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1、编号:时间:2021年6月3日第十二届中国国际成人保健及生殖健康展览会普通专业观众问卷调查ChinaAdult第十二届中国国际成人保健及生殖健康展览会普通专业观众问卷调查ChinaAdult-Care Expo 2021 衷心感谢您前来参加“第十二届中国国际成人保健及生殖健康展览会”,为了提升我们的服务水平和展会的质量,请您配合填写此问卷调查,如有任何意见或建议,请您不吝提出,谢谢您的合作。 Thanks for participating China Adult-Care Expo 2021. To perfect our service and professionalize the ex

2、hibition, please kindly complete this questionnaire. If any opinions or advices you have, please dont hesitate to let us know, many thanks for your cooperation. 扫描二维码关注成人展官方微信 享受更多在线服务: Q1:1. 是否第一次参加展览会?Is the first time to participate in this exhibition? (_ ) 是 Yes(_ ) 否 No Q2:21. 您的年收入是多少?What is

3、your annual income? (_ ) 5万以下The following 50000(_ ) 510万50000 -10 million(_ ) 1015万100000 -15 million(_ ) 15万以上More than 150000 Q3:2. 您认为”中国国际成人保健及生殖健康展览会”的专业性如何?How do you think of the professionalization of ChinaAdult-Care Expo? (_ ) 非常专业 Highly Professional(_ ) 一般 Common(_ ) 其他 Other comment Q4:

4、3. 您参加本家展览会的目的是:(可多选)What is your purpose to participate in this exhibition?(Multi-Choice) (_ ) 采购Purchase(_ ) 寻求合作机会Seek opportunities for cooperation(_ ) 收集市场信息Collect market information(_ ) 了解新产品和技术Learn about new products and technology(_ ) 推销本公司产品Sell the companys products(_ ) 其他Others Q5:4. 您认

5、为本届展会的观众质量如何?(可多选)Whats your view of the visitors quality?(Multi-Choice) (_ ) 与上届展会相比,专业观众质量有所提高 It is better than last year.(_ ) 希望继续增加专业观众数量,提高专业观众质量 Keep inviting more buyers(_ ) 一般, 有部分观众与我们的产品/服务无关 Common, some of the visitors are irrelated to our products/services(_ ) 普通观众太多, 影响展会的贸易活动顺利开展 The

6、rere too many public visitors so as to influence the business activities Q6:5. 您如何评价本届展会首次设立的专业观众日?(可多选)What do you think about the trade visitor day?(Multi-Choice) (_ ) 专业观众日的设立非常有必要 It is necessary to set up trade visitor day.(_ ) 专业观众日的专业程度需继续提高 It needs to be improved.(_ ) 专业观众日内应举办多场贸易活动来提升专业观众

7、日质量 Many business activities shall be held to improve the quality of trade visitor day.(_ ) 对专业观众日的其他建议 Other suggestions forprofessional audience day Q7:6. 您认为组委会的现场服务如何?How do you think of the Organizers on-siteservices? (_ ) 很好, 能为展商提供全面服务, 并能及时处理各种突发事件 Very good. Were satisfiedwith the Organizer

8、s services, and the emergencies can be disposed promptly Properly(_ ) 一般, 能够考虑展商的要求, 处理较及时 Common. The Organizer canconsider Exhibitors requirement, but cant dispose promptly(_ ) 对组委会的建议 The services need to beimproved Q8:7. 您对本次展会专业观众邀请工作的评价:Your assessment of this exhibition professional audience

9、invitation work: (_ ) 非常满意Very satisfied(_ ) 比较满意Satisfactory(_ ) 一般So-so(_ ) 对邀请工作的建议To invite the suggestion Q9:8. 您认为成人展应该在哪些媒体上多做宣传?(可多选)What kind of media promotion do you think China Adult-Care Expo should be put on?(Multi-Choice) (_ ) 行业杂志 Variousof Magazines in Adult Industry(_ ) 电视电台 Televi

10、sion Broadcasting Station(_ ) 新媒体 New media(_ ) 其它 Others Q10:9. 您如何看待上海成人展官方微信号的开通?(可多选)What do you think about the official Wechat account of the show?(Multi-Choice) (_ ) 展会微信公众号的开通非常有必要,提升了展会服务的质量 It is necessary to set up the official wechat account, which has improved the service quality.(_ ) 展

11、会微信公众号的开通令展会的服务内容更加丰富多彩 The official Wechat account enlarges the services of the show.(_ ) 希望展会的微信公众号能够更好的为企业提供宣传推广服务 Many promotion stratigies for the exhibitors shall be carried on in the Wechat.(_ ) 对于展会微信公众号的其他意见 Otherviews on theexhibitionWeChatpublic number Q11:10. 您如何看待首次举办的“全球成人产业发展高峰论坛”?(可多

12、选)What do you think about the International Adult Industry Development Forum?(Multi-Choice) (_ ) 该论坛的成功举办另展会的专业度有了质的提升。The forum made the show a truly trade-oriented one.(_ ) 希望以后能继续提高论坛的专业性 The forum is professional, and it needs to be improved.(_ ) 希望能够提高广大展商对论坛的参与程度 The forum shall be participate

13、d in by more and more exhibitors.(_ ) 对于论坛的其他建议 Forother suggestionsForum Q12:11. 对于各大上海成人展展商邀请品牌代言人这一现象的看法。(可多选)What do you think about thephenomenon that some exhibitors invited some stars to be the mouthpiece.(Multi-Choice) (_ ) 展会组委会应当放宽邀请的限制而进一步严格控制现场表演的尺度。The sponsor shall allow the exhibitors

14、 to invite some stars to be the mouthpiece, but the on-site activities shall be strictly managed.(_ ) 以贸易为主的专业观众日不需要任何明星的出席。Attendprofessional trade basedonthe audiencedoes not need anystar(_ ) 对于展商邀请代言人的其他看法 For otherviews ofexhibitorsinvitedspokesmen Q13:12. 除了上海成人展, 您还参加了哪些国内同类型展会? Which adult in

15、dustry trade show youparticipated with exception to the ADC-Expo? (_ ) _ Q14:13. 您认为国内效果最好的成人类展会是? Which is the best adult industry trade showat home you value? (_ ) _ Q15:14. 您从什么渠道了解到本次展会?Do you know from what channels to the exhibition? (_ ) 邀请函Invitation(_ ) 报纸Newspaper(_ ) 网络Network(_ ) 客户Customer(_ ) 其他 Others Q16:15. 如赴海外


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