北师大版八年级英语上册教案:Unit 4 Healthy Living Communication Workshop

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1、Unit 4Communication Workshop教材分析本课是北师大版初中英语八年级上册教材第4单元的Communication Workshop部分,话题涉及课标第13项卫生与健康,第42、43、45个子话题,即体育健身、个人卫生及健康饮食。本课是一节写作输出课,学生通过学习一篇小女孩评价自己健康及原因的日记,结合在此方面的已知,完成写作任务。在写作过程中,学生还可以通过完成调查问卷,进一步丰富自己写作的细节描述。在本单元第1-3课,学生已经通过听力和阅读活动,进行了语言学习和初步应用,即运用状语从句对疾病的原因、健康建议等进行简单描述。本课是单元学习内容的综合运用与输出,侧重语言的



4、信息,分析和归纳范文结构、主体内容和重点的语言形式和意义。写作:模仿范文结构及语言,进行写作、评价和修改。口语表达:介绍自己的健康习惯和对自己健康生活方面的评价。第一课时First Period教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 学生能够通过阅读范文,获取、找出阅读中有关如何评价及描述自己的健康习惯的信息,笔头客观评价自己的健康习惯,并说明原因;2. 在范文中找出自己写作任务中所需的内容方面的语言支持,从而丰富自己的写作内容;3. 客观评价自己的健康习惯,并意识到自己在健康方面存在的问题,积极改正不健康的习惯。教学过程教学活动设计意图互动模式&时间Lead-inTopic revisio

5、n Ss review the topic of Unit 4 with pictures and questions. Q1: What did you learn in Unit 4?Q2: Do you live healthily?Q3: What do you do to live healthily?帮助学生回忆健康生活话题的同时,引发学生对自己生活习惯的思考,为学生笔头输出的内容及细节信息做准备。CWIW2Pre-writingStep 1Understand the taskStep 2Check the understanding Ss read the task on wo

6、rksheet and talk about what they are going to write.Task:21世纪英文报面向全国初中生举办一场以“健康生活方式”为主题的征文活动。你有良好的卫生习惯吗?你经常做运动吗?请举例说明你有哪些健康的生活习惯,并列举将要如何去做以改正不良习惯。字数不少于60词。 Ss share their understanding of the task in class.学生通过画线,归纳本次写作任务要点,并总结审题要点。IWCWPW5While-writingStep 1Preparation for content and language1. Ss

7、brainstorm the question and share their ideas about the aspects orally before getting more ideas from the text. Question: What aspect are you going to write about?(T writes what Ss say on the blackboard)2. Ss read and find out the aspects they like to focus on in their writing.(1) Ss read the text q

8、uickly to find out what they didnt mention.(2) Ss choose aspects for their own writing and write it down on theircards.(3) Ss share the aspects in class.3. Ss read and learn to write the topic sentence.(1) Ss try to write down the topic sentence on their worksheet.(2) Ss read the paragraph and under

9、line the topic sentences in the text.(3) Ss revise their topic sentences if needed.(4) Ss share in class.4. Ss read and learn to write the details and examples.(1) Ss try to talk about the examples and details orally.(2) Ss read to circle the examples in the text.(3) Ss write down the details and ex

10、amples on their worksheet.(4) Ss share in class.5. Ss read and learn to write the things they need to do better.(1)Ss try to write down things they need to do better on their worksheet.(2)Ss read and underline the things Wu needs to do better.(3) Ss compare the writings of Wu and themselves to find

11、out although / but.(4) Ss revise the things they need to do better on their worksheet.(5)Ss share in class.1. 学生理解写作任务后,口头充分表达自己在此话题下的观点和想法,激活已知。2. 在发现运用自己的已知完成任务可能会遇到困难时,学生通过有目的的阅读,获取范文每段的写作内容、细节描,从而补充他们的已知,为写作任务的内容和细节描述打下基础。3. 学生在阅读文章的过程中通过总结Wu对自己生活习惯的反思,发现文章中所使用的连接词,在体会连接词在本篇文章中所表达含义的。IWCWPW17Ste

12、p 2Preparation for language Ss learn to write the details and examples logically by using adverbial clause when necessary.(1) Recall the conjunctions learned in this unit.(2) Match the sentences on the book.(3) Revise the sentences they write.通过连线练习进一步体验连接词的意义和用法,并修改自己的文章,体现句与句之间的逻辑关系。CWIW5Step 3Wri

13、te the articleSs write their article.学生独立完成写作任务。IW5Post-writingPresentationSs present writing in class.学生展示写作。CW6Homework: Write down the article.Unit 4 Communication Workshop Work sheet (Period 1)Task:21世纪英文报面向全国初中生举办一场以“健康生活方式”为主题的征文活动。你有良好的卫生习惯吗?你经常做运动吗?请举例说明你有哪些健康的生活习惯,并列举将要如何去做以改正不良习惯。字数不少于60词。Writing ZoneTopic sentence: _Examples/ details: _ _ _ _ _Things you need to do better: _ _ _ _ _



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