Unit 9 Lesson 2第1课时示范课教学课件【高中英语北师大版必修第三册】

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1、Lesson 2 Language Learning Tips Period 1 1 Unit 9 Learning 1) What difficulties do people have in learning English? 2) What are effective ways of learning English? Warming-up Difficulties 发现困难 I find it hard/difficult to remember/memorise the spelling of the words. I have great difficulty in underst

2、anding the sentence structure. I have poor pronunciation/vocabulary/fluency in speaking. Tips on English Learning 学习英语小贴士 to read simplified classic works to check the dictionary while reading to guess the meaning of an unfamiliar word to memorise grammar rules and do a lot of exercises Pre-listenin

3、g Language support Listen to an interview about effective ways of learning English. Which topics are mentioned? How to: increase knowledge of English learn new words use a dictionary learn grammar deal with unfamiliar words be a good learner Listening Dr. Smiths advice is to _ of English beyond the

4、classroom. One way to do that is _. He recommends that you try _. The other way is to _. increase your knowledge listen more by reading more simplified classic literature What is Dr. Smiths advice on effective English learning? Listening Listen again. Complete the missing information Firstly, you sh

5、ould _. A lot of the time, youll be able to _ of an unfamiliar word without _. Also, you should learn _. For example, we say “open the book”, but “turn on the computer”. guess the meaning words in chunks learn words in context looking it up What is his suggestion on learning words? Listening Just me

6、morising the rules is _. His advice is that when you learn a grammar rule, you should try to use it in _. By doing so, youll be learning grammar in a more natural way than from a grammar book. speaking and writing activities not helpful What advice does he give on learning grammar? Listening 1. Do y

7、ou find Dr. Smiths advice helpful? Why? 2. What are other ways to learn English vocabulary and grammar effectively? Post-listening Writing and rewriting can be helpful. Translating can also be helpful. Watching movies and TV series and dubbing. dubbing 配音 translate 翻译writing 写作 Assignment Create a p

8、oster to present fun and encouraging ways to learn English vocabulary and grammar. look sth. up: try to find sth. 查询 注意sth.是要查的内容,不是出处 Look the word up in your dictionary. Ill just look up the train times. look up to sb. : to admire or respect someone 钦佩、敬佩 Ive always looked up to Bill for his coura

9、ge and determination. Notes context: the words that come just before and after a word or sentence and that help you understand its meaning 上下文 翻译练习: 1. Can you guess the meaning of the word from the context? 你能联系上下文猜出这个词的意思吗 ? 2. 这个词的意思取决于它的上下文。 The meaning of the word depends on its context. Notes

10、1. to gain sth. by your own efforts, ability or behavior 2. to obtain sth. by buying or being given it acquisition n. 获得物,获得,收购 (经过努力)学到 购得、得到 Spare no effort to acquire knowledge and never get discouraged. How did the gallery come to acquire so many Picassos? Translate the following sentence. 他花了很长

11、时间习得了一名优秀舞者所需的技能。 It took him a long time to acquire the skills he needed to become a good dancer. acquire: Notes chunk: a large part or amount of sth. 一块、部分 翻译练习: word chunk The rent takes a large chunk out of my monthly salary. A huge chunk of the audience got up and left before the end of the sho

12、w. 词块 租金占据了我月薪的很大一部分。 很大一部分观众在演出结束前就起身离开了。 Notes Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the expressions in red. 1. 如果有不懂的单词就查词典。 If there are words you do not understand, look them up in a dictionary. 2. 我校即将举办一个关于第二语言习得的研讨会。 A seminar on second language acquisition will be held in our school. 3. 请找出最符合语境的词或短语。 Please find the word or phrase that best fits the context. Practice 敬请各位老师提出宝贵意见! GoodbyeGoodbyeGoodbyeGoodbye!



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