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1、防控疫情英语日记带翻译关于防控疫情英语日记带翻译家国情怀首先是要有一个国,然后才有一个家,家国两相依。国难当头,他们日夜不停地从死神那里抢来一个又一个感染上新冠肺炎的患者,他们就是拥有家国情怀,奋战在第一线的白衣天使。The feeling of home and country is first to have a country, then to have a family, and the two depend on eachronavirus pneumonia, they constantly rush from death to another one who is infecte

2、d with new crown pneumonia.They are the white angels who have the national feelings and fight in the front line.我的爸爸也是白衣天使。在去支援武汉之前,他奋战在江苏,负责南京、镇江和常州片区。别人都闭门不出,而他在家时电话不断,不在家时要不去外地会诊,要不在医院远程会诊。这样忙碌的情况下他还在每天想着什么时候有机会去支援武汉?我不懂缘由好奇地问:“为什么?那里那么危险,你去干什么,不是白白的把自己送进&ls;虎口&rs;?”爸爸笑着对我说:“这你就错了。现在全国各地都有感染的患者,国

3、家危难之际,如果每个人都像你一样,那么又有谁会去前线奋战呢?有国才有家,非常时期我们更应该尽自己的责任,不能退缩!而且爸爸现在有了治疗新冠肺炎的.经验,更应该冲锋前阵!”听完爸爸的这翻话,我似懂非懂地点了点头。My father is also an angel in white.Before going to support Wuhan, he worked hard in Jiangsu, in charge of Nanjing, Zhenjiang and Changzhou.Others are locked up, and he keeps on calling when he i

4、s at home.When he is not at home, he has to go to other places for consultationsultation in the hospital.In such a busy situation, he still thinks about when he will have the chance to support Wuhan every day.I dont understand the reason and ask curiously, “why? Its so dangerous there.What are you g

5、oing to do? Its not to send yourself into the” tiger mouth “?” Dad said to me with a smile, “you areronavirus pneumonia is a mon disease.If anyone is like you, who will go to the front to fight? When there is a country, we will have a family.We should do our duty and not shrink back in a very short

6、time.And now Dad has the e_perience of treating new crowns and phlebitis, and he should rush ahead.”After hearing this, Dad nodded my head.。没过多久,爸爸终于实现他的愿望了,成为江苏省第七批支援武汉医疗队中的一员。我和妈妈去医院的平台送他,看见不少人洒泪而别。去武汉就等于上战场,白衣天使们与病毒“刀剑相向”。爸爸临行前对我说:“在家好好听妈妈的话,等我回来!”我点了点头。车开了,“滴答”天空中下雨了,一滴一滴地敲打在地面上,我的眼眶也湿润了,不知是雨水落到

7、眼睛中,还是车子越行越远,直至消失在我的视线范围内。“我们回家吧!”妈妈颤抖的声音打破了沉寂。我默默地跟在后面一声不吭,心里充满不舍和担忧。Before long, Dad finally realized his wish and became one of the seventh batch of medical teams supporting Wuhan in Jiangsu Province.My mother and I went to the hospital platform to see him off, and saw many people shed tears.Goin

8、g to Wuhan is equal to going to the battlefield.The angels in white face the virus “sword”.Before my father left, he said to me, “Im good at home and listen to my mother.Wait for me to e back!” I nodded.When the car started, it rained in the sky of “Tita”.I knocked on the ground one by one, and my e

9、yes were wet.I dont know whether the rain fell into my eyes or The car went farther and farther until it diseared into my sight.“Letthers trembling voice broke the silence.I followed in silence, full of reluctance and worry.回到家坐在椅子上,爸爸那句“有国才有家,非常时期我们更应该尽自己的责任,不能退缩”一直萦绕在我耳边。我忽然明白了一个人愿意把自己的生命奉献给正在危难中的

10、国家,愿意尽自己所能去帮助正在危难中的国家,这不就是家国情怀吗?When I came back home and sat on the chair, my fathers saying ”only when there is a country can there be a home.We should do our duty in an e_traordinary period, and we cant shrink back&t; always haunted me.I suddenly understood that a person is willing to dedicate hi

11、s life to a country in crisis, and is willing to do what he can to help a country in crisis.Isnt that the feeling of home and country?是啊!爸爸那句话不就是这个意思吗?首先是要有国这个大家,然后才我们的小家!爸爸,一切平安!白衣天使们,加油!武汉,加油!中国,加油!Yes! Isnt that what Dad said? First of all, we should have a country, then our family! Dad, everything is safe! Angels in white, e on! Wuhan, e on! China, e on!第 3 页 共 3 页



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