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1、【高考试题】2006-2015年全国各地高考英语试题分类汇编:交际用语06全国Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bank is, please?Oh yes!Its past the post office, next to a big market.A.Mm, let me think.B.Oh, I beg your pardon?C.Youre welcome.D.What do you mean?答案A考点本题考查了在真实语境中交际用语的使用。解析由答话者Oh, yes!可知其一下子想不起最近的银行在哪, 故应说Mm, let m

2、e think.答句句意 “哦, 让我想一想, 对了, 经过邮局(之后), (它)就在一家大市场旁边”。06全国Will you be able to finish your report today?.A.I like itB.I hope soC.Ill do soD.Id love it答案B考点本题考查交际用语。解析句意为:今天你能完成报告吗?我想能够吧。由句意可知选I hope so。06山东How did you find your visit to Qingdao, Joanna? .A.Oh, wonderful indeedB.I went there aloneC.Firs

3、t by train and then by shipD.A guide showed me the way答案A考点本题考查交际用语。解析问话是用来询问对某事的看法, 答语要与之相对应。How do you find.?意为 “你认为怎么样?”06江西Im dead tired.I cant walk any farther, Jenny., Tommy.You can do it!A.No problemB.No hurryC.Come onD.Thats OK答案C考点本题考查情景交际。解析由 “珍妮, 我累死了, 我再也走不动了。” “ , 托尼, 你行的。”可知, 所填部分应该是表示

4、鼓励, 为对方加油的话。Come on.用于祈使句, 表示劝导、鼓励、不耐烦等, 常译为 “来吧, 再加把劲, 振作起来, 别泄气, 得了吧”等。06江西Michael was late for Mr.Smiths oral class this morning.? As far as I know, he never came late to class.A.How comeB.So whatC.Why notD.What for答案A考点本题考查情景交际。解析How come?常用于口语, 表示惊讶, 意为 “为什么?怎么搞的?”;So what?意为 “那有什么了不起, 那又怎样”;Wh

5、y not? 表示对他人所说的或建议做出肯定反应或表示同意, 意为 “为什么不”;What for?意为 “为什么”。根据答语可知对迈克尔迟到感到很惊讶, 故选How come。06安徽How are you getting on with your cleaning?Do you need my help?, but I think Im all right.A.No, thanksB.Thats OKC.You are helpfulD.Thats very kind of you答案D考点本题考查情景交际。解析由第一句Do you need any help?及下句but I think

6、 Im all right可选Thats very kind of you用以表示感谢。意为:太好了。太感激你了。06安徽Its been raining for a whole week.I think itll get fine soon.We are getting into the rainy season now.A.Yes, it willB.Of course notC.Its possibleD.Its hard to say答案D考点本题考查情景交际。解析由上下文语境看, 天气晴否难说。06江苏It took me ten years to build up my busin

7、ess, and it almost killed me.Well, you know what they say,.A.There is no smoke without fireB.Practice makes perfectC.All roads lead to RomeD.No pains, no gains答案D考点此题为谚语。解析There is no smoke without fire意为 “无风不起浪”; Practice makes perfect意为 “熟能生巧”; All roads lead to Rome意为 “条条大路通罗马”; No pains, no gain

8、s意为 “不劳无获”。在此题的情景中, 对于创业的艰辛只有D项符合要求。06广东Andrew wont like it, you know.? I dont care what Andrew thinks!A.So whatB.So whereC.So whyD.So how答案A考点本题考查情景交际。解析意为 “那么怎样呢?”。06广东Excuse me, Sir, is the swimming pool open all day?Only from 6:00 p.m.to 10:00 p.m.A.Thats right.B.Yes, of curse.C.Sorry, I am not

9、sure.D.Sorry, Im afraid not.答案D考点本题考查情景交际。解析用否定回答, D项符合题意。06四川Do you mind my smoking here?.A.No, thanksB.No.Good ideaC.Yes, pleaseD.Yes.Better not答案D考点本题考查情景交际。解析A、B、C三项答语都自相矛盾, 句意为:你介意我在这儿吸烟吗?是的(我介意), 你最好别吸。06陕西Im terribly sorry that I made your table cloth dirty.A.Never mindB.Dont mention itC.That

10、s rightD.Sorry答案A考点本题考查情景交际。解析从 “我很抱歉把你的桌布弄脏了”来看下文应是表示宽慰对方的答语。Never mind.不要紧。而Dont mention it.常用于回答感谢。C, D两选项直接排除。06天津Im thinking of the test tomorrow.Im afraid I cant pass this time.!Im sure youll make it.A.Go aheadB.Good luckC.No problemD.Cheer up答案D考点本题考查交际用语。解析由后句 “Im sure youll make it.我相信你会成功的

11、”可知, 应是对对方的鼓励和信任。Cheer up可用于表达鼓励、促进的含义, 相当于Come on.作此意时的用法。Go ahead.意为 “做吧”, 用以表达对前面说话人的提议的支持和许可。06辽宁These books are too heavy for me to carry.A.You may ask for help.B.Ill give you a hand.C.Ill do you a favor.D.Id come to help.答案B考点本题考查交际用语。解析A项和D项不符合交际用语的表达习惯;而do sb. a favor往往在请求对方帮忙时使用;give sb. a

12、hand=help sb.帮某人的忙。06辽宁Im sorry Im late.I got held up in the traffic on my way here. .A.Dont be late next timeB.You should be blamedC.It doesnt matter.Im also lateD.Never mind.Come and sit down答案D考点本题考查交际用语。解析该题应首先对 “Im sorry”作出答复, 故排除A、B两项;C项中的 “Im also late”不符合英语的表达习惯, 故排除。06浙江Would you take this

13、along to the office for me?.A.With pleasureB.Thats rightC.Never mindD.Dont mention it答案A考点此题考查交际用语。解析当请求某人做某事时, 对方一般是同意的, 回答时, 用With pl easure.十分愿意。06湖北You know who came yesterday?Yao Ming? We had a basketball match.He came and watched the game.A.You guessed it!B.How did you know that?C.Well done!D.

14、That was good news!答案A考点本题考查情景交际。解析You guessed it!为肯定回答 “你说对了!”符合题意。06重庆Would you like some more soup?.It is delicious, but Ive had enough.A.Yes, pleaseB.No, thank you C.Nothing moreD.Id like some答案B考点本题考查情景交际。解析根据句意, 如果你想再喝点汤的话, 用Yes, please;如果不想喝了, 用No, thanks, 答语中有but Ive had enough, 因此判断B项正确。06重庆How about seeing the new movie at the theatre tonight?,


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