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1、中国梦航天梦英语演讲稿(中英对照)中国航天人始终以人民利益为最高利益,以苦为荣,以苦为乐,常年超负荷工作,默默承受着常人难以承受的困难和压力。我为大家整理了中国梦航天梦英语演讲稿(中英对照),欢迎大家阅读。中国梦航天梦英语演讲稿(中英对照)篇1China has become increasingly strong, and increasing social unrest, the oceans of peace, all to surging undercurrent. Throughout Chinas long history, China suffered untold hardsh

2、ip, but under the unremitting efforts of the Chinese people, we crossed the A and a high mountain, overcome one difficulty after another, thereby ushering in the now a prosperous, civilized and harmonious with Chinese characteristics socialist country!Have its own aircraft carrier, has been the drea

3、m of the Chinese people, for this dream, Xu many people fought, struggle for life, and which, aircraft carrier team for this ambitious dream aircraft carrier is paid a great effort. From the acquisition of abandoned the Varyag aircraft carrier to drag the regression, overcome too many difficulties.

4、From dragging back to Dalian Port to the ten sea trials, which also overcome many technical difficulties. Now the Liaoning aircraft carrier into the column, annihilate - 15 carrier borne fighter successfully sliding jump takeoff, we can see the aircraft carrier team dream is gradually expanding, to

5、the sea as deep. This is the pride of our Chinese people.Space dream has always been one of the biggest dreams of the Chinese people. Lift off from Dongfanghongs success to the "Shenzhou" manned successfully, and now God nine off, docking with the temple of success. All in a space to gradu

6、ally realize the dream, and behind this is the dreamer. In June 16th XX, the Shenzhou nine spacecraft was successfully launched, and this is carrying the first female aviation in China Liu Yang. Liu Yang said: "how far the dream, explore the footsteps will be far, when a dream to become a reali

7、ty, the new dream will begin." When she was lucky to become Chinas Seventh Batch of female pilots recruited, she began to fight for the space dream. In this special discipline of the aerospace team, she struggles, carefully into this group, and finally round her dream of space, but also for Chi

8、nas space dedicated its own strength.Dream - can be imagined is a fantasy, there is no, it is another space. But we have a dream - what is the dream?The little match girls eyes, the dream is the fragrance of Roasted Goose, grandma warm arms. In the eyes of Deng Ya Ping, the dream is to adhere to the

9、 hearts of unyielding faith, as long as you work hard, you will succeed. In the eyes of Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice, the dream is "hybrid rice had stalks as high as sorghum, ears like a broom as large, rice like grapes as node a string, the dream is constantly breakthrough and expl

10、oration, rich imagination and bold creation. In the eyes of the "Avalokitesvara" Tai Lihua, the dream is the deaf can "listen", blind people can "see", physically disabled friends can "walk", the dream is never abandoned, hard work of the spiritual pillar.Drea

11、ms, with every one of us.Dream is beautiful, it is the heart of the most beautiful expectations, so the dream come true has become our long-term belief.The dream is sunshine, it makes people from impetuous to practical, from a loss to the firm, and to success. Dream is to have the power, it is the s

12、ource of power forward in life; lofty dreams can stimulate the potential for all ones life.God does not give us wings, but gave us a flying heart, a dream of the brain. So let us all have a pair of invisible wings".Life is flying high because of the dream, human nature is great because of the d

13、ream. To give myself a dream, a dream of life, so that the dream with their own lives in the vast sky free to fly. The dream is the life of a pair of invisible wings, only the power of the dream in order to inspire and stimulate our lives, to get rid of mediocrity and vulgar, to overcome the weaknes

14、s of human nature, to the outstanding and outstanding.The person who has the dream is happy, the life of the dream is full of hope. May every child in their childhood be able to have their own dreams, no matter what the dream is, how much this dream. I was born in China and grew up in China, so Chin

15、a has been closely linked with me. China is good, then I am good, China is not good, then I must not be good. When China is in trouble, I am sad for China, when China has won the honor, I am proud of China. When I saw the old man fell, but no help; when I see even if there is next to the trash, but

16、people still will be garbage everywhere lost; when I see people regardless of the instructions of traffic lights, walked along. This is not what I know of China. What I know of China is a strong, United, civilized, warm. Harmonious china. The powerful China, do not need to like the worlds first strong, but it can protect the people live and work in peace and contentment of the strong; and do not be too rich,


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