows the weather in Mexico?Mary: Hot. Hot and dry. And sunny.Eric: Sounds goodMary: Uh-huh.Eric: So, what are you doing there?Mary: Im visiting my grandmother.


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