Unit5 Learning from nature 一轮复习课件 外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册

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1、一轮复习 Be the change that you wish to see in the world! 1. 识记单词 (一)汉译英 1._adj.极好的,出色的 2._v. 使转变;使转换 3._n. 知识、物理学 等的前沿 4._n.池塘 5._v.播(种) 6._n.蝙蝠 7._n.医生 8._v.鞠躬 1. superb 2. convert 3. frontier 4. pond 5. sow 6. bat 7. physician 8. bow 9. rural 10. decent 11. cottage 12. domestic 13. atop 14. botanical

2、 15. ease 16. attain 9._adj.农村的,乡村的 10._adj.可接受的,相当好的 11._n. 乡村小屋 12._adj.驯养的;家养的 13._prep.在.顶上 14._adj.植物(学)的 15._n. 舒适,悠闲 16._v. 获得,得到 (二)英译汉 1. lotus n._ 2. termite n._ 3. mound n._ 4. algae n._ 5. tile n._ 6. mimic v._ 7. waterfront n._ 8. promenade n._ 9. plumbing n._ 1.莲花,荷花 2.白蚁 3.土堆,土丘 4.藻类(

3、植物) 5.瓦片 6.模仿 7.滨水地区 8.滨海步行道 9.管道系统 10.仿生学 11.二氧化物 12.雷达 13.游泳衣 14. 蜻蜓 15.无人驾驶飞机 16.蜘蛛 17.表面(上)地 18. (乡间的)小路 19. 桑葚;桑树 10. biomimicry n._ 11. dioxide n._ 12. radar n._ 13. swimsuit n._ 14. dragonfly n._ 15. drone n._ 16. spider n._ 17. superficially adv._ 18. lane n._ 19. mulberry n._ 2.拓展单词 1._n.建筑

4、师_n. 建筑风格,建筑设计 2._n.智慧_adj.明智的;英明的 3._v. 使用,运用_n. 雇用者,雇主_n.雇员_n.雇用 1. architect; architecture 2. wisdom; wise 3. employ; employer; employee; employment 4. deliberately; deliberate 5. withdraw ; withdrawal 6. depressive; depress ; depressed; depressing; depression 7. reluctant; reluctantly 8. depart;

5、 departure 9. purity; pure 4._ady.不慌不忙地,从容不迫地_adj.故意的,存心的;小心翼翼 的:从容不迫的以仔细考虑,深思熟虑 5._v.退出_n.撤走,收回,取回;提款,取款 6._adj.抑郁的_v使沮丧,使意志消沉,使心灰意冷_adj.沮丧 的_adj.令人沮丧的_n. 沮丧,消沉 7._adj.不情愿的;勉强的_adv.不情愿地,勉强地 8._v.离开_n.启程;上路 9._n. 纯洁;洁净_adj.纯粹的,干净的;纯真的;纯正的 10. resign; resigned; resignation 11. reject; rejection 12. f

6、ulfillment ; fulfil ; fulfilled; fulfilling 13. evaluate; evaluation 10._v.使自己顺从于(做)某事;安于_adj.逆来顺受的,顺从的; 无可奈何的_n. 辞职;辞呈 11._v.冷落,嫌弃,厌弃_n. 拒绝;摒弃;排斥 12._n.满足(感)_v. 履行(条约,义务),遵守,执行(命令等);完成( 计划等);满足(希望)_ adj. 感到满足的;觉得满意的;满足的 _adj.使人满足的,令人愉快的 13._v. 评估,评价_n. 评估,评价 直击高考 1.Over thousands of years, they beg

7、an to depend less on what could he hunted or gathered from the wild, and more on animals they had raised and crops they_( sow). 2. Dr Rowan, whose secretary _(resign) two weeks ago, has had to do all his own typing. 3. Modem methods for tracking polar bear populations _ ( employ) only since the mid-

8、 1980s. 1. had sown 2. resigned 3. have been employed 4. First, you need_ (evaluate) yourself, your values, your strengths, your weaknesses, your achievements ,your desires, etc. 5. We feel_ ease in our school uniforms every day. 6. Despite the poor service of the hotel, the manager is reluctant_ (

9、invest) in sufficient training for his staff. 4. to evaluate 5.at 6. to invest 7. More than 750, 000 have graduated from SAC, with many seeking _ ( employ ) in engineering, aviation, education, medicine and a wide variety of other professions. 8. Finally, the moment of our_ ( depart ) arrived, and w

10、e loaded suitcases, books, games, camping equipment, and a tent into the car and bravely drove off. 9. On my recent visit, I held a lively three-month-old twin that_ (reject) by its mother. 7. employment 8. departure 9. had been rejected 10. Traditional_ (wise) also has it that heavy television-watc

11、hing lowers IQ scores and affects school performance. 11. He withdrew_ many school activities because he didnt have the time or the clothes. 12. Such a person may be forgiven if he is late , but not those who are _( deliberate) late to create impression. 13. India_ ( attain ) independence in 1947, a

12、fter a long struggle. 10. wisdom 11. from 12. deliberately 13. attained 3短语巧练 1._计.理所当然 2._寻求.解决方法 3._从.获取灵感 4._.的例子 5._把.转变成 6._响应对.做出反应/回应 7._对.的反应 8._退出,撤离,离开;从.提取 9._不拘束,放松 10._作为回报;作为交换 11._从.得出. 12._使自己安于(做)某事;听任, 1. take. .for granted 2. seek solutions to 3. take inspiration from 4. an exampl

13、e of 5. convert. into 6. respond to 7. reaction to 8. withdraw from 9. at ease with 10. in return for 11. draw.from . 12. resign oneself to 直击高考 1. (2020.天津高考) How did President Lincoln first_ (回应)Vinnies request? 2. (2019.江苏高考)Human beings_ it_ (认.理所当然)that their brains held all the solutions, but

14、maybe their hearts can be a better guide. 3. (2016.四川高考) Lainey is_ ( .的例子) an unwilling reader. 4. (2012 .福建高考)I think I have said enough to give you reason to _ ( 退出,离开)our marriage. 1. respond to 2. took; for granted 3. an example of 4. withdraw from 4句式仿写 1. so.that.句型 In fact, we are_ we may ev

15、en take them for granted without realising how much inspiration they have given us. 事实上,我们如此习惯了它们的存在,以至于甚至把它们视为理所当然,却 没有意识到它们给了我们多少灵感。 2. It is+形容词+to do sth. _in this way, but of course it wasnt the umbrella that inspired the flower or the roof that inspired the pine cone. 以这种方式思考是很自然的,但当然不是雨伞给了花朵灵

16、感,也不是 屋顶给了松果灵感。 1. so used to them that 2. It is natural to think 3. to create 4. Creating buildings 5. solving a design problem 3.不定式(短语)作表语 To use biomimicry is_ structures based on natural forms and processes. 利用仿生学就是创造建立在自然形式和进程上的结构。 4.动名词(短语)作主语 _such as these enables us to live in closer harmony with our environment. 创造这样的建筑物能够使我们与环境更和谐地相处。 5.现在分词(短语)作状语 When_, you can sometimes look to nature for a solution. 当解决一个设计问题时,有时你可以从自然中寻找解决方案。 高考与教材 1.在乔迁宴会上带礼物是一种传统。 It is traditional_ to a house


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