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1、目录 Unit 1 一、词汇短语 二、全文翻译 三、课文精解 四、练习答案 Unit 2 一、词汇短语 二、全文翻译 三、课文精解 四、练习答案 Unit 3 一、词汇短语 二、全文翻译 三、课文精解 四、练习答案 Unit 4 一、词汇短语 二、全文翻译 三、课文精解 四、练习答案 Unit 5 一、词汇短语 二、全文翻译 三、课文精解 四、练习答案 Unit 6 一、词汇短语 二、全文翻译 三、课文精解 四、练习答案 Unit 7 一、词汇短语 二、全文翻译 三、课文精解 四、练习答案 Unit 8 一、词汇短语 二、全文翻译 三、课文精解 四、练习答案 Unit 9 一、词汇短语 二、全

2、文翻译 三、课文精解 四、练习答案 Unit 10 一、词汇短语 二、全文翻译 三、课文精解 四、练习答案 Unit 11 一、词汇短语 二、全文翻译 三、课文精解 四、练习答案 Unit 12 一、词汇短语 二、全文翻译 三、课文精解 四、练习答案 Unit 13 一、词汇短语 二、全文翻译 三、课文精解 四、练习答案 Unit 14 一、词汇短语 二、全文翻译 三、课文精解 四、练习答案 Unit 15 一、词汇短语 二、全文翻译 三、课文精解 四、练习答案 Unit 1 一、词汇短语 Text I 1resolution 7rezE5lju:FEn n. a resolving to d

3、o something决心,决定: 【搭配】determined/ unshakable/ inflexible resolution坚定的决心;come to/ form/ make/ take a resolution下定决心 2bless bles vt. to confer well-being or prosperity on保佑,赐福:be blessed with 有幸拥有 3boundless 5baJndlIs adj. having no boundaries or limits无限的,无边 无际的:Stars are twinkling in the boundless

4、sky.在辽阔无垠的天空上到处 是繁星闪烁。 4tiptoe 5tiptEu vi. to walk or move quietly on ones toes踮起脚走:She tiptoed to the bedside of the sleeping child.她用脚尖悄悄地走到酣睡的孩 子床前。tiptoe与pad,creep,sneak都表示“放轻脚步走”:tiptoe指用脚 尖走。pad指光着脚或穿着柔软的鞋有规则地走,如:He pad about the house in his slippers.他穿着拖鞋在家中走来走去。creep指蹑手蹑脚,缓 慢地、悄悄地走,creep还可指

5、动物的爬行或植物的蔓延。sneak多用于 鬼鬼祟祟的行为,如:I had to sneak around and hide my smoking from my parents.为了抽烟我必须鬼鬼祟祟地躲开我的父母。 5spontaneous spCn5teinjEs, -niEs adj. arising from a natural inclination or impulse and not from external incitement or constraint自发的,自然产生 的。其名词形式为spontaneity /7spCntE5ni:iti/ 自发性 6affection

6、E5fekFEn n. feeling of liking or love and caring喜爱:其形 容词形式为affectionate /E5fekFEnit/ 亲爱的,挚爱的;与之容易混淆的 词为affectation/7Afek5teiFEn/n.假装,做作 7shriek Fri:k n. / v. a shrill, often frantic cry尖叫:与之意思相近的词 有scream,screech,squeal,yelp,其中shriek经常是疯狂地尖叫; scream一般来讲表示一种延长的刺耳声音,暗示着经受了身体上或者情 感上的痛苦;screech强调一种高声的、刺

7、耳的、经常令人烦恼的声音; squeal尤指小孩突然发出的高声尖叫;yelp指因疼痛而发出的短暂叫 喊。 8sneak sni:k v. to move, give, take, or put in a quiet, stealthy manner偷 偷地做:He sneaked candy into his mouth.他偷偷地把糖塞进嘴巴。 9sincere sin5siE adj. being without hypocrisy or pretense; true真诚的, 真实的:Please give my sincere regards to all the members of y

8、our family. 请向你全家转达我真挚的问候。 10compliment 5kCmplimEnt n. lessen减轻,缓和:The doctor prescribed a drug to ease his pain.医生拿药来减轻他的病痛。 20brand-new brAnd5 nju: adj. being in a fresh and unused condition; completely new崭新的:I give you endless brand-new good wishes.给你我 无尽的新的祝福。 21defensively di5fensivli adv. in

9、a defensive manner防御地 22put away put sth. in its proper place放好某物:She washed the cups and put them away.她洗完杯子后便把他们收了起来。 23scout skaut n. an organization for boys that teaches them practical skills童子军 24trivial 5triviEl adj. of little significance; ordinary琐碎的,普通的: Dont be angry over such trivial mat

10、ters.别为这些琐事生气。 25zest zest n. vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment热情,热忱:He entered into our plans with terrific zest.他满腔热情地参加了我们的项目。 26sarcastic sB:5kAstik adj. given to using sarcasm讽刺的:She has a sarcastic tongue.她喜欢挖苦人。 27mitten 5mitn n. a type of glove that does not have separate parts for each fi

11、nger连指手套 28jack dVAk n. a childrens game in which the players try to pick up small objects called jacks while bouncing and catching a ball抛石游戏,抓 子游戏 29strike up to start开始:strike up a conversation开始交谈:We immediately struck up a lively conversation.我们立即愉快地交谈起来。 30rapport rA5pC:t n. friendly agreement

12、 and understanding between people关系,友好:establish a pleasant form of rapport with sb.与某人建 立起一种宜人的融洽关系 31touch on mention sth. briefly简述,略微提及:In his lecture on geology, he touched on the subject of climate.他在关于地质学的报告中, 也 涉及气候问题。 32morality mR5rAlItI n. beliefs or ideas about what is right and wrong an

13、d about how people should behave道德:Jacelin is a person of strict morality.杰斯林是个品行极其端正的人。 33sponge spQndV n. a piece of a soft natural or artificial substance full of small holes, which can suck up liquid and is used for washing海绵 34dread dred v. to be in terror of畏惧,害怕:I dread a visit to the dentist

14、.我害怕去看牙医。 35whittle 5(h)witl vt. cut small bits or pare shavings from削,切:Dont whittle the stick down too much or it wont be long enough.别把那棍削得太 多,不然就不够长了。 36cross-examine krRsI5zAmIn v. to question a person closely盘诘,反 复询问:cross-examine a witness盘问证人 37commotion kE5mEuFEn n. a lot of noise, confusio

15、n, and excitement骚 动,暴乱:They made a commotion by yelling at each other in the theatre. 他们在剧院里相互争吵, 引起了一阵骚乱。 38uneasily 9Qni:zIlI adv. with anxiety or apprehension不安地,不自在 地:The audience shifted uneasily in their seats.观众在座位上不安地动来 动去。 39even-tempered 5i:vEn5tempEd adj. easygoing; calm性情平和的,温 和的:an eve

16、n-tempered character性情温和的人 40snarl snB:l n. unnerve使慌乱,使不安:The accident rattled me.事故使我不安。 2wicket 5wikit n. a) a small door or gate, especially one built into or near a larger one小门,边门;b) a small window or opening, often fitted with glass or a grating窗口:Buy your tickets at this wicket.请在此窗口买票。 3threshold 5WreFhEuld n. a) an entrance or a doorway门槛,入口;b) the place or point of beginning; the outset起点,开端:at the threshold of 在的开始 4transact trAn5zAkt vt. to conduct business做交易:They transact business



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