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1、目录 Chapter 1Concepts for English Teaching in Schools Chapter 2ELT Methods and Approaches in and outside China Chapter 3Elements of English Teaching in Schools Chapter 4Principles of English Teaching in Schools Chapter 5Strategies of English Teaching in Schools Chapter 6Instructional Design for Engli

2、sh Teaching Chapter 7Process of English Teaching in Schools Chapter 8Activities of Teaching English in Schools Chapter 9Teaching English Language Knowledge in Schools Chapter 10Teaching English Listening and Speaking in Schools Chapter 11Teaching English Reading and Writing in Schools Chapter 12Teac

3、hing English Learning Strategies in Schools Chapter 13Teaching English Culture and Affection in Schools Chapter 14Educational Technology and Resources for English Teaching in Schools Chapter 15Assessment and Testing for English in Schools Chapter 16Evaluation on Teaching English in Schools Chapter 1

4、7Research on English Teaching in Schools Chapter 18Professional Development of English Teachers in Schools Chapter 1Concepts for English Teaching in Schools Section 1 1. Based on the theories in this unit, what are the main educational factors that cause teacher Ls wholehearted enthusiasm to meet wi

5、th cold indifference from his students? Key: In the first place, teaching is an interactive activity in which both teachers and students become more developed. Teacher L conducts a completely exam-oriented teaching, which is boring and mundane. He is ignorant of students learning needs and there is

6、no interaction between them. Secondly, in language teaching, the more important factor is students positive and active approach to learning. Teacher L obviously doesnt care about students motivation and incentive; he crams learning materials and exam content in the students, regardless of students e

7、motional response. Lastly, teaching should be teacher-led but students-centered activity. Here teacher L takes teaching as teacher-led and exam-centered. He is putting the cart before the horse. Only by focusing on students learning needs and motivation can they perform well in exams and achieve lea

8、rning goals. 2. In your opinion, what kind of classroom teaching activity conforms to the essence of education? Key: The essence of teaching is to lead students to develop and the teachers job is to help students to find answers by themselves and to explore language learning methods by themselves. T

9、herefore, the teaching activity that conforms to the essence of education is a series of questions thrown to students to help deduce proper answers. Section 2 1. What do you think are the main causes for the misunderstanding in the argument “English teaching in elementary and middle schools in China

10、 cannot be communicative competence oriented”? Key: It ignores the fact that language is the tool for communication and communication is the function of language. It is through interpersonal communication that language remains active and vigorous. Therefore, one of the teaching goals of elementary a

11、nd middle school English should be to develop students communicative competence. If communication is removed from the goals of English teaching, then language learning becomes a boring process of memorization. Theres no fun in it. Besides, without focusing on communication, language learning will be

12、 far from effective, since communication is the best way to learn all languages. 2. After reflection on your own English study, identify what your main learning problems are. Key: The main learning problems may include: 1) fear of speaking English, especially in public; 2) lack of motivation; 3) imb

13、alance of fun and homework. Section 3 1. What do you think is the major mistake in the viewpoint “ones vocabulary size is the indicator of whether ones English learning is successful”? Key: This statement overemphasizes the role of vocabulary. It should be noted that vocabulary constitutes only a pa

14、rt of language; there is also grammar. Even if one has a good mastery of vocabulary and grammar, there are still culture and style to bear in mind. A successful English learner should have certain awareness of culture with a good command of vocabulary and grammar. S/he should be able to adjust his o

15、r her style on different occasions; his or her knowledge of English should be able to satisfy his or her needs successfully. 2. What do you think the essential difference between an English language curriculum and an English literacy curriculum is? How do you understand the instrumental nature of En

16、glish curriculum and the humanist nature of English curriculum in the National Curriculum Standards for English in Schools in China (MOE, 2001)? Key: 1) The essential difference is that an English language curriculum is to develop students overall competence in English. Its teaching and learning process is to cultivate students proficiency in the basic four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. By the end of the learning, students should be able to communicate effectively in English,



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