PEP小学英语五下期中 答案

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1、小学英语五年级下册期中试题(2015.3) 听力材料一、Listen and choose (听录音,选出你所听到的单词) 1.clean 2.eggplant 3.grapes 4.chicken 5.sheep 答案:ABCBA二、Listen and judge(听音,判断句子与所听内容是否相符,对的打,错的打。)1.I often play football with my friends. 2. Tom sometimes goes for a walk with her mum on the weekend.3. Jim would like to read books after

2、 school.4. Amy likes fall, because the sky is blue in fall.5. We will play games on that day.答案:三Listen and choose.(根据问句找答语)1.When is the school trip ?2.What do you do on the weekend ?3.Why are you shopping today ?4.Which season do you like best ?5.Where is your photo ?答案:BACBC四、Listen and choose.(听

3、音,根据你所听到的内容在表格内打。) 1.When is your birthday, Tim ? My birthday is in March.2.When is your birthday, John ? My birthday is in December.3.When is your birthday , Amy ? My birthday is in January.4.When is your birthday, Sarah ? My birthday is in September.答案:JanuaryMarchSeptemberDecemberTimJohnAmySarah

4、笔试部分一、Read and write.(写词组)1do moring exercises 2.散步 3.make a snowman 4.做得好 5.go on a picnic二、Read and choose.(选出不同类的单词)答案:CCABA三、Read and choose. (单项选择)答案:BABCB ACBAB四、Read and choose.(给下列语句选择合适的答语)答案:DACEB五、Rearrange the sentences. (连词成句)1.I do morning exercises at seven.2.What do you do on the weekend ?3.Which book do you like best ? 4.My school trip is in May.5.When is the sports meet ?六、Reading comprehension.(阅读理解)答案:BACBA关注“小学教师园地”公众号各科最新学习资料陆续推送中快快告诉你身边的小伙伴们吧3


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