Unit 5 Grammar 同步练习 2【北师大版必修2】

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1、Unit 5 Grammar 同步练习 2.单项填空1.(2012潍坊高一检测)Hes making_great progress in his lessons that everyone else in his class cant believe it.A. so B. very C. such a D. such2.(2012南京高一检测)_you are my best friend, Ill tell you the secret, but it is only between you and me.A. Because of B. According toC. Now that D

2、. As if3.(2012北京高一检测)He spoke_quickly_I couldnt understand a word he was saying.A. such;that B. so;thatC. too;to D. quite;that4.(2012济宁高一检测)I was crazy _it_me two hours to get_in the restaurant yesterday.A. because;spent;serveB. because of;cost;servingC. because of;took;servedD. because; took;served

3、5.(2012北京高一检测)Theyre not playing baseball today _the rain.A. because B. asC. since D. because of6.(2012红河高一检测)_get to the company in time, we set out early in the morning.A. So as to B. In order toC. So that D. In order that7.(2012昆明高一检测)_I hadnt eaten anything for 24 hours, I wasnt hungry.A. Even i

4、f B. As thoughC. In order that D. In case8.Liu Wei is_determined _all of us respect him.A. so;that B. such;thatC. so;as D. such;as9.(2012天津高一检测) “_ you have turned 18, you can make your own decisions about more things, ”Mr. Smith said to his son.A. As if B. Even thoughC. Now that D. In case10.Lin Mi

5、aoke performed well_she was chosen as a little actress by director Zhang Yimou.A. even if B. so thatC. as if D. in order that.完成句子1.由于在下雨, 我们不去公园了。 _ it is raining, we shall not go to the park.2.他不了解此事, 因为他没有看过这部电影。 He doesnt know about it, _he hasnt seen the film.3.我会慢慢说以便你能听懂。 Ill speak slowly _ y

6、ou can understand me.4.为了能看到日出, 我们很早就出发去了山顶。 _ we might see the sunrise, we started for the peak early.5.他挣这么少的钱, 以至于不能维持家庭生活。 He earned _ little money _ he couldnt support his family.句型转换1.He is so clever a boy that it seems nothing can defeat him. The boy is _ clever _ it seems nothing can defeat

7、him. He is _ a clever boy _it seems nothing can defeat him.2.He got up early so that he could get to school on time. He got up early _ he could get to school on time. He got up early _ get to school on time.3.The sports meeting was put off because of the bad weather. The sports meeting was put off _

8、 the weather was so bad.4.In order to realize his dream, he works hard. _he can realize his dream, he works hard.5.He didnt get up early enough to catch the bus. He got up _ late _ catch the bus. He got up _ late _ he missed the bus. 参考答案.1.D 考查状语从句的引导词。句意:他在功课方面取得了如此大的进步以至于他班里的其他人都不相信。由语境可知,此处是“suc

9、h+adj.+不可数名词+that”引导的结果状语从句,故D项正确。2.C 考查状语从句的引导词。句意:既然你是我最好的朋友,我就告诉你这个秘密,但这只能你知我知。because of因为,为介词短语,在句中作原因状语;now that既然,因为,为从属连词,引导原因状语从句,故C项正确。3.B 考查状语从句的引导词。句意:他说得这么快,以至于他说的我一个字也不明白。由语境可知,此处是so+adv. + that引导的结果状语从句,故B项正确。4.D 考查连词以及动词意义辨析。句意:我气坏了,因为昨天我花了两个小时的时间才在餐馆里吃到饭。it takes/took sb. some time

10、to do sth为固定句式,意为“某人花费多少时间干某事”;get served为“get+过去分词”结构;第一空为because引导的原因状语从句,故D项正确。5.D 句意:因为下雨今天他们没打棒球。四个选项中because/as/since均为连词,引导原因状语从句;because of为介词短语,在句中作原因状语;由后面的名词the rain可知D项正确。6.B 句意:为了及时到达公司,我们早上很早就出发了。in order that/so that为了,引导目的状语从句;in order to /so as to为了,在句中作目的状语;但是 so that与so as to一般不能放

11、于句首;由空格后面的get可知此处要用in order to作目的状语,故B项正确。7.A 考查状语从句的引导词。句意:尽管我已经24小时没吃东西了,我也不饿。even if即使,尽管,引导让步状语从句;as though好像,仿佛,引导方式状语从句;in order that为了,引导目的状语从句;in case万一,引导条件状语从句。由句意可知A项正确。8.A 考查状语从句的引导词。句意:刘伟这么有决心,我们都很尊敬他。由语境可知,此处要用so. that引导结果状语从句,A项正确。9.C 考查连词。句意:史密斯先生告诉他的儿子:“既然你已经18岁了,你可以对更多的事情做自己的决定了”。a

12、s if好像,仿佛,引导方式状语从句;even though即使,引导让步状语从句;now that既然,引导原因状语从句;in case万一,引导条件状语从句。由语境可知C项正确。10.B 考查状语从句。句意:林妙可表演得很好,结果被张艺谋导演选中当小演员。even if即使;so that以至于,结果;as if好像,仿佛;in order that为了。由句意可知选B。.1.As 2. for 3. so that4. In order that 5. so;that.1.so,that;such,that 2. in order that;so as to/in order to 3. because 4. In order that 5. too,to;so,that



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