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1、2021年成人高考专升本英语试题及答案一你在准备成人高考吗?考试栏目组为你提供了20_年成人高考专升本英语精选试题及答案一,希望能帮助到你,更多相关资讯,请关注网站更新。20_年成人高考专升本英语精选试题及答案一1.The book is written so that a reader will benefit in a future _with a work of art.A.conflict B.investment C.encounter D.evaluation2.We had better move forward, for it will not do us any good t

2、o _the past .A.dwell on B.shrug off C.live on D.single out.3.Can you list a few problems likely to _the human race in the ne_t few decades?A.occupy B.frustrate C.confront D.fracture4.They will give presentations on those aspects of engineering that are having an _on the development of military equip

3、ment.A.impact B.lication C.indication D.intent5.The new project designed to create more jobs for the laid-off has been _quietly and without fuss.A.established B.criticized C.lauded D.launched6.During the talks both sides agreed to _possible areas of co-operation.A.undo B.conclude C.e_plore D.registe

4、r7.These schools e under the supervision of locally _mittees.A.rotated B.consisted C.posed D.ointed8.Andrew was determined to _a puter career after graduation.A.shave B.ly C.select D.pursue9.The body cannot store vitamin C so it is _to have a fresh supply every day.A.visible B.essential C.ultimate D

5、.profound10.If you love plants, the chances are you buy them on _and then wonder where to put them.A.cue B.display C.impulse D.purpose11.The spending cuts made it impossible to fill the posts left _by retired teachers.A.depressed B.jealous C.vacant D.dissatisfied12.Susan is never know to be prompted

6、 to follow fashions, however attractive they may seem .A.granted B.prompted C.addicted D.tempted13._to miss the lectures on Sunday, I had to cut short the visit and came back on Saturday.A.Emotional B.Reluctant C.Spontaneous D.Mysterious14.Edward had done e_tremely well in the entrance e_aminations,

7、 which convinced his father that he was_financial support.A.capable of B.short of C.sure of D.worthy of15.Our firm can help you _a scheme to meet your needs in the most cost-effective way.A.devise B.resolve C.e_tend D.reciate16.They stood in the rain for two hours, but they _for Mr.Ying, because he

8、didnt e at all.A mustnt have waited B may not have waitedC cant have waited D neednt have waited17.The girl _left him a few weeks ago.A he fell in love with B whom he fell in loveC that he fell in love D with who he fell in love18._I arrived in South Africa, I was struck by the very great difference

9、 in the atmosphere of the country.A Since the moment B During the timeC By that time D From the moment19.An object remains still or in a straight line motion _a force acts upon it.A unless B because C when D if20.There was a good harvest last year, _, rice was rather cheap.A furthermore B therefore

10、C but D however21.Such problems _air and water pollution have no limited boundaries.A like B about C as D like22.Tom _the manager this afternoon, but he forgot.A should have telephoned B could telephoneC must have telephoned D might telephone23.Either the plant or the flowers will lose _freshness.A

11、his B its C theirs D their24.New medicines are usually tested on animals _being tried on human beings.A after B before C for D when25.Mr.Johnson suggested _before details are discussed.A not to draw a conclusion B should not draw a conclusionC to draw not a conclusion D not drag a conclusion26.The h

12、ost had no sooner opened the door _he saw a dark figure behind it.A before B after C when D than27.No machines _have been invented by man are perfect enough to bring aboutonly advantages to us.A that B than C since D which28.The woman admitted, after being questioned for several hours, _someoneelses

13、 credit card.A to use B having used C to have used D uses29.We often do not get the cooperation we want because we believe that cooperation is given rather than _.A earned B to be earned C to be earning D earning30.The reason why he sends her a gift immediately is _if he doesnt.A because she will have disointed B that she will be disointedC because she will be disointed D that she will disoint答案;1-5 C A B A D 6-10 C D D B C11-15 C C B D A 16-20 D A D A B21-25 C A D B D 26-30 D A B A B第 8 页 共 8 页


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