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1、第一章名词 一、中考考查重点 1.可数名词与不可数名词 2.名词的单数与复数 3.名词所有格 4.单位词 5.名词作定语 e.gadropofwater 名 词 专有名词:the Great Wall,Janpanese,America, Beijing University,Tuesday,March,Amy 普 通 名 词 可数名词 个体名词: banana,worker,notebook,banana,worker,notebook, desk,city,book,umbrelladesk,city,book,umbrella 集体名词: class,family,group,team,

2、class,family,group,team, people,policepeople,police 不可数名词 物质名词:water,wood, water,wood, milk,meat,metal,silk,steelmilk,meat,metal,silk,steel 抽象名词: information,idea,dream,pinformation,idea,dream,p leasure,noise,room,love,leasure,noise,room,love, knowledge,advice,moneyknowledge,advice,money 1.单数名词:an+(

3、形容词)+单数 注意: *an 用于元音音素前 *注意后面所跟的词的第一个字母的发音, 是否发音。 *注意后面跟的词的第一个字母如是元音字 母u,所发的音是否/ju:/,如是,不定冠词就用a 记住特殊:an honest ,an hour , a university student, a UFO, (1)一般词尾直接加s:cap-capstask- tasksstar-starstree-treeshouse-houses exercise-exercises student-students (2)以s,x,sh,ch结尾的词,在词尾加es:bus- busesbox-boxeswatch

4、-watchesdish-dishes 但:stomach-stomachs (3)以f或fe结尾的词,把f或fe改为ves: shelf-shelveslifelivesknife-knives leaf-leaveswifewiveshalfhalves wolf-wolves例外:roof/roofschief/chiefs 2.可数名词的复数形式(规则变化) (4)以辅音字母+y结尾的词,变y为i+es:story storiesbabybabiescountrycountriesparty partiesdictionry-dictionaries 例外:daydaysboy-boy

5、stoy-toysplay-plays (5)以o结尾的词,有生命力的加es,没有生命力 的加s:(zeros/zeroes都可以) a.potato-potatoeshero-heroes tomatotomatoes(例外:bamboos) b.radio/radiospiano/pianoszoo/zoos photo/photos 不规则变化 1.词本身发生特殊变化: 2.单复同形: (1)man改成men:manmen,womanwomen gentlemangentlemenpolicemanpolicemen gentleman-gentlemen(绅士) (2)oo改成ee:f

6、ootfeet,toothteeth goosegeese (3)其它:mousemice,childchildren sheepsheepdeerdeer ChineseChineseJapaneseJapanese fish-fish 3.表示“某国人”的名词,其变化有三种情况 a. 单复数相同:aJapanese-fiveJapanese aChinese-twoChinese b. 将man变为men:aFrenchman-twoFrenchmen (Englishman-EnglishmenEnglishwoman- Englishwomen) c. 以an结尾的名词,在后面+s:a

7、German- fiveGermans (Russian-RussiansAmerican-Americans Indian-IndiansItalian-Italians Korean-KoreansAustralianAustralians Canadian-Canadians) 4.常以复数形式出现的名词 trousersglassesshorts pants socks clothes thanks 5.复合名词的复数形式 a.将主体名词变为复数 aboystudentboystudents男学生 aflowershopflowershops花店 adiningroomdiningro

8、oms餐室 anappletree-appletrees苹果树 girlstudent-girlstudents女学生 twinsister-twinsisters双胞姐妹 twinbrother-twinbrothers双胞兄弟 stonebridge-stonebridges石头桥 b.当名词的第一个构成部分为man或 woman时,将2个构成部分均变为复数 awomanteacher-twowomenteachers amannurse-twomennurses amanteacher-manymenteachers awomandoctor-threewomendoctors 可数名词

9、和不可数名词的共同特点 (1) (1)可修饰可数名词和不可数名词的形容词可修饰可数名词和不可数名词的形容词 :some /any/a lot of /lots of/plenty of +some /any/a lot of /lots of/plenty of + 可数不可数名词可数不可数名词 (2 2)定冠词既可以修饰可数名词也可以修饰)定冠词既可以修饰可数名词也可以修饰 不可数名词。不可数名词。 如:如: the pear ,the house, the water,the the pear ,the house, the water,the air, the homework, the

10、 meat, the adviceair, the homework, the meat, the advice 既可做可数名词,又做不可数名词的: 可数名词不可数名词 a paper paper 纸 a glass glass 玻璃 an iron iron 铁 a room room 空间 a chicken chicken 鸡肉 a beauty beauty 美 a youth youth 青春 a fish fish 鱼肉 一张报纸 一个玻璃杯 一个熨斗 一个房间 一只小鸡 一个美人 一个青年 一条鱼 如何表示不可数名词的量如何表示不可数名词的量 1.1.表示不可数名词的数量时,通过

11、可数的词来表示其表示不可数名词的数量时,通过可数的词来表示其 量量, ,表示结构为表示结构为“ “数词数词+ +表量的名词表量的名词+of+of+不可数名词不可数名词” ” 。 如:如:a piece of bread -two pieces of bread , a piece of bread -two pieces of bread , a bag of rice-three bags of rice a bag of rice-three bags of rice a bottle of ink-five bottles of ink a bottle of ink-five bott

12、les of ink a piece of news-four pieces of news a piece of news-four pieces of news a piece of advice, a block of ice, a piece of advice, a block of ice, a piece of work, a cup of tea a piece of work, a cup of tea a basket of food, a drop of water a basket of food, a drop of water a box of milk-two b

13、oxes of milk a box of milk-two boxes of milk 主谓一致 1. 当class, family, team, group, public 等集体名 词做主语时,如果看成一个整体,动词就用 单数;看成一个个具体成员时,就用复数。 e.gTheclassarewaitingforher. Tomsfamily_ratherbig. Tomsfamily_filmfans. is are 2. news, maths, politics 表示单数意义,动 词用单数。 e.gThenewsmakesherveryhappy. Maths_noteasyforhi

14、m.is 3. 像goods, compasses, chopsticks, shoes, glasses, trousers, savings,belongs ,shorts,pants,stocks, scissors 等表示复数含义的词,动词用复数。 e.gTheshoeshers. Thesavings_foryourfutureuse. are 请辨析:Apairofglasses_onthetable. Twopairsofglasses_onthetable. is are are 4. police, people(人们), youth(青年们) 只 有单数形式,但表示复数意义

15、,动词用复数 。 e.gThepolicearegatheringinthestreet. TheChinesepeople_peace.love 但是: people当“民族”,youth当“男青年”讲 时,有单复数之分 e.gHeisayouthof20. ManyEnglish-speakingpeoples_thisbook.like 5. 像deer、sheep等单复同形的词,动词 单复根据具体情况定 e.gAdeerisoverthereinthefield. Agroupofdeer_overthereinthefield. are 6.Thepoetandmusician_pr

16、esentattheparty. Thesingeranddancer_justarrived. Thebreadandthebutter_ready. was has are 8. Both and 的谓语动词用复数形式。 e.g.Bothheandhisfather_there. were 7. 采取就近一致原则的句型结构: Therebee.g.There_abookandtwoapplesonthedesk. notonlybutalsoe.gNotonlyyoubutalsohe_right. eitherore.gEitherheorI_wrong. neithernore.gNeithershenorI_right. is is am am e.gFiveminutes_enoughtodothis. Tenmilesjourney_tiringforus. Aboatslength_aslongasthe bed. Twopoundsweight_OK. is is 9. 表示时间、距离、金额、度量等的数名词,看 作整体,动词用单数。 e.gEighthoursofsl


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