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1、八年级上册Unit 4 Our worldTopic 2 How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?一重点句型:Section A1.A terrible earthquake struck Qinghai.一场可怕的地震袭击了青海。 strike意为“侵袭,爆发”,过去式struck。 The lightning struck again. 雷电再次闪击。2. Many buildings fell down.Some people died and many people are missing. 许多建筑倒塌,很多人死亡,还有许多人

2、失踪。 fall down 倒塌,跌倒,下落;I fell down and hurt my knee. 我摔倒弄伤了膝盖。3. And I know that there were anther two terrible earthquakes in China. 我还直到发生在中国的另外两次严重的地震。another意为:“又一,再一,另一(事物或人)”,后面可接单数名词、数字加复数的名词。 another + 数字 + 复数名词 = 数字 +more +复数名词; Would you like another apple?你想再来一个苹果吗? another 3 hours = 3 mo

3、re hours 另外三个小时;4. Im very sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息很遗憾。表达听者难过、同情或抱歉的心情。此句是表示关心的句子。-I have a bad cold today. 今天我得了重感冒。 - Im very sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息很遗憾。5. I think the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 was more serious than this one,but the Tangshan earthquake in 1976 was the most serious. 我认为2008年

4、的汶川地震比这个地震要严重,但是1976年的唐山大地震是最严重的。 more serious 是比较级形式。 多音节和部分双音节形容词和副词的比较级由“more+形容词或副词”构成,最高级由“the most + 形容词或副词”构成。Lily is more beautiful than Lucy, but Nancy is the most beautiful girl among the three girls. 莉莉比露西漂亮,但南茜是她们三个中最漂亮的。6. How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake? 我们在地震中应该怎样来保护自

5、己呢? A. protect v. 保护,名词形式是:protection。We should pay attention to the protection of the Great Wall. 我们应该重视对长城的保护。B. protect.from.保护免受的伤害;You need wear warm clothes to protect you from the cold. 你需要穿暖些免着凉。Section B1. Did you hear about the Yushu earthquake in Qinghai Province? 你有听说在青海玉树的地震吗?A. hear ab

6、out听说、得知;Ive just heard about his illness. 我刚听说他生病的事。 B. hear from收到的信或电报; I havent heard from him since he telephoned. 自从那次他来电话后,我一直没有收到他的来信。 C. hear of也有“听说”的意思,但跟hear about 有区别。hear about后常接事件之类的名词,而hear of后则常接人或事物。 Have you heard about the accident? 你听说那场事故了吗? I havent heard of her for a long ti

7、me。 我好久没有她的消息了。 2. It was a level 7.1 earthquake. 这是一场7.1级的地震。7.1 读作 seven point one。3. I was very sad when I got the news. 当我听到这个新闻,我很难过。此句等同于:When I got the news, I was sad.I will call you when I get there. 我一到那里就给你打电话。4. Do you know how to protect yourselves from the earthquake? 你们知道如何在地震中保护自己免受伤

8、害吗?“疑问词+动词不定式”构成特殊的不定式。How to get there is a question. 怎样去那里是个问题。(作主语)The question is when to start . 问题是什么时候出发。(作表语)I dont know what to do next. 我不知道下一步该怎样做。(作宾语) 5. I think we should run out of the door.我认为我们应该跑出门。 out of 意为“(从里)出来;没有,缺少”等。 Im running out of ideas. 我快没办法了。6. The most important thi

9、ng is to stay calm. 最重要的事情是保持冷静。Section C1. Knowing some ways to protect yourself will help to keep you safe in the earthquake. 了解一些保护自己的方法可以帮助你在地震中保持安全。2. Sitting on the floor in a doorway or close to a wall is safer than standing in the middle of a room . 坐在门道或靠墙的地板上比站在房间中间更安全。3. Remember to prote

10、ct you head and neck with your arms. 记得用你的手臂保护你的头和脖子。(1) remember to do sth. 记得去做某事(未做); remember doing sth. 记得做了某事(已做);Please remember to send the letter for me. 记住要帮我寄信。I remember sending the letter. 我记得把信寄走了。类似表达: forget to do sth.忘记要做某事(未做);forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事。(已做)(2) with在句中是“用”的意思,表示用什么工具

11、。in作“用”时,用语言。by指“靠.手段;用.方法”,所表示的方法、手段比较抽象。I can sing songs in English. 我可以唱英语歌。 He makes a living by teaching. 他靠教书为生。We write with pens . 我们用笔写。4. Stay away from windows , tall furniture and pictures or anything may fall on you . 远离窗户,高的家具和图片或者任何可能弄到你的东西。 get / stay away from . 离开,远离;Get away from

12、me. Im so busy. 快走开,我太忙了。5. Be careful of fallen power lines. 千万小心掉落的电线。 be careful of 意为“注意;当心”, 相当于take care of。 Be careful of the cars, when you cross the road. 过马路的时候小心车。6. There will be some shocks after most earthquakes.大多数地震后还将有一些剧烈震动。 there be 的一般将来时为there will be或there is going to be。 There

13、 will be a wonderful concert this weekend.本周末将有一场精彩的音乐会。7. We call them aftershocks and they sometimes can be more dangerous than the first earthquake. 我们叫它们余震,它们有时候比第一次地震还要危险。8. You may feel afraid, but you should try to stay calm. 你可能会感到害怕,但是你应该保持冷静。A. try to do sth.意为“试图或努力去做某事”,表示想尽一切办法要把事情办成。Im

14、 trying to learn English well. 我决心(尽力)学好英语。B. try doing sth.意为“尝试做某事”,”“试着(用什么方法)去做某事”,表示一种试着、做做看的做法。I tried knocking at the back door, but nobody answered. 我试着敲了敲后门,但没人回答。9. Turn off the gas and lights 关掉煤气和灯。turn off 关掉(煤气、电器开关等);turn on 打开(煤气、电器开关等);turn up调大(音量);turn down “(把收音机的音量、灯等)关小、调低;这四个短

15、语均为 动词 + 副词结构,使用代词时,应放在中间。Please turn off the light. 请关灯。Section D1 But with the help of the whole nation, people in Wenchuan are rebuilding their home now and they are returning to normal life.但是在全国人民的帮助下,汶川人民政治重建家园并回归到正常的生活之中。 (1) with the help of 意为“在的帮助下”。 With the help of Mr. King, I passed the English exam.在金老师的帮助下,我通过了英语考试。 (2) return to意为“重返;回归到”。 I want to return to my hometown. 我想回到家乡。2 The children be able to study in new, safe schools.孩子们能够在新的、安全的学校学习。 be able to和can 都是表示“能够”; I can/am able to l


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