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1、青,取之于蓝而青于蓝;冰,水为之而寒于水小男孩(2015)完整中英文对照剧本相关热词搜索:小男孩 剧本 中英文对照 这是加利福尼亚州的奥黑尔 This is OHare, California. 那时 这儿不过是一个平静的小渔村 Back then, it was nothing more than a sleepy fishing village 在主街的尽头有一个小山丘 with a hill at the end of Main Street. 风光就如同明信片里的一样美 Like you see in postcards. 我的故事发生在 My story takes place on

2、 the home front, 二战中期的国内 in the midst of World War II. 那就是我 Thats me. 一个小家伙 the little fella. 近一点吗 Closer? 别再制amp;hearts;造amp;hearts;麻烦了 你个侏儒 Stop causing trouble, you midget. 镇上的人都不怎么喜欢我 Nobody in that town liked me much. 一 二 三 One, two, three. 那时我八岁 I was eight years old. 但故事真正开始是在我和爸爸相遇的那天 But th

3、e story really starts the day I met my dad. 他是我唯一的朋友 My only friend. 我的伙伴 My partner. -是个男孩 -哇哦 -Hes a boy. -Wow. -他太.-什么 小吗 -Hes so. -What? Little? 嗯 他会长大的 对吗 Well, hell grow. Right? 伦敦 3 岁 佩珀 3 岁 我会帮你的 好吗 I got you covered, okay? 因为我们是伙伴 Cause were partners. 我想成为和他一样的人 I wanted to be just like him

4、. 做他做过的所有事情 And do everything he did. 我们所做的事都是一次次伟大的冒险 And everything we did became a great adventure. 我为你感到非常骄傲 伙伴 Very proud of you, partner. 你像一个真正的英雄一样忍amp;hearts;住了伤痛 You handled the pain like a true hero. 事实上 你让我想起了另一个英雄 Actually, you remind me of another hero. 魔术师 本伊格尔 quot;Ben Eagle, The Mag

5、ician.quot; 本伊格尔对他的助手说 你相信你可以做到吗 Ben Eagle said to his sidekick, quot;Do you believe you can do this?quot; quot;你相信你可以做到吗quot; quot;Do you believe you can do this?quot; 这成为了我们的座右铭 That became our motto. 你相信我们可以做到吗 Do you believe we can do this? 是的 我相信我们可以做到 Yes, I believe we can do this. 我们走 伙伴 Lets

6、 go, partner. 桅杆要断了 The mast is broken. 伙伴 你相信你可以做到吗 Partner, do you believe you can do this? 是的 我相信我能做到 Yes, I believe I can do this. 我们是警amp;hearts;察amp;hearts; This is the police. 伙伴 你相信我们可以做到吗 Partner, do you believe we can do this? 是的 伙伴 Yes, partner. 佩珀 佩珀弗林特巴斯比 Pepper. Pepper Flynt Busbee, 我已

7、经喊了你二十分钟了 Ive been yelling for 20 minutes. 这是我的妈妈 Thats my mom. 诶 我们正在讲一个很棒的故事呢 Come on, were in the middle of a great story. 她总是会突然把我们拉回现实 Always there to snap us back to reality. 该上amp;hearts;床amp;hearts;睡觉了 Its time to go to bed. 走吧 Come on. 这是我的哥哥 伦敦 And thats my brother, London. 他终于到了能够报名参军的年纪

8、Finally old enough to sign up for the fight. -再见 妈妈 -过去的巴斯比家里一片祥和 -Bye, Mom. -All was good in the old Busbee home. 或者说我认为是这样 Or so I thought. 新一amp;hearts;期amp;hearts;的本伊格尔诶 The new quot;Ben Eaglequot;! 就看一眼也要给两毛五哦 You gotta bring your quarter for a look-see. 你想剪什么样的 还是老样子吗 What are you having, your

9、 usual today? 是的 还是老样子 Yeah, give me the usual. 我也是 Me too. 战事还是很激烈 The war was still raging. 敌人已经潜入美国了 The enemy has infiltrated the USA. 愚蠢的美国人 你们是不会知道我们在做什么的 Stupid American, you know not what Tokyo do. 在我眼皮底下可不行 你个小东西 Not on my watch, little fella. 每个人都参与到备战中 各司其职 Everyone was pitching in, doing

10、 their part. 山姆大叔美国政amp;hearts;府amp;hearts;让所有的年轻人列队 Uncle Sam had all the teens lining up, 准备投入战斗 ready to fight. 伦敦巴斯比 Busbee, London. 对不起 孩子 不合格 Sorry, son. 4F. 威廉霍夫曼 Hoffman, William. 警官 先生 Sergeant, sir? 冒昧地问一句 With all due respect, 扁平足和对付小日本有什么关系吗 what do flat feet have to do with killing Japs

11、? 规定就是这样的 孩子 Thats just the way it is, kid. 谢谢 Thanks. 欢迎加入美国amp;hearts;军amp;hearts;队 Welcome to the US Army. 吉恩兰德瑞 Landry, Gene. 下面的天气怎么样啊 小侏儒 Hows the weather down there, quot;Midgetquot;? 两杯香草味的 Two vanillas. 嘿 从下边看世界会更大啊 Hey, the world looks bigger from down here. 他真是太小了 He sure is small. 小蒂姆 狄更

12、斯小说圣诞颂歌amp;hearts;中的一个小男孩 嘿 你的手杖哪儿去了 小蒂姆 Hey, wheres your cane, quot;Tiny Timquot;? 你这次要买amp;hearts;amp;hearts;下它们吗 You think youre gonna buy em this time? 不 不是今天 No, not today. 巴斯比父子修车厂 一堆废物 Piece of junk! 不合格 愚蠢的战争 4F. Stupid war. 我不能让你去 爸爸 这是属于我的战斗 I cant let you do this, Dad. This is my fight. 但

13、是你知道我们中总有一个人是要去的 But you always knew one of us had to go. 本应该是我去的 It was supposed to be me. 来吧 伦 你什么都不吃吗 Come on, Lon. Arent you gonna eat anything? 伦敦不能去打仗了 对吗 Londons not going to war, right? 那是不是就意味着 你要代替他去 Does that mean that. youre going instead? 是的 Yes. 爸爸很快就会回来的 Hell be back before you know i

14、t. 为什么我们不能待在一起 Why cant we stay together? 伙伴 我不得不去 Partner, I have to go. 我不想让你去 I dont want you to go. 时间到了 士兵们 Times up, privates. 你不用为此自责 You have nothing to blame yourself about. -你要照顾好自己 知道吗 -没问题 -You take care of yourself, okay? -All right. 我不是个侏儒 对吗 Im not a midget, right? 我们不应该用这个词 We should

15、nt use that word. quot;侏儒quot; 是用来形容患有矮小症的人的一个贬义词 quot;Midgetquot; Is a mean word for people with dwarfism. 我想您儿子与这个绰号amp;hearts;有些关系 Im afraid your son had something to do with the nickname. -妈妈 -没关系 佩珀 -Mom! -Thats okay, Pepper. 我保证弗雷迪不会再这样做了 I will make sure Freddy makes things right. 詹姆斯那边有什么消息吗 Any news from James? 他十五号amp;hearts;就会回来了 He should be here on the 15th. 他说他的行程会在夏天之前结束 He said his tour would end by summer


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