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1、2018-2019学年度第一学期英语五年级期末试题、将下面字母按字母表中的顺序写在四线三格里。(5分)KkLlFfRrli二、判断卜列每组单词中划线部分发音是否相同,相同写“S不同写()1. housecount()2.waitMonday()3. A.cbudy happy()4. readbread()5. A. beefmeet(10 分)三、选出划线部分发音不同的选项。()1.A.milkB. nineC. Ught()2.A.riceB.sixC. pig()3.A.sunnyB. windyC. shy()4. A.appleB.catC.cake()5.A .eatB. brea

2、kfastC.tea()6.A.horseB. homework C. fork()7.A.nurseB.teacherC. bird()8.A. cowB. fl owerC. snow()9.A.readB. breadC.tea(四、)10. A. catBqake选出卜面单词中意思/、同类的一个C. nice。(20 分)()1、A.hotB.warmC.coolD.fresh()2、A.kindB.shortC.hungryD.polite()3、A.villageB. treeC. fbwerD.floor()4、A. inB. oldC. onD.,under()5、A.shyB

3、.whyC.whoD.what()6.A. Tuesday B. weekC. FridayD.,Monday()7.A. playB . cookC. washD.cock()8.A. danceB. youngC. singD.speak()9. A. delicious B. plantC. cock D.photo“D (5 分)()10. A. saladB. hotC.healthyD. thirsty五、选择字母,补全单词。(10 分)()1.cl_ver聪明的A.eB. iC. a()2.sw_m 游泳A.eB. iC. a()3.d_nc_B 舞A.a,oB.i,eC. a,

4、e()4. wat看A.shB.chC.th()5. h_ll 山丘A .iB.oC.e()6. b_hind 在 后面 A.eB. iC. a()7. f_est 森林A.erB.orC. ir()8. bridg_桥A.eB. iC. a()9.ctoon 漫画A.erB.arC. ir()10.h_ _lthy 健康的A.eeB.eaC. ae六、单项选择。(20分)()1. -What do you have Fridays?-We have English, PE and music.A. inB. onC. at()2. -Do you often play football on

5、 the weekend?A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I o.C. No, I o.()3. -What s he like? -.A. He is our PE teacher. B. He is very strong C. He can swim.()4. -Are there in the enrd -Yes, there are.A. many flowers B. a fbwer C. any fbwers()5. There isappe beside the book.A. an B. a C. some()6.Onions my favourite veget

6、able.A. amB. isC. are()7.There so many pictures here.A. am B. isC. are()8 Is there a lake in the park?A. Yes,it is. B. Yes, there is. C. No,there is.()9 They_helpful.A. am B. isC. are()10 Is she strict?A. Yes,he is. B. Yes, she is. C. No, he isn t.七、读一读,选择正确的答语.(5分)()1. Is there a river in the fores

7、t?()2. What woul d you like to eat ?()3. Can you sing an English song?()4. What s her favourite food()5.What s she like?A. She likes sandwiches. B. I diiteie hamburgers.C. No, there isn t. D. She s hanrtking.E. Yes, I can .八、情景交际(5分)()1、当你想询问别人想喝什么,你会问:A. What would you like to eat?B. What would you

8、 like to drink?()2、去商店买东西时,服务员会对你说:A. Can I help you?B. Can you help me?()3.当你想表达 没问题”时,你会说:A.Wonderful !8. No problem.()4、你想知道别人是否会做饭时,你会问:A. Can you d) any cook?B. Can you cook?()5.你想称赞别人的房间很漂亮时,你会说:A. My room is really nice.B.Your room is really nice.九、选词填空。(5分)A. How many B. What C.Where D.How E

9、.What cobur ()1 -is your bag? It s blue.()2、-can youa?I can speak English.()3.-is the clock? It s on the wall.()4.-are you?- I m fine, thank you.()5.-peoplare there in your family? Five.十、连词成句(5分)1 、food is your favourite What ?2、tall kind is Miss white and.3 in there a forest the Is river?4、 We Tue

10、sdays English on have.5、you What can do the party for ?十一 .阅读短文,判断正误。对的写“ r,错的写“ f”。(1。分)Hello! My name is Tom. I like English very much.My favourite food is beef, onions and noodles. I mery helpful. I can clean the room, wash my clothes and water the flowers. Today is Saturday. I often read books,

11、do my homework and watch TV on Saturdays. What cb you do on weekends?My home is near a river, there are some mountains behind my house. There is a fiver in front of my house, you can see two bridges over it .Welcome to my home .()1. Tom likes beef, onions and noodles.()2. Tom can cook.)3. Tom often

12、water the fl owers on Saturdays.s house.)4. There are some mountains in front of Tom)5. There are two bridges over the river.附:2016年秋季学期英语五年级期末试题答案一、 略。二、SSSDS610BBCBC6 10 B D B A A610ABABB610CCBCC三、1 5AACCB四、1 5DCDBA五、1 5ABCBA六、15BBBCA七、CBEAD八、BABBB九、EBCDA 十、 1、What is your favourite food?2、Miss White is tall and kind.3、Is there a river in the forest?4、We have English on Tuesdays.5、What can you do for the party?、TFFFT



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